This fight has nothing to do with whether Hearns was a better/greater more versatile fighter or not. This fight boils down to one simple question: Who will knock the other the fuck out first? That's all it is. Both men are vulnerable fighters and both men are lights out punchers. Hearns was susceptible to being drawn into brawls by aggresive fighters. Hearns could box...but he was more FIGHTER than boxer in his temperament. The Nigel Benn of 160lbs was a different animal to the one at 168 (the one the Americans are more familiar with). Benn at 160lbs was basically a mini Tyson in temperament and power. He would just charge forward throwing everything from teh opening bell hoping to end the fight as soon as possible. He'd do the same with Hearns and Tommy will respond in kind (like against Hagler in round 1). Someone is going before the bell ending the 3rd round. Who will it be?
This would be a fantastic fight! The longer it goes the more it suits Benn. It comes down to whether Hearns would be able to get him out real quickly. I think not and I'll go with Benn by KO 5 after being down himself.
I disagree. The longer the fight goes, the worse this gets for Nigel IMHO. At 160, Benn was a murderous puncher, but Watson showed conclusively that he was also as dumb as fuck and would punch and punch and punch until he was knackered. Against Watson, that took just shy of five full rounds. And when Watson wasn't KTFO, Benn soon was instead. The Benn who beat McClellan is capable of outgutting Tommy for me. That night, Benn was just possessed. But as that fight was at 168, I have to discount it... :crying: I'd pick Benn, very tentatively, providing that Tommy is drawn into a brawl as Benn would hope, inside six rounds. Any longer and Benn loses. MTF
Benn survived McClellan --- I have to think his chances to survive Hearns are at least 50%. The damage he could do in turn, as a natural 168lber, no less, would not be insignificant, either.
This matchup is at 160, though. I'd agree that the Benn who fought McClellan would be a test for any super-middleweight in history, though. He was possessed that night. MTF