A decade too late. Congrats. He was an absolutely amazing fighter and Im proud to have pushed him down the throats of anyone who wanted free tapes all those years ago.
have you seen his fight against Muangchai Kittikasem? Going by the boxrec description, it must have been some fight.
believe it or not, i went to that fight when i was like 10 when my dad worked for the broadcasting station that televised the fight. i haven't seen a tape of it, but from what i recall, he knocked that thai dude down a few times and was ahead on cards before he ran out of gas.
yea his style did resemble armstrong's perhaps minus the elbows and headbutts. i could be wrong. i've only seen a few armstrong fights but don't recall if he was a dirty fighter or not. but the way both fighters wing their arms when they threw punches were very similar.