If Margarito was using illegal wraps, does this clear Cintron of his 2 losses?

Discussion in 'General Boxing Discussion' started by Hanz, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. Double L

    Double L Book Reader

    Jan 21, 2003
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    why should he? he was probably instructed explicitly to keep his mouth shut regarding the issue.


    Jun 15, 2003
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    CURTIS COKES' Birthplace...
    N NO Way is that Worse & It's COMICAL that U're Presenting it as Such...If he Was NEARLY as Bad, the N.Y. Commission would've DEFINITELY Suspended Trinidad...But Since the Issues WEREN'T Similar there was NO Suspension...

    N.Y. is 1 of the More REPUTABLE Boxing Commissions that we Have...If there was Anything MALICIOUS Being Done, like Using Hardened Inserts, Trinidad WOULD Have Been Suspended...

    Case CLOSED....

  3. Matchup_Analyzer

    Matchup_Analyzer Keyboard Warrior

    Sep 26, 2003
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    There is nothing comical about it,Trinidads hand wraps made news because they were done illegally,not only with too much tape, but with tape directly over the knuckles. Nazim Richardson shed light on both circumstances because they were illegal, and when accusations like this goes before the commission there are supposed to be consequences for their actions, and in the case of Tito Trinidad and Papa Trinidad there were none. If the accusations are false there likely would be repercussions. Plain and simple.
  4. Donnybrook

    Donnybrook The Greatest of Are Times

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Wherever You're Not
    MA, I agree with the spirit of your post...but those two situations in particular (Trinidad and Margarito) are simply not comparable, and I think you know that.

    The point that we should criticize any and all cheating - that's absolutely true.

    However, REED's point also holds...there is no cheating in boxing nearly as direct and dangerous as putting a hard substance in your gloves.

    So all cheating should be rightfully criticized...but that does not mean that Margarito is any "less bad" than any other cheater.

    It's like saying a burglar is just as bad as a first-degree murderer. There are varying levels of punishment for a reason.

  5. Donnybrook

    Donnybrook The Greatest of Are Times

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Wherever You're Not
    Hmmm...no. Plenty - in fact, a TON - of trainers, coaches and boxers came out of the woodwork to say they really saw nothing wrong with Papa Trinidad's method of wrapping - matter of fact, Steward himself said he had seen De La Hoya (among others) use a similar method.

    It was not clearly illegal, as there is no standard unified procedure for wrapping hands - AS LONG AS THERE IS NO FOREIGN SUBSTANCE.

    It was a psychological ploy by Team Hopkins, and I think it certainly worked...that much is true.

    THere was no punishment...because there was no real violation other than a disagreement on how hands are wrapped.

    It was never even proven what the issue really was...whether the layering of tape and gauze, or tape over the knuckles, or too much gauze, etc. etc.

  6. Barristan

    Barristan Undisputed Champion

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Margarito claims he had weight problems and he said the lesson he learnt was he shouldnt fight if he doesnt feel good:lol: also he said he's not retiring it was just a bad night.

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  7. Matchup_Analyzer

    Matchup_Analyzer Keyboard Warrior

    Sep 26, 2003
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    In Margacheatos case, apparently when nazim showed up to the dressing room Marges hands were already wrapped and signed off by the commission (Illegal pads and all).There is to be a cornerman present when the hands are wrapped. I believe Richardson was looking out for his fighters best interest both times, and I wouldn't trust any commission as far as I could piss into the wind. The issue with Tito was tape over the knucks, more gauze and more tape over the gauze on the knucks, and wet, with what? Who knows, who cares as even water would harden that combination. One good thing that could come out of this is there is a chance for what you said, a standard unified procedure of wrapping and possibly harsher consequences than what Cheatborito got.

    Bouie Fischer:
    "They have been getting away with that for a long time. I sent my people to Trinidad's locker room to make sure everything was right. When they got there they came back to me and told me that Trinidad's left hand was wrapped before they got there. So, I had to go over to his dressing room myself, this is my business and I have been doing it for over 50 years. When I got there I told them to unwrap the hand and do it over because we need to see the hand being wrapped. They refused to unwrap the hands so I told them I guess the fight will not happen then, we can reschedule to another date. The officials came in and said we don't have time to do this over. I told them, well we must do this right or no fight. They know the rules, no tape on the skin or tape on the ankle. Guess what, the officials then said, " you can go and wrap Bernard hands anyway you want." I wasn't going for that, we have to do this right, they raised hell like you couldn't believe.
    I said you can do it your way, but there will be no fight if you don't do it right. They said we are going to leave it as it is, so I told them we can reschedule the fight until next week. They didn't want to do that. This is why we had a delay coming out....they had a half roll of tape on Trinidad's left hand."

    Alton Merkerson
    First of all, the most important thing when wrapping hands is to protect three areas of the hand: back of the hand, the wrist and the thumb. The knuckles you put pad over to protect, so you won't have direct contact. My philosophy is in reference to the tape, in reference to the Commissioner, they give you a certain amount of gauze, some people say ten yards, twelve yards, even up to fifteen yards, and most people say eight feet of tape, one inch tape, as long as it's not going across the knuckles.
    Personally I don't feel that all the gauze and tape in the world you can use can add force to your blow, what it really does is protect your hands as long as you don't have tape over the top of your knuckles, but that is a rule by all Commissions all over the world, that you don't put tape over the knuckles.

    José "Pepe" Correa
    I use all the gauze I have on the hand, to make my fighter the best fist, the hardest fist that I can make, and yes, I am trying to make it as hard as I can, because we are allowed to do that. After wrapping his hands, I take the tape, I do the wrist and part of the hand area, I do not go across the knuckles, no trainer does, you are not allowed to do that, that is against the law.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  8. Tam Tam

    Tam Tam "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 4, 2006
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    I shant get involved in this with you.
  9. Double L

    Double L Book Reader

    Jan 21, 2003
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    when more tape is used to tape the glove than is provided (allowed), then the tape itself becomes the foreign substance. to the extent Tito had tape in excess of what he was allowed to have, his glove indeed contained a foreign substance.

    i think nobody in their right mind could watch the Joppy or Reid fight and not see that in hind-sight, there was something funky with Tito's hand-wraps. It even seems as though his technique was very much tailored or compromised in some cases so as to take full advantage of his illegally wrapped hands.

    Psychological ploy? B.S.
  10. KaukipRrr

    KaukipRrr "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Ignoring knowledge and indulging in echolocation.
    That's how wonderfully 'ruthless, brutal and vicious' Hopkins is with his mind games,.. after shutting his opponent out,.. him and his crew continue to make things up in perfect sync with each other in the midst of celebrating the biggest win of his career,..

    ...when it comes to psychological ploys,... the legendary Hops works OVERTIME...
  11. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Beyond The Pale

    Yes, he's back!!!:hammert:
  12. Tam Tam

    Tam Tam "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 4, 2006
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    Yet how strange is it he picks this thread to make his return.:rolleyes:

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