Just like Jack Nicholson's character in "The bucket list": "Some lucky guy is having a heart attack right now", this is some sad thing. I hope he gets well or die quickly so he doesn't suffer anymore.
The LAST Thing we Need Right Now is Yet ANOTHER SAD Boxing Story...Arguello, Gatti, Vernon...THEN we had to RELIVE the Collins-Resto Situation... Now THIS???... God BLESS U, Genaro Hernandez... REEDray:
I don't know a single fight fan who doesn't respect Genaro Hernandez. He gave it his all in the ring, sometimes in the most troubling of circumstances and never disgraced himself or the sport. He is a character of few flaws, by everyone who knows the man. It's guys like this that have always been the light the sport points to for every Mike Tyson, Carlos Monzon or Johnny Tapia that we have. I still remember him being whacked in the throat by Azumah Nelson and having every opportunity to get out of the fight at that point....but he fought on and won. It put aside what fans had been accusing him of ever since he retired from the De La Hoya fight with a horribly busted nose. Best of luck, champ.
I wish him recovery, but by the sounds of this he's prob not gonna make it. Still best of luck to him, and god bless.
Hernandez had a nice style, threw very good hooks to the body. I was with the majority however when he quit against Oscar, that tainted his legacy very badly, and the subsequent Mayweather TKO did him no good as well as he seemed to freeze and not to perform his best when he was on the big stage twice. Solid, professional World Champion, a very good, though not outstanding, all around fighter..and that is more than can be said for most fighters.
I thought he quit against Oscar and could have quit against Azumah, but didn't. In fact, I think they bent the rules and let him go over the 5 minute limit before that fight resumed. People change and adapt. In both directions. Shit happens.
You realize he entered the ring with his nose already busted...courtesy of a sparring session with Shane Mosley, don't you?
I pray he can recover. 43 years old is too young to die. He was always a class act and I never threw mud at him for quiting against Oscar since I know from personal experience that you can hardly breathe with a busted nose.