Margarito handwraps....contained NOTHING..

Discussion in 'General Boxing Discussion' started by ILLUMINATI, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. KaukipRrr

    KaukipRrr "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Abdullaev and Tszyu were of Eurasian blood,.. You have just outrightly stated that you think 'Europeans are all pussies',.. .. yet Im the one with the 'race scanner' on him,..:lol:. ....why dont you resent my fetish for certain black american or hispanic fighters that I like?... are they 'the right sort'... that doesn't cause you to be alarmed?...[​IMG]
  2. dsimon3387

    dsimon3387 WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    May 23, 2005
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    dsimon writes:

    Oh I read it... and it has the usual biases... thanks for your understanding, as it must be my anguish and not the character of your posts and the missionary zeal at which the latest one dimensional Euro bum is touted while true greatness like that of Hops is passed up and by?

    Kaulki your missives belie a vortex of unrepressed fantasticism towards the proud progenetors of Ero hegemony... you exxagerate Hops transgressions and amplify the ability of club fighters who know nothing but to forge straight ahead as they are punched in the chops. You liked margarito for much the same reasons until he was exposed.
  3. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    Dec 3, 2002
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    I think it is the fact that you tend to "like" these black fighters based on something to do with your hatred of a foigyter they faced

    lets be real... Jermain Taylor is an awkward fighter to watch, and he is basically a solid fighter, nothing special

    You like him because he "beat" Bernard Hopkins, and you obviously HATE him

    You LOVED Tszyu, who was DEFINITLEY NOT a "clean" rule-abiding fighter, he was dirty and rough and used his head and all of those things that Hopkins does so well. Tszyu was good at that and was a dirty fighter, damned effective.

    Until Margarito was exposed ironically enough as a cheater, you loved him too... and why not? he came forward face-first and there was no way anyone could criticize his defensive tactics, because he DIDN T HAVE ANY...

    Hatton and Wlad arent in the same galaxy as Bernard Hopkins as fighters, so no one really cares... its not a race thing, its a relevance thing. No one calls you on hating them because they arent great fighters so people arent going to respond as passionately about it... when you try and tear down a great technician (and that is what he is, no matter how much you scream about it to the contrary) like Hopkins, people are going to call you on it

    How could most of your favorite fighters from junior welterweight to heavyweight NOT be black??? the vast majority ARE black... its like saying "most of my favorite NBA players are black"
  4. KaukipRrr

    KaukipRrr "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Ignoring knowledge and indulging in echolocation.
    :doh: How can you be biased, against someone who says that they have no respect for the rules of handwrapping?... "It's only cheating, if you get caught". What other things am I biased about?,.. biased more towards the rule book, as opposed to being biased towards his illegal impliments you mean?... It's something you cannot even spin and wriggle Hopkins away from, behind the 'exaggeration' sheild, it's there as plain as day for all eyes to see, on video.

    'Ero hegemony'

    You, like a 'pattern' of several other white-american posters are alarmed by the 'potential' of a white poster supporting European fighters,... Im aware of this little problem... but you are either uneccesarily alarmed,.. or believe that anybody who could dare 'undermine the reguime' of Fraud or raising the rule book,.. must therefore be gunning for white supremecy as opposed to gunning for black supremecy in what appears to be, the quintessential white-american definition, of 'diversification' and 'harmony' .........:lol: it's twisted shit, that truelly makes me laugh.
  5. mikE

    mikE "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Tszyu used his head? huh?
  6. KaukipRrr

    KaukipRrr "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Ignoring knowledge and indulging in echolocation.
    Jermaine is 'nothing special' .. yet he unravelled all Hopkins 'masterful craftiness' by simply stopping on the fringe of his 'trap setting' range,.. and making Hopkins have to come forwards and actually fight on even terms, then all of a sudden,.. Jermaine 'nothing special' Taylor, became Hopkins superior. Your bitterness, which formulates your 'suspicion', has nothing to do with why I like Taylor at all, and I remain a big fan of Jermaine now that the Hopkins fight is well into the past. For a start, I like my fighters to be genuinely good people, it helps me to like them and wish them success over your narcisstic, self serving criminal trash like Hopkins, Jermaine may be a little unbalanced at times,.. but he's willing to fight EVERYBODY, and everybody twice,... 'Not looking good' you say?.. in defence of Hopkins?.. did you see Hopkins / Calzaghe? ... Oh my fucking god.

    I loved Tszyu more in a sense of a catalyst to illustrate stories of him being a pig-tailed reptillious Mexican-killer, I know you were around at this time, I remember you well,.. this began as a joke with Latinking on the Boxingtime messageboard and it expanded over to here,.. Tszyu was overrated in Australia and pretty much in general on the account of opponents like Sharmba Mitchell or especially Zab Judah,.. being overrated in kind. Tszyu did grip and wrestle his opponents with his physical strength but from what I recall it was usually as a result of his opponent illegally clinching him, two felons still dont make a right obviously, the rules should be enforced.

    I have nothing against the legal components of Hopkins few and far fluctuated it seems to be,... He is accurate, feints well, times his punches well, and has good footwork,.. but as I said... I dont care how glorified or crafty impliments of his game are.. you cannot break the rules,... you break the rules in life you're punished, you break the rules in the ring you should be too.. and Hopkins does it in abundance and highlights more than any other fighter, the immense regulation problem we have in this sport, and the fact that it would be so much more aesthetically pleasing for the fans, if the rules WERE enforced.

    In most divisions from junior welterweight to heavyweight, contain white title holders and fighters within it's top 10 mix, you seem to be blind to these participants and according to white-american wrist-slapping contemporary law, that makes you less of a racist, but if I was truelly 'euro, nazi, klu klux klan, hitler-boy, white-chump, cracker' ccentric,.. there's plenty of fighters to chose from.

    It's becoming clear, that there is no point to this,.. I have alligned myself with the book of rules,... whereas you and a few others want to abandon the rules,.. you resent them,..because it conflicts with the filthy tactics of you're favourite fighters... and there is no point in repeating myself... if you despise them, it is your own problem that you cant..or dont want to,..see the bigger picture as to why the rules were created in the first place.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2009
  7. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Beyond The Pale

    How can you possibly say that Taylor was clearly Hopkins' "superior" that is ridiculous!!! It is akin to saying Paulie Ayala was clearly Johnny Tapia's superior

    The two fights were awkward and close and difficult to score, and in both cases taylor started strong and Hopkins finished strong... neither fighter clearly established superiority, no matter how many times you type to the contrary

    Taylor has fought TWO fighters twice... Bernard Hopkins (only fitting since he won the title on a narrow decision) and Kelly Pavlik (only fitting since he lost the title in a competetive fight) ... What fighter that Bernard Hopkins scraped by has he not fought twice??? Mercado (twice), Allen (3 times) and Echols (twice) ... what kind of talking point is that?

    I have to admit, your Tszyu rants (as misunderstood in message as they were by many here) were some of my most favorite things to read on here... outrageously funny and imaginitive and I probably said as much to you at the time:bears:

    Its not so much a conscious obvious racial thing (like Octopus, for example) as it is a pinpointing of very popular black American fighters above all... Floyd Mayweather, for example... now if you are talking on the basis of personality, that is a VERY easy guy to dislike (I cant stand him) but Hopkins is a reformed criminal who worked his way out of prison and made himself into one of the most successful champions of recent years with almost no help or fanfare on the way up... I havent heard any stories of him beating up women or spending lavish amounts of cash on needless things... he seems a resolutley tough and rough around the edges but ultimately law-abiding guy... it just seems that you devote an abnormal amount of attention to these oarticular fighters while being so positive that there is some sort of American conglomerate network working against you solely because these fighters are American... to be honest, I can not stand Floyd Mayweather and I root against him in every fight but I can appreciate his excellence as a fighter, he is unbeaten for a reason and it is not solely due to an at times overdone shoulder roll... no one can win with just that (if you could, Saoul Mamby would be a living legend) ... I hate the guy, but he is one of boxing's best fighters without question

    I mean, just face it, most fighters are going to be pretty rough dudes. Its a business that requires a certain visciousness generally borne of environmental circumstance... its participants are not culled from comfortable settings generally, white or black... the truly educated and refined (The Klitchkos, Carlos Palomino, Chris Byrd to name some of the very few) dont usually make it in boxing... its a rough game with rough people, many of them learning how to deal with civility on the fly... if you are looking for good-natured easy going folks who have never been in trouble, its not a good sport to follow, you know?
  8. dsimon3387

    dsimon3387 WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    May 23, 2005
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    dsimon writes:

    Such homogenity and hatred of heterogenity! Those Euros are charming indeed but they are not very good, regardless of the rule book you wish to throw Euthephro! Fraud and cheatkins are great fighters in addition to the occasional trnsgressions mentioned. Euro piety be damned! its easy for the Balimores of the world to follow the rules to a tee it is their only sufficient indignity otherwise!

  9. KaukipRrr

    KaukipRrr "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 5, 2006
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    This is a fair enough post,.. but I must disagree with a few things, (in a friendly manner)... Hopkins did not dominate the championship rounds in the rematch first of all...and I've seen plenty of round by rounds, who scored both the 11th and 12th rounds of the rematch, for Taylor. In regards to Taylor fighting anybody and everybody twice if need be,.. He willingly fought Bernard again,..fought Pavlik again straight away,.. and tried his absolute best to get Winky back into the ring with him, that cant be denied, he was rejected twice, and Winky's guard and strict straight shots are a nightmare for anybody,... he also... fought the worst possible fighter in the world you could fight if you're a big guy,... Cory Spinks.. *shuddering.... you have to be fearless to fight that bitch with nothing to gain,.. a horrid, sprinting, spoiler,... seriously,.. sometimes Jermaine has too much courage for his own good. Im not saying that last opponent was a 'good, anticipated match'... it was crazy to fight him, considering the rules are never properly enforced,......

    Hopkins, Fraud and Toney...have outright refused to face certain fighters,... whereas Taylor hasn't,.................. For Hopkins it's Chad Dawson "Im not interested",...but he'll fight Chad's son, while using words like "going for history" and "smart move".........for Fraud there's a bit of a multitude, but the Margarito affair of 06 was one of the best examples of one fighter ducking another that you will ever see,..and Toney,.. he refuses to fight either Klitschko, but is happy to say he cant wait to get in the ring with them and put them in thier place.

    'Pinpointing popular black athletes'..... Well Im a fan of the most popular black fighter of all, Roy Jones,.. and also Shane Mosely,...who I figure is quite popular aswell...I like Chad Dawson too, who will probably become popular,..but I shouldnt even be responding or defending myself against allegations that Im a racist you know, especially in light of how foreign white fighters are treated by American forum members and American media...So all I'll say is that if you genuinely believe it,.. then I guess you better keep a 'watchful' eye on me...until you think I will inevitably slip up... but you'll be waiting a long time.

    Boxing does contain some genuine people,...infact all of my favourite fighters seem to be decent people, and they're all world class in thier respective divisions. On the otherhand,.. the three ''shoulder rollers'',.. seem to be sociopathic and narccistic, two of them, have proven to be more racist than I ever have in my messageboard history,.. particularly Toney,..who just wont stop,....he doesn't have to it seems.
  10. dsimon3387

    dsimon3387 WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    May 23, 2005
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    dsimon writes:

    How could anyone seriously expect toney to fight a Klit? the size disparity is too great.
  11. TKO

    TKO Administrator Staff Member

    Dec 5, 2006
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    I think all this is one big misunderstanding.
  12. dsimon3387

    dsimon3387 WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    May 23, 2005
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    dsimon writes:


    Let me start with this little tidbit:

    In my recent hokum hokus pokus inquisition on one Euthephro Kaulki I neglected to listen... if I had I would have immediately stopped the spanish inquisition and called off my friend Berty Querty upon the reception of this tasty suckled tidbit:

    Yes it appears that some of the gentlemen we are speaking of are in fact Eurasians.... My god! sometimes is pays to stop and smell the roasted coffee beans, or in this case the sweet teas and kabobs I suppose. Eurasian indeed! All thanks to Allah for guiding me properly down the primrose path of boxing supremacy.
    So let me keep my fans up to date... thats right mom this one's for ya... the mexican killers that chuka cabra maniacally in the ring are not euros but in fact Eurasians making Euthephro hardly the Euro supremist we had supposed... and in fact making Bernard cheatkins and Fraud Mayweather as bad as Euthephro and his false piety tell us!!! Wow!! and to top it off

    One Jermaine Tayor, hidden secret society brother of Laurence Taylor? are both in fact secretly kabob eating mexican and fraud killers!!! and... Margarito is really Aztec noble blood a distinct line from most american (yes the continent mom, the continent) mezo indians..... Alas Kauki how could I have misjudged?
  13. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Beyond The Pale
    Kauki, who even talks about Toney now??? hes a big fat slob... Im not a Toney fan at all, but on his best nights as a younger man he was at times a tremendous technician, this cant be denied... watch him against Barkley, watch the the first two McCallum fights... the guy was a skillfull, tough fighter... now he is just a fat oaf... hes hardly a popular fighter, most people think hes an asshole, black or white or otherwise...

    Like I said, I hate Mayweather too... I give him a lot more credit as a fighter then you do (you dont hammer the hell out of Diego Corrales, Genaro Hernandez, Angel Manfredy... rise in weight and outclass/outtough a bigger arguably faster Zab Judah... outbox a big Welterweight in De La Hoya unless you can definitley fight) but I definitley dont like him and do think he should have fought Margarito, if only to back up his boasting

    Hopkins is an old man, how much time does he have left? He is certainly not the first aged marquee fighter to pick and choose and he wont be the last... but through the years he fought everybody willing to get in there with him, you can not take that away from him

    And again, what trouble outside of the ring has Bernard Hopkins been in recently?? He's just a brash, confident fighter... no different than Roy Jones (who talked constantly in the third person, how much more arrogant can you get?) ... and certainly you could make just as big a case of Roy Jones ducking fighters as you could anybody else
  14. KaukipRrr

    KaukipRrr "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Ok I think we're 'settled' on just about everything else,... but, one thing is for sure,... we will have to agree to disagree on the subject of 'sociopathy' ...It's a BORN gift,..where there is no 'benefit of the doubt' to allign yourself with,.... Hopkins began with a criminal rapsheet,.. but he found an inlet, a concerntration to reip in loads of cash, a chance to 'get some' in several forms, perversely and financially,...for a start, he's in the very, very best country in the world, to possess his kind've personality disorder, high end retribution is embraced, accumulative wealth is embraced, narcissm is embraced, having a grandiose sense of self worth is cheered on, trash talk is considered sensational and funny, and last but not least, on the inside and out, the rules of this particular game are as unregulated and as self serving as ANYTHING. It's a way to contain him,...had he not found boxing,..which caters for his corrupt type,.. It would be very interesting to see what would have become of him,...
  15. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Beyond The Pale

    People are usually products of their environments and the role models around them

    That is a whole other can of worms and we should just avoid that topic altogether

    I can assure you of this, many of we Americans dont like trash talk, dont enjoy greed and arent narcissistic... we are no different than you... we just dont have marsupials
  16. Tam Tam

    Tam Tam "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 4, 2006
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    Or giant cans of beer.
  17. cdogg187

    cdogg187 GLADYS

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Beyond The Pale

    true, but we do have giant bottles of beer

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