Dickie's a cock I think all the ire is mistargeted. Gale Van Hoy just sits at home in his rocker and waits for the call to go officate a match. It's who's making that call that should be the object of our scorn. Dickie Cole continues to do whatever he wants, totally unchecked, for every major fight card in the state of Texas. His son had not refereed a fight since he oversaw the death of Benjamin Flores in the ring. So for his return, to shake off the rust, he gets TWO of the Three HBO fights??!!? WTF? We all know he's made MANY mistakes and questionable decisions during fights, yet still gets the BULK of TV work in Texas. Dont get me started on his and his pop's insuring almost every fight in the state.. Everyone knows the criticism that the three judges who scored Juarez-John I received. Warrented or not, it was "controversial." So what does Dickie do? Instead of picking three fresh judges, god knows there are plenty to choose from, even Texas based, he decides to say a big old FUCK YOU to the fans and critics and appoints two of the three judges again to do the very next big fight in Houston. Cole could have easily avoided controversy this time, instead he continues to do things his way and sits on his throne without consequence. And what does Oscar and G do EVERY time they come to Houston and hold a press conference? They wax on about the great Dickie Cole. If anyone's been bought, it isn't Van Hoy, it is the Coles....
Good post. Van Hoy is really just one of Cole's good ol' boys. Lawrence Cole also has a bad habit of talking too much in the Ring. One time to tell a fighter it's ok to quit because he's ahead on the scorecards, last fight he goes and asks the judges if THEY saw a headbutt when a cut opens up. :notallthere:
I think that the rule is that if the referee is unsure of the cause of the cut, he can poll the judges for what they saw.. It does appear as incompetence, but sometimes a ref is out of position.. and Paulie was turning Juan alot..
Could be. It makes sense you should try and get the call right. I just remember Lederman or one of the HBO crew blabbing about it like it was taboo or something. I'm so used to Cole fucking things up in there I just assumed he had done it again. ::
2 B Fair, Laurence RefeREED the Yanez Fight on August 15th, but your Points WITHSTAND... REED:kidcool:
My bad, I was given misinformation at the bout. I see now he also worked a world title fight in Japan in July. (Also he was ref for John-Juarez I..)
Doesn't Alter the Vibe of your Post @ All Though...Jesse Reyes & Robert Chapa R VERY Competent Refs...Neil Young is a Bit BIASED as a Judge, but he's Also a Competent Ref... There's NOfuckingEXCUSE for Laurence Cole Getting 2 of the 3 T.V. Gigs, Other than his Daddy Making Sure he Got some Extra Camera Time....It's Become Soooooooooooooo COMMONPLACE, the Other Ref's DON'T Even Bitch About it.... & Worse than that, Dickey is a Straight Up SHILL for Top Rank & Golden Boy...He's ALWAYS "Suggesting" that Elite Level Fighters Sign their Lives Away & Go w/the Big Boys as Opposed to @ Least TRYING to Carve their Own Niches Locally... REED:mj:
Lawrence Cole should have still been sitting on the bleachers for his BS in the Marquez fight when he tried to get out of paying more insurance fees. Texas needs revamped, in the last year we lost two fighters, one died, this could have been prevented. Texas does no MRIs, Cat Scans and no drug tests and the biggest ref is the commish's kid. People can say how the judges, refs are bought, etc but I blame nobody except Dickie Cole like Mike said earlier. Cole needs ousted, how many more deaths, horrible decisions and corruptions do we have to see before this happens, jesus.