Was it JMM/Juan Diaz? Or Ortiz/Maidana? Or Pacquiao/Cotto? Other? Of the ones listed I've only seen Ortiz/Maidana and it was a great fight, though sometimes a bit ugly with the holding.
Ortiz-Maidana Dunne-Cordoba Marquez-Diaz Rogan-Skelton Froch-Taylor Paschal-Diaconu Fragomeni-Wlodarczyk
Marquez-Diaz... It had SHIFTS in Momentum, BLOOD, GREAT 2-Way Exchanges, Knockdowns & a DEFINITIVE Finish...There WEREN'T Any Lull Rounds in Marquez-Diaz... REED:hammert:
I thought the first 6, 7 rounds of Pac-Cotto were so thrilling that it deserves the title. Petered out after that, but the first half was unbelievably exciting.
The more I think about it, the more I remember how good Diaz Marquez was... I'm split between this one and Ortiz Maidana now...
1. Marquez vs. Diaz 2. Lopez vs. Mtagwa 3. Dunne vs. Cordoba 4. Viloria vs. Solis 5. Agbeko vs. Perez
I'm leaning towards JMM/Diaz, but Dunne-Cordoba was a great fight, don't sleep on that one. Haven't seen Ortiz-Maidana yet.
It has to be Marquez-Diaz. There was something special that day and the energy they brought into the ring was crazy. The baby bull was pumped up trying to defend his home turf. It was also amazing to see Marquez make the adjustments, find the opening, and close the show in tremendous fashion. I'm do I'm sure the Dunne fight was very good, the dude is a club fighter. Marquez vs Diaz was fought by two elite fighters and it was the sweet science at its' best. Cupey
Yup. Juan Diaz couldn't break eggs, FFS. For those who didn't actually watch the Dunne-Cordoba fight, feel free to youtube it forthwith. Then tell me that JMM-Diaz, as good a fight as it was, is better. MTF
Maidana-Ortiz for example, was leagues above Marquez-Diaz ( who don't get me wrong, was a good fight )
Ditto. JMM-Diaz was a good fight but I am not sure why it's getting so much support in this thread. It clearly wasn't as goodd as Lopez-Mtagwa or Dunne-Cordoba.
dunne-cordoba was a war, but didnt see it live. plus, i always thought dunne was a bum so that alone didn't provide much significance for me to enjoy the fight. i thought marquez vs. diaz was the best fight i've seen this year. why is pac-cotto even on this list? it wasn't competitive and was rather a bit painful to watch cotto helplessly get his ass kicked in a one-sided fashion
Thanks Joony. That was my point. Dunne is a tomato. Watching two tomatoes go at it means nothing. However, so many people praised Gatti-Ward, another two tomatoes, that if Dunne-Dordoba is great they might get the nod. I haven't seen it. Dunne is rubbish. Cupey
That's pretty harsh on Dunne. He's a good little fighter with a ton of heart who happens to have absolutely no chin whatseover...:: MTF
If you haven't seen it, how can you have an opinion on it? Oh, I forgot, you don't actually watch boxing, do you? MTF