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Lol funny shit. Damn James is stalking his ass. "put me in coach!" Fuck it! Give him what he wants. James vs. Kimbo. Let it happen!
Boxer Toney Continues Flirtation with UFC Debut Options: ShareThis| Printer Friendly Sunday, January 03, 2010 by Loretta Hunt (lhunt@sherdog.com) 21840 D. Mandel/Sherdog.com Pro boxer James Toney continues to make overtures for a shot in the UFC. The 41-year-old former IBF middleweight and super middleweight champion attended UFC 108 on Saturday in Las Vegas, the second live event he’s been to in three weeks. Toney also attended UFC 107 on Dec. 12 in Memphis, Tenn. UFC President Dana White was asked about Toney’s presence at Saturday’s post-fight press conference. “He’s stalking me, man,†joked White. “I don’t know. He and I are gonna sit down and talk this evening. He looks good though.†White told reporters later that he was mulling over the pros and cons of promoting a pro boxer. “(Boxer) Zab (Judah’s) like, ‘Man, you need to teach these guys how to box. You need to teach them this, that, and everything,’ but these guys don’t understand,†said White. “You don’t balance your weight the same way you balance your weight in boxing. You’ll get that front leg kicked off into the eighth row somewhere if you distribute your weight the same way they do in boxing. There’s an education process there for these guys that I learned the f---ing hard way. I went in and got choked out and kicked in the leg and all the stuff that happened to me when I started.†White said he was unsure if promoting a pro boxer would translate well into pay-per-view buys. White was also aware of the potential backlash that could come with the move. “I got blasted this week? Let me make this fight. Then I’ll get blasted from her to-- I’m the first guy out there going, ‘This is a f---ing freak show. Who would put on a fight like that?’†said White. “But I gotta tell you this. I’ve always wanted to see a guy--(Toney’s) a guy I actually respect. He’s tough as nails. He’s mean. He’s nasty. (But) he better get in shape if he wants to come in here and do this stuff.†Toney’s interest in the UFC has been ongoing. In October 2006, former UFC champion Randy Couture said he was called by the UFC with a potential bout against the pro boxer that never came to fruition.
The Moment Roy Got him to the Ground, it'd B Roy vs. Kimbo All Over Again...Toney-Kimbo is the Fight to B Made...REED has Respect for Kimbo's COMMITTMENT, but he'll NEVER Make It Past the NOVELTY Fighter Phase, in REED's Opinion... Toney vs. Kimbo is THAT Type of Fight... REED:mj:
If the point is to be a 'boxer vs. MMA fighter' fight, then Kimbo\Toney doesn't make sense, as Kimbo really isn't an MMA fighter, in spite of his UFC contract. I'm sure it would do good business, but I'd rather see Toney fight a legit MMA fighter. I do think Toney is out of his mind if he thinks it'll be the 'biggest fight ever'. TFK
agREED that Kimbo Isn't & Will Likely NEVER B a Legit MMAist, but that's the PERFECT Fight to "Introduce" Toney to MMA Fans...His Litmus Test, so to Speak...Quite Frankly, if Toney Fought & LOST to a Legit MMA Guy 1st, that would SHIT on his Marketability & Value to the UFC... If Toney CAN'T Beat Kimbo, he DOESN'T Belong in MMA Anyways...& if he DOES Beat Kimbo, then Put him in w/a Legit Guy... REED:mj:
I know he's not the most popular guy in boxing, but id like to see a guy like Cintron in the UFC. A wrestling background with very heavy hands.
I don't think Toney has as much marketability in the UFC as he thinks he does. He obviously doesn't have any MMA skills other than boxing, and he certainly not going to learn them. But if he wants to fight in the UFC, then he should fight someone legit. TFK
EVENTUALLY, Yes....But for Shits & Giggles & an Increase in PPV, REED thinks UFC should do Kimbo vs. Toney 1st... REED:mj:
No, but people talk up Cintron like he has some hugely succesful NCAA Division 1 wrestling background, and that isn't even close to being the case. The biggest wrestling highlight of Cintron's career that I can find is a 10th place finish in a NJCAA (that's junior college) tournament, and it doesn't say if it's a national or regional tournament. Either way, it's hardly a wrestling pedigree to get excited over. TFK
Agreed, but at least it's a solid grounding in wrestling that could be improved upon. Despite Cintron lacking some heart, it would still be more exciting to see him in MMA than Toney. Does anyone really care about seeing Toney in MMA?
Oh I agree. I would much rather see Cintron in MMA than Toney. To me, Toney would be the equivalent of Tim Sylvia in the Mercer fight. A past his prime fighter without big power who won't bother to get into shape and would come into the fight ridiculously overconfident, only to get beaten in seconds. Cintron is young, has legit power and at least has an understanding of wrestling. He would need a minimum of 18 months of serious training before being ready to fight anyone over jobber level, but he would have potential if he would dedicate himself to improving his all around skills, and not just relying on his boxing and minimal wrestling skills. TFK
Cintron isn't going anywhere near an mma ring any time soon. And, I agree, his wrestling background is exaggerated.
I think that Kimbo is the perfect 1st fight for Toney. He needs a winnable fight for his first. If they threw someone like Nelson or Gonzaga it would be a joke. And I think Toney coming to the UFC would be a good idea for the UFC provided he takes it seriously and gets into shape. After all, Toney is a big name. He would be the first high level boxer to enter the UFC who is not all that far removed from fighting good boxing opposition.
More.... <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/k0I86M_3MZg&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/k0I86M_3MZg&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> TFK
These Videos R MORE Entertaining that Any of Toney's MMA Fights would B....Dana Should ENCOURAGE Toney to FOLLOW him Around City to City for ALL of 2010, just for the COMEDIC Value... REED:mj:
From what I've been reading it seems like Dana isn't too interested in Toney fighting in the UFC. Basically saying that if he made a Toney fight he would be no better than the orgs he talks shit about because of the freak show type fights. Personally I wouldn't call Toney a freak, but he's not a MMA fghter and if you want to be a legit sport, this isn't the type of fight to make. I also think the fact that Toney isn't a draw is a major factor. Only hardcore boxing fans care about Toney and we don't really care that much anymore either.
Lol "front kick, back kick...I know all of em." Classic! Man, James wants to fight. Judging from his answers, he has no clue what he's in for.
Tony's style of fighting I don't think would adapt well at all in MMA. If it was Wlad then it's a different story just based off the reach, size, accuracy and power of his hands. Toney...I'm not so sure. Even if they made a Toney/Kimbo fight, Kimbo would immediately go for the takedown. He knows enough to know how to takedown a guy who's not used to being taken down. Although who knows what Toney's about outside of boxing. He knows how to defend front kicks and back kicks or so he says. LOL!
Dana: "Do U Know how to Wrestle?" Toney: "Don't Worry about That" Dana: "Can U Defend a Takedown?" Toney: "Don't Worry about That".... REED:bears:
I am still laughing at Toney saying "back kick". I laugh even more at the visual I get of him trying one.
adding toney to UFC would be BAD for UFC, especially when throwing in a legendary fighter who's fat, in his 40s and nowhere near his prime. toney at this point in his career is an accident waiting to happen even in a boxing ring. i guess he would take less severe punishment in MMA, but boxing fans would not look forward to that shit. it's almost a foregone conclusion that boxers can't win in MMA rules. have you guys seen Rubin Williams vs. Sakuraba? that was pathetic. i'm wondering, was jens pulver a wrestler before he had a few of those pro boxing fights? because when i saw him on espn a while back, he almost got KTFOed by some bum in a 4 rounder. i know that lil' noguiera has a good amateur boxing pedigree, but i also assume that he's been doing BJJ since he was a kid. even if cintron can wrestle, he's gonna have to make major changes in his fighting stance in order to defend take downs and leg kicks. can't see how that can be done overnight considering the guy is now entering his 30s.
Dana is full of shit as usual. Floyd never wanted to fight in MMA and Anderson Silva called Roy Jones out.
Not if Kimbo is his 1st Fight...Kimbo Should B the UFC's OFFICIAL "Circus Fight LITMUS Test"...All FUTURE Boxing & WWE Guys that Decide to Cross Over Should HAVE to Go Thru Kimbo 1st... NEITHER Toney NOR Kimbo have LEGITIMATE Futures in the UFC, but there'd B GENUINE INTEREST In them Fighting...Toney was Good RECENT Enough to Attract MORE Boxing Fans than U're Anticipating...& he'd SHITTALK Kimbo into "Bolivian", which would Only INCREASE Interest... & If Dana White has ANY Interest in Attracting an African American Fanbase, he'd Put Toney vs. Kimbo on the Undercard of Rashad vs. Rampage...AND he'd Have Bones Jones & Rumble Johnson Fighting Too::.... REED:kidcool:
Bob Sapp would be the safer opponent for Toney. Sapp has ZERO grappling skills and his striking skills is worse than Kimbo's.