No shit. I´m sure there is also some fat top 1000 tennis player, who´d wipe my ass, but he won´t touch the top 100 until he gets in shape, because tennis has been developed far enough that you can´t get away with being in poor shape.
for a fat guy his cardio aint all that bad, plus dude is a top notch BJJ blackbelt, dude is no joke just because he dont look that pretty
Yeah, but if the other guy was good enough, he´d circled and jabbed his way to a three round decision.
Nelson beat a 4-0 fighter. Big deal. Like I said in the other thread, Roy is a good fighter, but he's as good as he's ever gonna be. He's at best a B level fighter, on par with Kongo, Gonzaga and Rothwell. He'll never be at a level of Lesnar, Carwin, Cain, Nog, etc. TFK
That's a shame I was rooting for the Denver native. Chris Arreola and Roy Nelson both weighed 263 tonight
aside from noguiera, those guys you mentioned arent all that proven either. carwin was nearly out by gonzaga and one of these days he's not gonna get up when he gets hit like that again. roy may be on par w/ guys like kongo or gonzaga, but those aren't too far apart from the top level guys you mentioned. it's not beyond the realm of possibility for nelson to KO brock.
What the hell did you actually expect. This is what was expected to happen. Roy Nelson didn't even belong on the show. He is of a veteran with lots of experience under his belt, top notch ground game, and very decieving appearance. As fat as he is, Roy has great conditioning. Roy just beat a 4-0 rookie ex-football player, plain and simple. It was supposed to happen.
Looking back on the TUF series it was really luck that "Big Baby" was not on Rashads team. Because Mcsweeny, Schaub and some of the others had that ritual of slapping one another in the face before the fight. You know Big Baby could have lost before the fight started.
Yep exactly. Hamill was already done, his shoulder waf fucked and his nose was gushing into his eyes. The last 2 illegal elbows had nothing to do with that.
That's no reason not to rule a fight a DQ. If Amir Khan decided to karate kick Salita to the gorin after the first couple of knockdowns last night, he's still getting DQ'd. Hamil was in a bad way before the elbows, but not enough to be stopped, so he was still officially in the fight. There's a blemish on Jones' record now, but everyone knows what really went on....and you can trust the UFC announcers to not let us forget....Jones is a precocious talent, and a potential superstar for the company. If he makes the most of his talents, he will be scary-good.
Come on bro thats a cop out. Your analogy sucks, kicking in boxing is not allowed, elbows are allowed in MMA. A better comparison would be comparing the illegal elbows to hitting an opponent low. In boxing if a fighter is on his last legs (Hamill) and gets hit low, he gets 5 minutes to recover or else he loses. Why does this not happen in MMA? The last two elbows did not hit the cut or cause any news ones. Hamill was looking for a way out and took it. I agree with the second part of your post though.
my analogy was deliberately extreme, but the basic principle is there....if you throw illegal blows, no matter how much you maybe dominating a fight, you are putting yourself at risk to be DQ'd. It's a rookie error, but really, even rookie's should be familiar with rules such as that. I'm don't disagree that it may be a bad rule....but it is a rule, and you got to adhere to it.
exactly, the fairest result would have been a NC, because it could be argued that Jones didn't ''foul'' Hamill deliberately, but still, there's no way you could give the W to Jones, and I'm a Hammill hater
I don't think that Hamill was "looking for a way out" the way that you put it. He WAS looking for a way out, as in he didn't want to continue the fight because he was getting his ass kicked, but I believe he had every intention of (rightfully) quitting the fight, and accepting the loss on the record. His post fight commentary was pretty clear that he takes zero for the W and actually felt somewhat ashamed at the result. He didn't want to continue because he was getting his ass beat, he wasn't trying to take advantage of an opportunity to bend the rules in his favour to get a DQ.