Friend got lucky...

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame/Shame' started by Registered, May 7, 2009.

  1. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Aug 16, 2005
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    Line of the thread.

  2. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Aug 16, 2005
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    Actually I had no idea you collected watches. I can't recall you ever talking about it. Although it doesn't surprise me. I just never understood the desire to have an expensive watch, when a $5 Timex, or even the clock on your cell phone works just as good.

    I don't know, maybe it's because I'm not a jewelry guy. Other than my wedding ring, which took a lot of getting used to, I've never worn any kind of jewelry.

    As for Porsches, they tend to be douchebaggy\mid life crisis cars. I worked with a guy at an ExxonMobil plant who bought one, and from that day on, everything that came out of the guy's mouth was 'Porsche'. He was in charge of reseting user computer passwords when they were locked out or expired, and he would always give them a temporary password of 'Porsche'. It was sad that he thought people actually cared. The car was ugly as all hell too.

    I've always loved the water, fishing, boating, waverunning, etc, so boats are cool with me.

  3. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    I don't consider a mechanical watch jewelery. I consider rings, bracelets, necklaces, ear rings and any piercings, jewelery.

    As a diver, one of my very first nice watches, was a Seiko Marinemaster Mechanical Dive watch (A life and death tool of a watch). From there I caught the Mechanical watch bug. It's not to impress anyone ... but honestly, I'm not going to bother wearing some plastic Timex piece of junk. IMO, for me personally, they're just tacky and I wouldn't want to wear one. If you or anyone else likes to though, that's cool by me. Doesn't make them worse or better than me.

    As for Porsche's ... beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Personally I like mine for one simple reason ... it drives like nothing else. There's a reason it's on the top of every auto mag car reviewers top 5-10 cars to drive. And they drive them all.

    Water and boating has been a passion of mine since the day I was conceived. Must be the Sicilian/Hawaiian blood.

    Glad to see that when you like something it's cool with you. :bears:

  4. ArturoGatti

    ArturoGatti WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 3, 2002
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    A_M, I am a 23 year old guy who lives with his parents and drives his sister's Honda Civic, how do I stack up against the 37 year old Lynnard Skynnard wannabe who drives a Ford and the 25 year old Canuck who has no car and lives in a one bedroom appartment?
  5. Hut*Hut

    Hut*Hut The Mackintosh of temazepam

    May 17, 2005
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    Involved in hyperbole

    Oh that's bad.
  6. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Aug 16, 2005
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    How can they look tacky if you can only tell the difference between them by looking at them closely?

  7. Anthony

    Anthony Admin Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Petre do you believe if a person has a Ford and another person has a More expensive car, the one with the more expensive car has shown more for his life?
  8. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Is that what I said?
  9. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    I'm not sure I understand the part in red.

    The guy with the more expensive car could be any number of things.

    It could simply be relative to what he can afford ( and probably less disposable income then the guy with the cheaper car). Could be that he prefers that make of car over a domestic brand. Could be that he's living way beyond his means. Could be the guy with the Ford is a billionaire that just doesn't care about cars.

    Like I said ... I just don't see the point in giving someone a hard time for what they like. Most guys I know are into cars to some degree. It's a man thing (At least the men I know)

    Some are into cars ... for others it's a method to get from one place to another and that's it. And for some, it seems to be a way to stereotype others.

    When I was a kid, me and my friends all had muscle cars. We used to go to the drive-ins and the DogNSuds on the weekends and show off our cars. We were proud of the work we put in them.

    Saturday afternoons were often spent at Union Grove, drag racing.

    We had jobs just to pay for our toys and I had more money in my cars than my parents had in their brand new ones. For me, cars are more than a means to an end.

    Didn't make us better than anyone else. It was just our thing.

    Today it's no different ... for me it's just different cars.
  10. Bob N Weave

    Bob N Weave Guest

    Jenn and I are concentrating on buying a home here in OC though, so my finances are tight by choice.

    Am I missing something here?

    It really doesn't matter a bit if someone lives in an area that has high property values. Especially if they don't even own. There are plenty of people living in these expensive areas who have no business being there in the first place. Hence some of the repo ravaged $1000000+ neighborhoods I've seen.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2009
  11. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    Where we dock, the area is extremely affluent. The homes are old, large and very expensive.

    I've never seen so many homes in that area for sale before. There's obviously a lot of people that were living beyond there means that are hurting now.
  12. Anthony

    Anthony Admin Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    My point is that AM bring this on himself. He is the one that thinks you have a more accomplished life, just because you have a nicer car. He thinks material things make the man. That is why he deserves everything he gets here.
  13. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    To be honest, I haven't read through the entire thread so I didn't get that.

    AM seems like a decent guy who takes a lotta shit here, so I go easy on him and tend to take the side of the "underdog" (Something I've been accused of since I was a kid)

    All I knew was the premise of the thread which I take at face value.

    A guy was going to a BMW club event, got pulled over by a LEO/fellow BMW owner. Sounded like a decent kid. Talked with respect to the officer who responded in kind and was cool enough to let him go on his way.

    Guy likes BMW's ... a lot of guys do. Auto writers seem to love them too. I almost got an M6 over the Benz ... but the Benz whips it's ass and fits me/what I wanted better. :fightme:

    I sure can't see criticizing the guy in the vid, because he owns a Beemer.

    All I know about him is he owns a nice car, speaks with moderate intelligence and respect, and has put his life on the line to serve the people of this country. Fuck if I'm gonna criticize someone with that much information.

    As for AM ... I don't think he thinks money makes a person better in of itself. (Maybe proves they have more ambition or drive ...) I could be wrong, but I don't get that from him. I don't think he expresses himself very well though, sometimes.

    I've known jack asses that were broke and jack asses that were richer than fuck. The car they drive sure isn't the dues that get you into the club.
  14. Anthony

    Anthony Admin Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    This is how he thinks petre. And he brings it on himself. Petre i cant be 100% sure, but i know people on this board that I believe have more money than you and alabama man combined. But you would never hear it form their mouth. EVER. When you got someone like alabama man put people down because of material things, he doesnt deserve respect. I dont think i have ever seen you put someone down because of what they do or dont have. But also, just because you have a Ford for example, doesnt mean a person is broke.
  15. Registered

    Registered "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 16, 2007
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    Well to be fair, by that time I had switched to my "villain" persona just to get some responses to this thread.

    I don't know how much more obvious I can make it, I am usually just throwing out bait for the dogs when I post.

    Guys like Petre, and others, I actually do attempt to get into serious discussions with. But let's be honest, 95% of the people here have the intelligence of a wild, rabid, animal. They look for some sort of opening, and then attack.

    You can think of me as a pressure release valve. I come in, and give the animals what they want. TFK doesn't even like cars, yet he's posted in his thread almost two dozen times. He's a perfect example of an animal. I'm pretty sure he's thinking in the back of his mind, "Alabama Man is just baiting me, I don't want to fall into that trap." Yet he cannot help himself. That's what differentiates the beast from the men, the beast cannot make the choice to simply walk away because their instinctual desires overcome all logic and thought. For me, I gather immense enjoyment from proving that point over and over again. Call it ego, or something more insidious, but it is entertaining.

    I expected more nonsense from Cdogg but he seems to be catching on somewhat, it seems I'll have to change my tactics in the future. :lol:
    Last edited: May 9, 2009
  16. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Aug 16, 2005
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    I bet those were happy days.

  17. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Aug 16, 2005
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    Nice try, but no.

    You had a meltdown. You wet your diaper. You were in tears.

    You can try and spin any 'villian persona' nonsense you like, but much like most everything else you post, it's bullshit and nobody's buying it.

    Your best bet is to tuck tail and run for a few months.


  18. Registered

    Registered "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 16, 2007
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    See that's the interesting part Petre. When I started this thread it was with the intent to show how someone could get away with a ticket by acting classy and polite. You, and Holler took it that way, the rest did not. At first I thought, well, it's about the individuals maturity and personal wealth. However you and Holler are on different ends of the age and wealth spectrum, so that blew that theory out of the water. So I began to slightly "troll" the thread just to get the responses I needed to test another theory. I found that it didn't have anything to do with someone's maturity or personal wealth, but it had to do with the concept of resource scarcity, which is a very "animal" like feeling to have. It's actually pretty scary.

    I didn't mention BMW one time in the entire first post. Yet that's what some of the plebians hooked their animal teeth into.

    It's actually a fairly scary realization when one ponders upon it. How many people think this way in real life? Malice is a dangerous feeling to internalize I believe, but also when an animal is hungry and thinks he won't get his next meal soon enough, they become rabidly dangerous. To see so much of it internalized within the "people" roaming this forum kind of frightens me just in my everyday walk in life.
  19. Registered

    Registered "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 16, 2007
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    *pulling the strings*
  20. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    I'd wager any pro boxer that visits here probably has more than me. Or at least should.

    I've said it before ... I don't think I'm so well off. I could be doing MUCH better, than I do. I just don't have the desire to pursue it like that and make it what my life is about.

    Hell ... I told my wife the other day, I'm ready to buy a couple hundred wooded acres somewhere north , cut a path to the middle of it, build a home and retire from everything. I'm ready to retire now. I could certainly make a boatload more ... I think I'd rather enjoy life.
  21. PetreTG

    PetreTG WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Dec 29, 2002
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    They were. I wish I could go back some days.

    I'm done having beefs with you TFK. At the end of the day, I have my life and you have yours. I hope yours is a good one. But lately I worry about you, because you seem bitter. Hopefully all is good in your world.
  22. Registered

    Registered "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 16, 2007
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    Actually to be honest I worry about TFK too, as alien a sentiment as that may sound to those here.

    I've flat out said I'm trolling to those posting in this thread, yet they can't help themselves to be manipulated by my post. In essence they give control of their lives to me.

    Case in point, with very little effort I turned TFK into exactly what he has been saying he hates, a braggart:

    Why people would give control of their lives to me is baffling, and somewhat sad... I think, because life is very temporary.

    Last night I went out with Jenn to enjoy a movie and dinner, it was beautifully pleasant. We talked about our past, our mistakes, and our future. I love life. Have you ever been out where you are having a great night and you don't want the evening to end? So you try to prolong it as much as you can, you just don't want it to end. Before you know it, the sun is going to come up, and like everything in life, you realize the temporary nature of it. The party is over. In the end, all you have is memories.

    During that time, Steve_Bum, TFK, and others were posting here on this wayward messageboard. It's very disheartening to realize that.

    I'll be going out again tonight and probably won't be back until the early AM hours. Life is meant to be enjoyed. I agree Petre, retire, do what you want, and enjoy the time you have.

    To the others, don't make the same mistakes in your lives over and over. Go out there and enjoy this temporary rarity we call life.
  23. steve_dave

    steve_dave Hard As Fuck

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Why did you get extra angry with me, Bama? I'm sorry that I'm not a loser like you want me to be.
  24. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Aug 16, 2005
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    Bitter? Because I made a 'Happy Days' joke? Jeez, get a freakin' sense of humor.

    I'm ridiculously happy with my life. I'm about the least bitter person you'll ever meet.

  25. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Aug 16, 2005
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    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

    Keep dancing, fat boy. But your diaper ain't getting any dryer, even if you did wipe the tears away.

  26. TFK

    TFK WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Aug 16, 2005
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    I have a truck because it does what I need it to do. Am I gonna tow a camper with a BMW? Am I gonna lug a drum set, speakers, PA, etc with a Mercedes? Am I gonna lug switches, routers, servers, etc around in a Volvo? Of course not.

    But some people are just too simple to understand that.

  27. Registered

    Registered "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 16, 2007
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    Because I admire you.
  28. Anthony

    Anthony Admin Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    You couldnt make any clearer if you drew a fucking picture man. I understand 100%. You said that you buy cars based off of necessity. And you might not be a car guy, so having a car just for Looks isnt your thing. And that is fine. I would never judge anyone by the car they drive. I will give you a perfect example of my thinking. I am 27 years old. I have 2 cars, my wife has one. I own a Nissan Titan for necessity. I do lots of work on my home. I have another car that is incredible that i wish to keep quite about. Now you are 37 years old, job, wife, etc. I would never EVER think for one second that i have accomplished more than you based on our cars. Thats a stupid fucking argument. Alabama man is a joke, and i believe has no money whatsoever. BTW, that is kick ass that you are in a band. What kind of music do you play?
  29. Anthony

    Anthony Admin Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Bullshit. What do you admire about Andrew? based on your description of what is impressive to you, there is nothing you could admire about this man. He doesnt flash his money around, he doesnt brag about where he lives or what he does for a living, he never looks down on people (except fatties :lol:). He is the anti you. The sad part is bama, you are playing a charecter. You have about 75% less money than you post about. You exagerrate. You type about what you WANT your life to be. Keep working, one day you will get to a place where you are comfortable.
  30. Registered

    Registered "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 16, 2007
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    Your right Anthony. I'm broke, poor, and helpless. You have a nice house, with two cars, and a nice wife.

    Why don't you enjoy some time with your wife instead of trying to chat with me tonight? I'm going out in about 5 minutes to do the same.

    See you tomorrow.

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