Simple question(s) If Manny loses would it change anyone's mind one way or another regarding the: • Drug issue? • His chances against PBF? If so why/ why not? Just curious.
It would be, an absolute miracle, if Pacquiao were to lose in the souped up state he is bound to be in, thanks to an extra agreement made by the texas commission in association with Bob Arum to have absolutely no drug test whatsoever for this fight,.. NONE,.. If by some miracle Pedquiao lost,.. I think it'd be enough for most ignorants to think it meant he had never taken performance enhancers before,.. but the tangental evidence that surrounds him taking performance enhancers will be way too great for me to ever ignore, and I'll just continue to be a thorn in fightbeat's side,.. and dissapoint many of my former allies, sadly.
Hopefully pacs team tried new drugs that would cause serious physical damage to pac. I don't do drugs.....I just felt like turning down the biggest payday over agreement on drug test details. :: NOPE, definitely no drugs here.
You can actually lose a boxing match if you're using steroids believe it or not. I think there might even be documented cases of such an event occuring. Pacquiao will be tested using the same methods he has been before. Even if Manny is "using", why would he change if the testing hasn't?