He just wants to be a sort of FightBeat's Bob Kane, Batman's creator: even though he never made much money after he sold his creation to DC at least he got the prestige and recognition of having created a legend (unlike Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster who did not made a dime and never got recognition while they were alive for having created Superman).
again, I don't mind selling because I know the guys on the site will organize and do what I did 100x better. I've always been the type of person to do it all myself. But with the right leaders working together fightbeat can become a huge success again.
Originally Posted by cdogg187 I only use the forum anyway of course, Carlos has to be aware that shutting down this site means shutting down Hegman's "celebrity" status... he will be nothing more than a failed former amateur boxer of little to no significance who works as an over the hill bouncer at some low-level titty club out west... that would be a real shame because this site has transformed him from that into a failed former amateur boxer of little to no significance who works as an over the hill bouncer at some low-level titty club out west who sucks the balls of C-level fighters and takes pictures of it what a crying shame... Too bad you are such an asshole bro, as you are one of the most knowledgeable posters here, historically speaking. I was the USAF Champion twice, but hand injuries (5th metacarpal right hand) prevented me from going a lot further, but I won a lot more than I lost, so I don't think failed is the proper term. I have to pay my bills, and work 60 hours a week doing so, but I will venture to say that I work perhaps more than most folk that post here. Karl
The economy has had zero impact on my life, thank God. I have everything I need and things are looking well. It has nothing to do with the economy, but everything to do with the future of this site
dsimon writes; Well reed you know I feel you on this one bro! :: You mex and steve should talk and get back to me. Godfather is another guy who should be part of things... basically if you guys need help getting the bucks together call me and Hanzy if not buy the site. I will contribite content as I experienced Reed's dilemna and while I love Carlos like a brother haha it pissed me off a bit!
didn't we have this thread recently haha. I just want to say, that in terms of the forums this is the most smooth they've been in years, so nothing doing on there. The homepage isanother story, we need an overhaul and get back to the real basics, gathering a squad of good writers and getting things up consistently. An editor's job is hell, I want to be the first to say that FB needs a legitimate editor if and when it makes changes.
Hey Cupey if I do decide to buy this place I'm going to want all of those old threads you took off of here or no deal. Didn't the Feds give them back once they took all the info they needed?
Steve, REED etc My background is in graphic art and flash development. However I also have experience running my own websites. Graphic art and Flash are really my "bags" - but I'm perfectly proficient in hand coding HTML/CSS/JS. I was talking more about the forum before, but certainly maintaining/updating a homepage would be no problem for me. Improving and polishing the homepage would also be no problem.
I ain't got that much money, dsimon. You already know I don't get paid sh*t at my job! :: And this depression isn't helping. I'll try to help out but I probably can't chip in more than a twenty or so.
You have any websites up right now, mex? The ones you showed me a couple years back with Flash were dynamite!!! :kidcool:
well I think the server has been good to us recently. Also, if you correctly implement google advertisements, with the amount of hits you get in the forums, you might be able to generate a decent cash flow. As you can see, Google ads don't even work in the forums now and I never even tried to fix it. Still, at one point I think I made about $200-$300 in one month. Ad some local advertising and you guys can recoup the money in no time. As far as the payment, again if Darrel can get the right people involved, or Godfather, then that would be great because I trust you guys and I know the site will be in good hands. I don't want to sell to outside people. Cupey
Don't sell the site to mexican wedding shirt or steve dave. They will turn it into a fag dating site.
dsimon writes: Well It would be a pleasure to hang out with either of you blokes! I will probably see Karl soon as Louisinana is calling us with this development and the Bayou city is not too far from our location. When I do I can probably make it so I see a few of our members... Reed is a little far but fair game, TooMuchSoul who I miss here is a bit far beoing in Austin, but Karl Lok and Hairy are a drive away. I plan to take the family for a trip to Houston. I am a "city" guy and have always wanted to see Houston.
dsimon writes: Ok then let Godfther Reeds Mex and Steve assemble and then talk to me and we will try to get things done on the financial end. Cupey email those guys they are a good obvious group that could handle the various parts of the site. Also four is not a bad number if people get along and handle their shit.... I think all these guys when they want can get along with each other. I will see what I can work out to finance things. But before I put the effort in make sure these guys want to grab the reigns ok?
dsimon writes: thats ok Hanzy. You can help me get other people to maybe pitch in a bit as well. Then I can make payments to Cupey. He does not want a lot of money and the advertising should help offset his costs per month. Also Godfather might contribute as well. So for example, if godfather and I each do a third and members pitch in a third we have it covered and advertising can cover cost of the site along with a bit of capitol put on reserve.
dsimon writes: Oh you again!! see if I shave your back again! no flowers? no "thank you for swallowing Darrell?!" Turkish men are all the same. I am through with you, I plan to find myself a good Albanian iron worker.
Petre and Buddy both should be pitching in since they're both extremely rich and have ferraris and big houses and backyard swimming pools.
at least a game plan is being formulated now. With a bunch of guys working together and maybe even having ownership the future of the site will be in good hands. Cupey
I also willl have some free time in the summer. So I hope to be able to help you with articles and videos I will submit for consideration. cupey
:: I'm not going to step on anyone's toes ... looks like a plan is in the works. Under normal business conditions, lets just say , some of you wouldn't like me very much right about now. But I'm not gonna do that to anyone here. Good luck. If it falls apart, let me know. I don't do partners.
I'd be willing to be involved if there is a real team and folks are committed to it. I have web content management (both corporate and for myself) and web marketing experience. I would be willing to be the editor as long there are folks are committed to making this a quality site.
dsimon writes: Petre how about a silent group to give some capitol and we get it back in the advertising?... I mean for the amount of money involved just the tax right off is ok and it is a good deed. :: It would be nice to get a group to just throw together a few bucks to capitolize the project until advertising revenue kicked up a bit... think abut it... your a good guy for this because like myself you have experience running businesses.
Now THIS is what REED's Talking about!!!...It'd B WISE to Involve "JOE NAMATH" in this, Fellas...REED can B the Point of Contact for a Writing Team....Guys will Need to INFORM REED of what they Intend to Write about, so we Don't have 20 Articles about the SAME Shit OR, REED can ASSign Articles to those that R Willing... Forward your Finished Work to REED & he'll ProofREED B 4 Sending it to JOE NAMATH for Final Editing...JOE will have the FINAL Word on what Gets Posted...The KEY to Making this Work is Having a HOMEPAGE GURU that Posts whatever JOE NAMATH has Edited, N a TIMELY Fashion... The RESURRECTION of Fightbeat???:dunno:...Hmmmmm????... REED:hammert:
You mean to say this isn't a quality site right now as we speak? I always thought this place was fine although I think they could update the articles sometimes. Not that I ever read them anway. But still...