Uncatchable Fox vs the Inescapable Hound. Who wins...or does Zeus have to turn both into stone to preserve the space/time continuum?
hahahahaha. nice.:bears: I'll go with a technical draw as the overwhelming boxing awesomeness reifies in the 5th round, spilling through the ropes and into the arena like the pink slime in Ghostbusters 2.
Your Duran hatred is literally inexplicable to me. It's like a football fan despising Maradona & thinking he's shite for no particular reason.
I like Whitaker, very close, as well. We all know what that means --- Duran gets the nod. Whitaker was the greater Lightweight (head-to-head), & would've beaten Duran, IMO. Each of them top five-to-ten LW's of all-time, & in a division that steep, that's equivalent to being top three of another class.
In all seriousness I think this has razor-thin decision written all over it either way. Even in a trilogy I think you'd have people debating who came out best.
Indeed. You'd have great rallies from both men. Duran pushing, mauling, cutting Whitaker up & bullying him --- Whitaker coming right back with set-traps & counters, feinting & giving Duran unwelcomed visions of his Benitez nightmare. Very close fight. I'd love to have seen it.