I dont like the undercard, all these old top rank retreads fighting each other (although soto is more than that)..it was fun two years ago but this round robin has run its course
Everyone knows what's happening. Even the die hard Pac fans know deep down that something is amiss. I'm just sick of demonstrating it. Clottey was brought in to put another full fledged, decent welter on Pac's list of wins before the drug testing pressure comes to a head and he has to retire. However, I believe that Clottey at least has a chance to make it a decent fight if he gains confidence that Pac can't hurt him... which remains to be seen. Interestingly enough, I read an article this week which I wish I would have copied. In it, Flip Homansky (used to be head doctor at NSAC I think) said that since the testing boxing was doing was so inadequate, he suggested fighters actually put YEAR ROUND blood AND urine testing into their fight contracts to take care of the problem! He said this BEFORE the PBF/DLH fight. I guess he was just a little ahead of his time. Odd how no one ever picked up on this or talked about it when they were screaming about how cowardly and "unprecedented" the Mayweather drug tests were. Here you had the MD at the top of the NSAC virtually telling boxers "You better do this on your own if you want a clean fight, cause you ain't gettin' one in Nevada!", but yet Floyd was painted as this insane freak asking for such crazy things.
Not only am I picking Clottey in this fight but I'm picking him by knockout. Clottey was cranking a nice uppercut against Cotto until they got tangled and he injured his knee (which happened to be the knee he put all the weight on for the uppercut.) I say pac tags him early and has him rocked in the second round, looking like he may go. Then Clottey tightens up his defense and starts giving some good shots. Starts rocking Pac in the sixth round and begins to take over in round 7. Round 8 he staggers Pac and backs him up against the ropes. lands a bomb of an uppercut and Pac is down for the count. CLOTTEY by KO8
The wrong socks again! Remember the rap I wrote against Alabama Man with this line about Pac; "I had the wrong gloves, I wore the wrong socks, I had the wrong haircut, & sucked the wrong cocks!"
He should blame it on Balco king-pin, Trevor Graham, Pacquiao's current specialist speed and strength coach, for not giving him an adequate enough dose.
:: my take " I wore the wrong socks I had the wrong gloves, I got the wrong haircut, I took the wrong drugs!"
Wow. Of all the words in the English language, you took 4 that DID NOT rhyme. "I Loaded My Syringe With My Usual Dose Clotteys Chin Has Loads of Minge I Never Lose" Now that is some mad poetry. Check the "Dose" and "Lose"....it's Keatsian in it's brilliance. :bears::bears:
MIne was a rap and the two lines should have been added together. So instead of A rhyming with C and B rhyming with D, it just needed to rhyme B and D. In what fucked up accent does "dose" rhyme with "lose?"
"I used to fight Marquez, Barrera, and Morales, Now I'm twice the size of most of those fellas, I knocked out Hatton and also stopped Cotto, And don't forget I stopped Oscar de la Joto!" :hammert:
Old Mustard Teeth Jones looks like he's about to go balls-deep into some Nigerian ass (or Ghanaen ass or whatever the fuck Clottey is.)
Taken from post-fight interview: However, Clottey didn’t seem as impressed with Pacquiao’s power as he was with his speed. “He didn’t hurt me at all,†Clottey stated I thought he would put in a wretched performance and, unfortunately, he didnt disappoint