Is ESPN going to compare freaking Tiger Woods to Muhammad Ali??? On the front page of the ESPN website, they compared Tiger's plight to Ali's. They said that Ali's was more important, but Tiger's is harder to come back from. Give me a fucking break!!! First of all, golf is not even a real freaking sport! If it is, then put Bobby Fischer on the list as one of the greatest athletes of all time, he played a skilled game of chess! One of my biggest pet peeves is when they use adjectives such as warrior, intimidating, etc... when they speak about a flipping golfer! I'm not disputing a skill level, but it's so obvious that Woods and Ali should not be mentioned in the same lifetime, with the exception of popularity. Any so- called sport in which you can smoke a pack of stoges or eat a sandwich in between time, while waiting your turn is a non-sport. Just because Woods is not the out of shape schlub, the rest of the tour is, he's considered the athlete of the group. Ali stood for more, he meant more and was just as popular without the internet. Let me know if I'm off-point on this one, I just had to address this nonsense. #1 coming back from nearly a four year layoff and going into a ring against top competition. #2 Getting beat down with a golf club by your wife, then going back to the country club after an Obama prompter type presser. Hmmmmmm
I strongly agree with the senitment of this post. Face it man, people in the USA don't give a shit about boxing anymore... they don't really have any grasp of Ali or his significance anymore. I asked my coworkers the other day if they knew what the Rumble in the Jungle was and they said Ali-Frazier? Makes me wanna kick em in the teeth this espn clown can get away with this sort of BS because people don't haev any clue what Muhammad Ali even means now
Great post. As I have been saying for years, the press is staffed by MORONS. The Ali angle is an attempt to keep Woods in that elite bracket, to make him out to be a living God, whose presence we are lucky to be in. They try to evoke Ali to give some legitimacy to what is, in fact, a guy who has one billionth the talent, toughness and character of Ali. It's cheap and it's cynical but it sells, because people are THICK.
Good post... i have to admit that this article legitimately infuriates me. And I am a known Ali-Hater....
Tiger is ugly, has no charm, is balding badly....and it seems has a really fucking bad attitude. Tiger misses a putt and then verbally accosts innocent ticket-paying bystanders. Ali took punches in the fucking head and laughed them off. When Ali flew to Manila he took his girlfriend with him and left his wife behind. She flew out and scratched the shit out of his face. Ali fucked Porche in the ass and then went 14 with Frazier and did it all in front the assembled Media. Tiger, on the other hand, sneaked around with utter skanks, and then got chased into a fire hydrant and beaten silly. By his wife. With one of his own clubs. Tiger is a cunt. A charmless mother who needs a personal trainer to enable him to man-up to the physicality
Tiger is ill. He´s a sex addict. He couldn´t control his addiction to sleep with a different woman every day. How dare you compare the light-hearted story of Ali to a very serious illness like that of Tiger. For all we know Tiger could have died from the consequences of his illness, if his wife used the driver instead of the putter. ::
:::: We hear all these sob stories about how people like Ken Norton crashed his car into a tree and nearly died.........why didn't the press take any interest when Tiger overturned his Escalade in those tulip beds?
You know, when Tiger comes back, more people will watch him play than watched Quarry-Ali I. Sad but true.
And if Ali was at his prime during the information/internet age, the world would have been his oyster...... AGAIN.- Very True. Remember, Tyson would have sold out Madison Square Garden masturbating!
Yes but Tiger is not being watched because he can be watched. He is being watched because people actually want to watch that shit.
And imagine, about 70 million baby boomers are going to retire within the next 5 years or so, in this country alone. That's another group of old asses watching golf.
Ali was a handsome Black guy with the necessary hint of Whitey, this time via some rare old Irish spunk on his Grand-Daddys side. Tiger, on the other hand, looks like this........ Woods/tiger-woods-injury-photo.jpg
Both are considered the best ever at their sport by many. That's pretty mcuh it though. You people saying golf isn't a sport obviously have never played golf. I'm an avid golfer and let me tell you something, IT'S FUCKING HARD! You people have no clue unless you have played.
And because it's hard, it's a sport? I guess i never should speak on politics, I've never held office. Some words are difficult to say and spell; that does not make a spelling bee a sport.
Tiger will find Jesus. And when he does, Jesus will destroy him out on the course. I wonder if Calvin Peetes appears in Tigers dreams and mocks him....."you will never be as white as they are, beyotch"::::
I'm just saying, you guys are making it out to be something any old fat guy can be good at. That's far from the truth. I mean you could nitpick any sport. Boxing, wow two guys punching eachother in the face until one of their brians swell and they fall down. My point is, just because you personally don't like it, doesn't mean it's any less of a sport. Curling is an olympic sport for god sake!
Dictionary definition of sport even lists golf as one. sport <SUP></SUP> <SCRIPT language=javascript>AC_FL_RunContent = 0;</SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript>var interfaceflash = new LEXICOFlashObject ( "", "speaker", "17", "15", "<img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"sport pronunciation\" />", "6");interfaceflash.addParam("loop", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("quality", "high");interfaceflash.addParam("menu", "false");interfaceflash.addParam("salign", "t");interfaceflash.addParam("FlashVars", ""); interfaceflash.addParam('wmode','transparent');interfaceflash.write();</SCRIPT><OBJECT id=speaker codeBase=codebase= height=15 width=17 align=textTop classid=clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 http: pub shockwave cabs flash'6,0,0,0"'> </OBJECT><NOSCRIPT></NOSCRIPT> /spɔrt, spoʊrt/ –noun 1. an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.
Of course they're going to put it down as a sport! All of the media indoctrination, especially as of late, will not have it any other way. Any fat guy off the street may not be able to play it, but there is certainly a fair share of fat asses that can't do anything athletic, so they play golf. I don't mind the game; hell, I used to cover the game!
Jeez, that is retarded. How can they compare a guy who refused to be drafted into an absurd military conflict and lost his heavyweight championship (at that time, still the biggest prize in sports) and three years of his career with a guy who fucked cocktail waitresses?