fights are not held in big stadiums anymore. Its just too wide open sucking all the energy out of the fight. All you need to do is watch the Texas-UNC game from earlier this year. Absolutely NO energy in the arena. Boxing does not belong in these stadiums.
In some cases it works, McGuigan-Pedroza was held at the home of legends and Bruno - McCall was at Wembley, both great atmospheres
Folk in the UK know how to create an atmosphere. 80k yanks in a stadium is a very different proposition. Plus, with all due respect Loftus Road is quite small and compact, its really barely bigger than something like Caesers Palace, anyway. I went to watch the UFC at the o2 arena/millenium dome last year. I was only half way up and I could barely see a thing it sucked.
Yea true about the Loft, very compact and the crowd is right on top of you. However Old Wembley was very open and the atmosphere for that fight was fantastic. UK atmosphere does top all others though.
Lets face it it's the booze.:: The more steamers the more noise. I mean people say the OF derby's the fiercest because of all the baggage, my guess is it's mainly because 75% of the crowd are problem drinkers.
I highly doubt a Cowboys home game has no energy. Some stadiums have huge crowd noise. Plus Cowboys Stadium has a huge screen which is placed right above the ring. Even the nose bleed seats will have notion of what's transpiring in the ring.
The Cotto/Foreman fight will show why it's terrible. The Cowboys stadium may actually be good for it.
REED has a Press Credential but it Remains to B Seen if He'll B Seated w/the REAL Media OR "Auxillary" Media... "Keep HOPE Alive" - Jesse Jackson REED:dunno:
RINGSIDE is $700, Face Value...For the COMMON Man, "Good" Tickets Range from $200-$300...For $100 U'll Basically B Looking @ the 60yd Wiiiide HD Screen, if U Want to TRUELY "See" what's Going On in the Ring, Otherwise U'll B Watching the Equivalent of ANTS Duking it Out...For $50 U'll B in the "Standing Room" Area, where Anywhere from 100-400 People will ALREADY B IN FRONT of U... REED:mj:
LOL this is true! When I was at MSG though they bring you beers whenever you want them, to your seat, fucking budweiser though so you just end up sober with a full bladder. Side note though, at McGuigan-Pedroza there was no alcohol allowed because of the Heysel disaster
agREED... REED's Always Been Sort of ENVIOUS of the PASSION Displayed @ UK Boxing Matches...Prince Naseem ENTRANCES, Ricky Hatton CHANTS & Over-the-Top FANDOM...Even via Television, it's FUN Being Privy to UK Boxing Events...By Comparison, United States Audiences Fall Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay SHORT.... REED:mj:
The Thai fights are cool with everyone cheering on every punch by the 'good' guy. Luisito Espinosa could really pack in the crowds, too.
Stadia fights are good but you need 2 things 1. Stadia which are given to positive acoustics 2. Proper seating arrangements, with the rear seats not to far from the action 3. A sell out croud.
Undeniably, there was ATMOSPHERE @ Morales-Pac I, but it PALES in Comparison to what the Brit's CUSTOMARILY Produce... REED:mj:
Brituain and Ireland are littered with stadia designed with the crowd participation in are most soccer stadia in Europe. It is an acknowledged fact that certain stadia are "harder places to go to" than others, on account of the noise the home fans produce.
there is too much hype behind the Cowboys stadium for this to be a let down in atmosphere. not to mention Pacquiao/Clottey style wise cannot dissapoint.
Agreed. I would love to attend a fight there. I just don't know what fighter would have that kind of support now that Calzaghe and Hatton are through.
It's really just a carry over from football, where as you know singing, chanting (& drunkenness) is the norm. Which makes it all the more mysterious to me that the German's don't seem to create the same atmosphere at all - if anything their football crowds create a better atmosphere than the English over there these days. Maybe boxing appeals to a different demographic there, though I doubt it. Maybe El-T or Kaup can shed some light on that....
Because that big TV cost more than alot of people realize! 30$ nose bleed/50$ parking, 20$ Large drink, 15$ Hotdog; hey is there a way we can charge for air?!:crafty:
In comparison to football less drinking, less emotional involvement (lack of real German fighters), few truly exciting fighters and fights. Generally a shitty undercard that will suck the air out of the place. The fans observe and wait till the fight is over and then they show their appreciation.
Actually, it was $35 STANDING, $50 Nose Bleed, a CHOICE of $50 OR $100 Parking, $35 T-Shirts & $8.50 Beers...But Who's Counting???....REED Got a PRESS Credential, CARPOOLED w/5 Others & was FORTUNATE Enough to Eat in the Media Dining Area... REED::
The stadium and staff were first class. The video screen itself cost more than the original Texas Stadium cost to build. Can't fathom that screen until you actually sit about 50 rows up and view it. It was like sitting on your living room couch the view was so big and clear. The screen alone is what makes this stadium work for boxing. Reliant Stadium in Houston is nearly as big capacity wise, even has better sight lines, but it doesnt work as a boxing venue due to the screen. During the pre-ring walk while the video montage and music was playing, the noise was beyond deafening, I felt the bass moving my shirt and vibrating thru my chest. I imagine that the crowd could have been quite loud had they been given any action to cheer about. Nor was there anything on the undercard to cheer about either... Shoulda had the Friday matchup where Tyson Marquez lost his 0, as a support bout and the crowd would have been properly warmed up.