Clottey basically confirmed that he didn't want to open up in case he got hit because Pac was so fast.
Yeah, and as I said in one of the early rounds, Manny was playing posom, and Im pretty sure even LETTING Clottey land a few to encourage him to open up. Manny's a machine.
Doesn't matter. Sly's been stating that same point of view for every opponent Mosley has fought for his entire posting career.
I've never been a big subscriber to the growing cranium theory, but I will admit that just anecdotally speaking Pac's head does look like it's getting really big. Did anyone notice Bobby Pacquiao in the ring pre-fight? His head looked utterly... well... normal... in comparison to brother Manny's. Almost too small in comparison. I admit it's odd that even a genetically/physically similar person would not exhibit the somewhat bizarre skull growth Manny seems to be undergoing. I'd really like to see a side-by-side of those two now. I also will admit that while I was certain the HBO crew would avoid any PED talk during the fight commentary, what they did say was a bit frustrating. Basically Emanuel Steward and Lamps were constantly saying how unique, incredible, phenomenal, and unbelievable Manny is and they chalk it up to... training? But not training at lower weights of course, no, just training now. The training before when he was getting KO'd and tired and beaten was different. Then Max goes over Manny's completely backwards and inexplicable punch output stats showing that as he moved up into higher weights he throws.... significantly MORE punches. Totally the reverse of historical trends, even in very good fighters. And again we are told that it's just how great Manny is, great, he's great, he's super great. Great. Oh and he trains hard. Then we hear that in the wake of the biggest fight of the decade, and the fight to cement his legacy as ATG, the fight that could net him $20-$40 million dollars, the fight he clamored for for some time before the drug test thing... he is going to run for the Philippine Senate? If he wins he gets seated in July, and I guess that's it. Don't see how he could keep fighting. I cannot describe with mere words how frustrating this is to me. Manny could knock out Floyd. And if Floyd plays it safe, he could potentially make Floyd look quite bad as he did to Clottey tonight. Of course Floyd could well win the fight, but in Manny there is finally someone out there who I think has a 50/50 chance of beating Floyd CLEARLY. Aiiighghg. Please Manny, just stay clean for one fucking fight and sign to fight Floyd. Then I will vote for you for whatever office you run for via falsified absentee ballot, I promise. It works here in the US, I am sure it would work in the Philippines.
Pac wanted to get hit, I'm sure he enjoys it. He was calling Clottey in and standing there, taking an uppercut. Clottey was pathetic really.
Pac is so clearly on steroids. I think the whole world knows it. I watched the fight with about 15 people from different backgrounds and with different opinions and we we're all unanimous that this guy is severely chemically enhanced.
Pac is just a beast. Can't see the big head thing some of you are on about, but fuck he is a machine.
He has clearly passed every single drug test he has taken. This was a non issue before Floyd brainwashed people.
I knew the little prick was on roids way before Floyd mentioned it....back then it wasn't as obvious though now its just clear as day.
If Pacquaio is on steroids, then I say make it legal for all fighters. The guy goes all out every single moment of every fight.
PED or not, there's no question that pacquiao has honed his skills in the last few years. he's a great hitter, great boxer, great everything. he also ate some uppercuts in rounds 11 and 12 and took them very well.
Pacquiao on PEDs like half the people in pro sports. Clottey should've taken some EPO for more energy, maybe he would've actually let his hands go. Pathetic "I'm just happy to be here" effort from Clottey. I overrated him, thinking he'd do well in the early going before falling apart.
Haven't been through the entire thread... That was one of the worst big fight performances I've ever seen. who was more effective, Clottey or Tua against Lemmon?
I think Clottey landed more clean shots but Tua won more rounds (not like that means anything). Clottey was catching Pacquiao with some nice clean shots, he's just too damn scared of leaving openings when he lets his hands go.
Shouldn't be hard to find some comparison pics to use as evidence then. Wait a minute: when we had that thread the only guy posting pics was me. If the head size is so obvious then post some proof. As always, I remain open to the chance that Pac is on PEDs. You guys preaching the head size change should find it very easy to prove.
I think some posters are seriously in a very dangerous zone. To completely DISCREDIT Pacquaio's performances the last few years to PED's where there is no PROOF of it, is borderline DISGUSTING. Mayweather's excuse is well know, a combination of FEAR and ENVY. I don't see what's wrong in believing in GOD and TRAINING very hard, watching your nutrition intake, consequently results will follow.
That was a tremendous performance by pacquiao. I will no longer be betting on mayweather jr against him
Can you post me link supporting this Hut*Hut?. I'm reading a lot here about this big-head stuff, but I haven't read anything to support it other than people here saying it's true. All I can find is this: What can human growth hormone do for otherwise healthy adults? Studies of healthy adults taking human growth hormone are limited. Although it appears that human growth hormone injections can increase muscle mass and reduce the amount of body fat in healthy older adults, the increase in muscle doesn't translate into increased strength. In fact, researchers have found that strength training is a cheaper, more effective way to increase muscle mass and strength. It isn't clear if human growth hormone may provide other benefits to healthy adults. What are the risks of taking human growth hormone if you don't need it? Human growth hormone may cause a number of side effects for healthy adults, including: • Swelling in the arms and legs • Joint pain • Muscle pain • For men, enlargement of breast tissue (gynecomastia) Not exactly compelling evidence... Also some proof that his head is actually (unusually) bigger would be good.
If PED's are so great WHY haven't the Pharmaceuticals MARKET the hell of them to the rest of the world's population?
ive known personally about ten professional boxers and 20+ mma fighters. 90% of them were on some type of performance enhancer. nearly everyone in the nba and nfl are also on them. steroids dont make you invincible. genetics do. pac has had the raw talent from day one, to suggest he is busting people up because he is cheating is bullshit (although he probably is) if someone who is obviously a steroid user (bernard hopkins, roy jones jr, sugar ray leonard, klitschko bros, james toney, etc.) arent going to get any heat...why is it that pacquiao is?
bottom line is that no one whipped clottey like that. pacquaio is a hard man to beat and he certainly has a great shot to outwork mayweather jr even if he cant take him out.
wow, really? im a betting man, definitely going to bet mayweather if anything. why the change? just this fight?
his last few fights. Im not saying Id pick him to win, but i certainly wont bet as much on mayweather as I had planned to. we shall see how mayweather jr looks in may.
how do you see mayweather-mosely? want to put money on a mayweather stoppage if he ever fights pacquiao (unfortunately) 5 bets last 2-3 years, won all five (biggest being 2500 on pac-marquez 2 going twelve) dont want to blow it with this fight.