Recently Mayweather said he no longer accepts 50-50 split because his numbers with Mosley will do much better than Pacquaio with Clottey. To which Roach responded:" How about winner take ALL?" Mayweather suddenly SILENT.
I have no idea why they bitch about the split. The purse is so insignificant in a superfight like that. "We'll fight him for free. Winner take all." That would be about a $200 million offer folks.
winner takes all in boxing is a stupid notion. How many winner takes all agreements have happened in the last 20 years between top fighters? Roach should be punched in the mouth.
When's the LAST Time ANYBODY Accepted a "Winner Take All" Offer???...When's the FIRST Time???...Guys Throw that "Winner Take All" BULLSHIT Out There KNOWING it WON'T B Accepted AHEAD of Time... REED:shit:
He keeps saying in the media that Pacquaio rejected a $25 million test, when he refused to go up to 19 days from 14 days before the fight. What will the public say when he refuses almost a quarter TRILLION dollars? If Floyd refuses, it's CHECKMATE!
Pacquiao Refused RANDOM, OLYMPIC Styled Testing ALTOGETHER, Dude...The Only FOOLPROOF Way of ASSURING Both Fighters were Clean...Floyd agREED to it, Pac Didn't... Sugar Shane agREED To it, Pac DIDN'T... "Checkmate" Occured Looooooooooooong Ago... REED:boohoo:
BINGO!... Suggesting Such a Thing is COMICAL...NOBODY Fights for Free, NOR Should they B EXPECTED to...ANY Boxing Commission Worth a Damn would REFUSE To Sanction Such a Bout... But Leave it to a FREITAS Fan of All People to CLING to Such a Premise...A Poster w/ZERO Credibility is Grasping @ the LEAST CREDIBLE "Offer" in the History of Boxing.... REED:boohoo:
I can see Roach hit a NERVE. Calm down, breathe, count to ten...:: Remove the name Mayweather and put ANY other FIGHTER there and you would be "Quarter TRILLION? Where should he sign?" Hopkins will get 60-40 IF he knocks out Jones. Commission sanctioned such a bout. You accept any EXCUSE for the fight not to happen. I just want to see them fight. Something tells me you are not so EAGER for them to meet in the RING.:dunno:
Not Hardly, Captain FREITAS...But YOUR "Nerve" was OBVIOUSLY Touched YEARS Ago when Your Hero TWICE SHITTED on your Fandom AND Got a Celebrated Send-Off to Boot...NOW, U WON'T Even Respond to Inquiries about him... "Remove the Name PACQUIAO & ask ANY OTHER FIGHTER to Accept Random Drug Testing for a QUARTER TRILLION???"....There'd B a Line of Fighters from the United States to BRAZIL Waiting to Sign Up... Sanctioning a Bout where a Guy Gets 40% (AT WORST) is NOWHERE CLOSE to Sanctioning a Bout where a Guy Gets 0%....Commissions Make MORE from Taking a Piece of EACH Fighters Purse than they Would Taking a Lump Sum from ONE Fighters Purse...Do the Fucking Math.... YOU Have Been HATING on Floyd Mayweather Ever Since he was 130 lbs...Your LAME ASS Attempts @ "Objectivity" R WASTED @ Fightbeat, Dude... REED:boohoo:
you think the fight will net 250 billion dollars?:atu: its a hollow offer. what would be funny is if mayweather jr accepted winner take all, got thoroughly dominated and received a gift decision. what would roach say then? that scenario is precisely why no one in their right mind would accept such terms for a fight of this magnitude. did you happen to see Glencoffe Johnson vs Daniel Judah?
Roach is going right to where Mayweather lives: MONEY. Remember, he said he doesn't give two shits about you, Reed or anybody else in this board. The offer is on the table. Mayweather is eerily quiet finally, and you're offering more EXCUSES. More incentive for either FIGHTER to take it out of the judges hands. You don't want to see Pacquaio-Mayweather either do you? no matter what the circunstances?
Oh so it's random testing AND winner take all.:: What else do you want Pacman to do? Walk a line from the top of the Empire State Building to sign the contract?:laughing:
Id rather see it than mayweather jr vs mosley, thats for sure. I just illustrated why it would be retarded for any fighter to accept such terms. what happens to the loser? he pays his cornermen, lawyers, managers etc out of a purse he doesnt have?
Crap. The 60/40 thing isn't on the same plateau as winner take all so it's irrelevant. The fight was there to be made. A compromise couldn't be reached so at this stage it's off. Let's worry about the fights that are signed rather than waste anymore bandwidth on a non fight. Both guys are taking on a challenge. I think both win their respective bouts and hopefully then we can get this thing done. Until then, this really doesn't need to be discussed further.
pacquiao himself isn't dumb enough to engage in a 'winner takes all' matchup. it's just roach talking shit. you'll never hear anything like that from manny himself. be serious. no fighter in their right mind would be stupid enough to even consider that when they're guaranteed of making millions even in a losing effort.
We can walk and chew at the same time. We can concentrate at the fights at hand, but everyone and their brother knows if they win their fights, Pacquaio-Mayweather looms once again. It's a SPECIAL fight, so much so Mayweather went beyond the standard requests. Roach representing Manny, who doesn't talk trash, is going beyond the NORMAL offer. Why worry if Pacquaio is or isn't being a fool to make such an offer as long as the fight is made? What does it make one that rejects that offer? And what they think of their chances of winning? Binary decision. Reject the offer? Then STFU about a $25 million test when you yourself has rejected a close to a quarter TRILLION offer.
the starter of this thread either lacks serious common sense or is one of the biggest mayweather haters i've seen in recent years. ::
Anyone disagreeing with strict testing beyond what is called by the Commission is a hater? That makes the MAJORITY of the public then. If Mayweather is so sure of a victory over Pacquaio then accept the offer. Pacquaio is willing to fight him for FREE to see who is the best. It's never been done before? Neither has Olympic testing in boxing.
Fighter, you numbnut, a quarter TRILLION would mean 250 BILLION! Stop exagerating to enhance your argument. It's a shitty one, even if it is a quarter BILLION!!!! No one in their right mind would accept such a ridiculous offer. It isn't a real offer, only a dumbass would believe Roach. And since you believe it's a legitimate offer... I'll let you add 2+2.