For: Wins over Foreman, Tillis, Ruddock, Williams, Hipp and Pinklon Thomas. Against: Wretched losses to Bennt, Lewis and Mercer. For: Two fisted power, variety, handspeed and mobility. Against: poor Stamina and average Chin. Tommy did have a decent chin...he just got hit far too much from slowing down and having a less than waterproof D. I think Tommy could have gone a bit further if he was better disciplined and better managed. For all the talk of the disadvantages faced by black athletes, both Morrison and Cooney were poorly managed. They were well promoted, but poorly managed. It pisses me off to hear guys saying "Oh so and so aint nothing more than the next Tommy Morrison".....:boohoo::dunno:...what'
Didn't he win a WBO title? Thats about right. Poor stamina, average chin, below average boxing skills, above average power. He'd make more noise now but not a whole lot more.
Morrison beat Foreman for the wbo title and then foreman beat moorer in his next fight. Even I don't consider the wbo to be an equal to the other 3 at that time, but it is interesting that the WBO heavy champ had a clear victory over the 'champ.' Morrison had extremely good power with his left hook. Maybe Tommy Virgets is to blame or maybe Morrison was just too limited to learn, but I always hated how they had Morrison bob around and waste energy. His head movement was about the least effective defense you'll ever see because he quit moving as soon as someone started throwing at him and got hit with everything. Against anyone.
Morrison was a beast, a very very good fighter. Great power, great combo and good head movement ( I disagree with Mike on this point ). But his chin was pure garbage, one of the worst I ever saw. The kd vs Carl Williams looked like nothing yet he was badly dazed. Same vs Bent, he should have recovered easily from this or the first kd vs Lewis. And his suspect stamina didn't help. If he'd fight now, he'd be one of the top guy's. Sure he would have a couple of upset loss but I think he knocks the like of Chambers and Arreola. Wouldn't surprise me at all to see him knocks a Klitshko too ( especially Wlad ).
Prime Morrison would probably beat all the top heavies not named Klitchko over the past several years. TFK
Yeah, well, he already did very well against the best of the 80's...Hipp, Pinklon Thomas, Carl "The Lies" Williams, and the best of the 70's, in George Foreman, and one of the best of the 90's, in Ruddock...and they were strong strong yes.....he could knock Eddie Chambers the fuck out..Chris Byrd, Golota, Ruiz...and Chagaev. Would all just fall over.:crafty::doh:
He definitely went on the gear after he quit/retired.....I think he then tried to say he was on steroids when he needed a story to explain how he no longer had AIDS. He said his steroids messed up the test....but that could be all BS. He never had any roid gut until after he quit.
I agree with all except the chin....I really think he had an average chin, not a shit one...he took a lot of jabs and right hands from Foreman without looking like he was going to drop.
The thing of it is, gassing and having a crap D in the heavyweight division......means you are getting knocked out, sooner or later. Most people don't know how to define a "bad chin"........the matter lacks perspective.
Yeah but he was asleep long before he fell. In fact, the punches kept him upright for the most part. Morrison's issue wasn't chin or stamina as much as it was the inability to relax in the ring. And nothing he did in the ring was energy effecient. Every move was hard, quick and taxing on his endurance. Morrison was destroyed by nervous energy in my opinion.
:atu: Is this some kinda joke? Only the ropes were holding him up after mercer landed a couple of arm punches. Most of the shots that Mercer was hitting him with at that point were coming AFTER he was already out. Morrison's chin was crap.
So Manny Steward was always going to be out of the question then. Ironically, I would give Tommy a chance to stop Wladimir, but Wladimir would have decapitated the Foreman that Tommy fought.
Morrison was probably one of my favorite B level heavyweights. (along with Ruddock) I found most if his fights very entertaining. I liked his style and of course the great left hook. His chin was indeed a big weakness. That's not to say if it was solid he would have been an all time great, but he would have gone quite a bit further imo.
His inability to relax made his stamina suck, but I think you are right on about him not being able to relax. Also something that could be blamed on his trainer. And Morrison did have a terrible chin. A terrible chin. Even Michael Simms made it to the end of a few fights. These aren't grade school girls you compare him to. Compared to peer heavies, Morrison's chin was shit.
Morrison did make it to the end of fights. One of them was against George Foreman:warning:....a puncher of note. Tommy could just be a heavyweight version of Jermaine Tayor....doomed to get knocked out in style by guys he was beating because he was too nervy.
exactly and against Foreman, he took punches as he was moving away from them... he was grazed more than hit flush
He's nothing like Taylor. His stamina absolutely sucked. Just like his chin. Making it to the end of a fight doesn't mean otherwise.
I don't think he's like Taylor like that, either. Taylor is a skilled fighter, great amateur background, excellent physical tools, but he's ran into a few guys who can out-tough him at the top of the heap. Morrison was a hellacious puncher who watched Rocky movies and Mike Tyson and emulated that style (and Clubber Lang's). And probably because he lacked an amateur background, he never got comfortable in the ring, never learned to relax, and his stamina sucked because of it. Morrison was able to run around for 12 rounds against one of the slowest heavies the world has ever known. So did Shannon Briggs. So did Crawford Grimsley. So did Axel Schulz.
You so desperate for a white evyweight champ ya havin' to nostalgisize over a hype-job fraud who was EXPOSED over and over gen' da way they always are.. keep searchin' buddy,.. aint gunna happen.