no intruder is going to stab a guy who is passed out in the back of the head with a knife found in the room and not kill him with that wound and then look at a purse and think, yea that's a good weapon. The purse was used because the murderer was his wife and the purse was her first emotional attachment. If it was an intruder they would have used their own weapons.
Gatti must have been very drunk to get strangled by a 23 years old woman, unless his wife was built like Serena Williams of course.
Gatti's legacy is as an extremely entertaining fighter to watch, not being a great boyfriend/husband. The guy just got out of jail a couple months ago for domestic abuse. His legacy to boxing fans is what he did in the ring, not what happened between him and his signficant others.
Precisely.... NOBODY Gave a Shit that Chico Corrales was an ABUSIVE DRUNK, INCLUDING REED::....IN the Ring, Chico was a Natural Born CROWD PLEASER & As Such Boxing Fans ADORE Him DESPITE his Shortcomings....Athletes, & People in General, R FALLIBLE... Even So-Called "Good Samaritans"... REED:hammert:
Agreed. I don't understand "Boxing fans" who have no regard for either Gatti or Corrales. Neither one was a great fighter, but why do any of us watch sports? For entertainment and unquestionably both were very entertaining. I actually give boxers a little bit more leeway than other athletes outside of the ring, as if that matters as much as what they do within the ring. They hurt people, punch people in the face for a living. Sometimes, it carries over. I am not justifying it, but it is a bit much to ask someone to do violence and deify them for doing it in one context and then expect them to turn off their violent role completely. I am not saying that is acceptable behavior, but you can't expect their worlds not to collide from time to time.
this site has a couple of pictures of the girl,not too bad, but needs to lose her pregnancy weight. too much of a fatty right now. personally, the fact she can kill a former world boxing champ by herself (even if it is just gatti) mkes her seem kinda sexy in my eyes
Come on Mav. Even if he was a bum, our sport is suffering now because we don't have guys like him around who helped make the sport so exciting to watch.
Exactly, the amount of bitches in the forum is much more amazing to me than the lack of class. And most people around here, especially the holier than thou crying about the lack of class of others, would call a woman beater a piece of shit and Gatti was one
You are a moron. Would you assume for a second that he was knocked unconcious prior to the strangulation?? Dumbfuck.
After hearing how he pushed her around and shit I guess I can kind of understand. I mean if the dude just got out of jail for beating her up and then he does it again, I can't really fault the bitch if she snaps and kills his ass. It's not like she can go head up with him, not only is it man vs woman but dude is a professional boxer. I know I've said that women like a little beating from time to time, but when it comes from a boxer the shit probably tends to feel like overkill to them.
According to the police, she claimed to be in the room for 10 hours and didn't notice that he was dead. If it were self-defense, why would she have to lie?
pushed her around? look Ive had a brazilian woman before and if you dont push her away or get her under control..she will fuck you up why do women always get the benefit of the doubt
i wouldnt say i knew him personally...but he called me once as a favor asked by everlast(don't know if you guys remember him) Gatti didnt have to call me but he did...he was cool as hell..whole conversation was in italian
god damn..she stabbed him through the back of the head with a fucking kitchen knife and he wasnt dead? makes me sick
Sad. He survives Oscar de la Hoya, Floyd Mayweather, a stabbing, four different Fights of the Year and a brutal trilogy with Mickey Ward, only to be done in by a 110-pound chick with a leather purse.
Gatti was a woman beater and he was on the cover of a major newspaper in montreal recently because of domestic abuse. And they are now reporting that Rodriguez had signs of violence when she was arrested
Yep, that's true. I read that he punched her before going back to their condo alone with their son. I don't think it justifies a murder though...