Peak Hopkins (Pre-Tito) vs the Hearns of the Hagler/Shuler fights? Who wins? Gimme Bernard, all the way. Bernard Hopkins is still grossly underrated. He's a top ten all time talent. I can't think of a SMARTER fighter in that ring. People say Hearns had it all except a rock solid jaw. Well i also question Hearns' stamina (Hagler fight). Bernard, however had it all except one punch power and blazing handspeed...but his speed and power are still decent enough. Bernard by KO. Hearns does not enjoy a height advantage in this one, cannot outsmart Hopkins, gets roughed up, outhustled and outlasted.
Hearns would be a very tough matchup for Hop. Tommy was hard to outbox, had the power to hurt B-Hop, and the handspeed to beat B-Hop to the punch. However.... in the end I see a prime Hopkins grinding Tommy down, and stopping him in the late going.
I wouldn't give Hearns a shot in hell against Hopkins. Size difference is too great, Bernard is the better boxer, and Bernard has never been stopped, only knocked down in one fight on foreign soil pre-prime and is too strong for the smaller Hearns.
Hopkins on a competitive decision. Hearns' chances would improve if he showed up looking to box, The night he fought Hagler, that gameplan wouldn't have worked out against Hopkins. If he got on his bicycle? Well, that could be a different story, but I still would favour Hopkins, not overlooking the fact Hearns would be overwhelmingly his best defense of the 160lb. belt.
The better boxer than hearns? I agree bernard wins but I dunno if that statement is anything I agree with.
I like Hearns in this one. I think he has too much athleticism and wins a close decision in a boring fight.
Yeah the same Bernard who was one clean shot from going OUT vs somebody called the "Second Shopkeeper"....aka Segundo Mercado. Hopkins would be DQ'd vs Hearns. He would know his ass was getting fucked that night and he would hold and hit his way to a DQ.
That's nonsense. Hopkins had an off night on foreign territory pre-prime. So no, it wasn't even "the same Bernard", I think this MM is implied with Hopkins in his prime. Shit, Hearns got stopped by a non-puncher in Leonard.
Bernard Hopkins has fought a grand total of 3 guys in his life that could match athleticism with him. Taylor/Calzaghe/RJJ There is a common thread there. I don't know what people see in hopkins that makes them think he'd be able to anything other than get his face jabbed off by Hearns. Hearns by decision
Clever but... RJJ is RJJ afterall. I'd pick Prime Jones to have beaten Leonard, Hagler and Hearns. Taylor....came when Hopkins was 40 (MMs are understood to be referring to the fighter in his prime)..and Calzaghe was later still... Hearns didn't have the toughness or stamina to hang with Prime Hopkins for 12 rounds...and Bernard was the smarter fighter also....and was as tall as Tommy.
Gimme Hopkins to overcome an early deficit to sweep the later rounds and take a close MD over 12. In time Hopkins physicality and smartness would take over and by the end I think Hearns is fighting to survive. Over 15 I would pick B-Hop by late stoppage.
Hopkins wouldnt OUTBOX Hearns! Hell not even Leonard and Benitez could do that. B-Hop would have to get inside and maul Tommy. From long range, Hearns would have the edge. Handspeed is B-Hop's weakness, prime or no prime. But in the end, I think at his best he eventually gets to Tommy.
So? Both Leonard and Benitez were 5'10". Hopkins is 6'1". Styles makes fights. Hopkins doesn't usually try to outbox anyone...he likes to get dirty and rough usually...but when he does box he's exceptional. He has cat like reflexes, very elusive, great ring generalship. I'm sick of people continuing this myth that Hearns was impossible to outbox...just because Leonard couldn't do it. Boxing ability is not just about flashy styles and blazing handspeed. Anyway...I guess it's a moot point, becaue I agree that Bernard wouldn't fight a boxin gmatch against Hearns, rather he'd outhustle and rough him up on route to a late stoppage..
Was gonna post a similar response. Hopkins is MUCH bigger than Leonard or Benitez and that makes a considerable difference on the outside as well as the inside. I think Hopkins could box on fairly even terms with Hearns, though I think Hearns would probably win 4 of the first 6 rounds, all of which would be close. After that I see Hopkins progressively taking over and hurting Tommy. Hopkins 116-111 /TKO 14.