TBH I think its pretty obvious the guys using. Sours the joy of being able to watch a performance like last nights.....
Yea how dare he actually get better, it can't be down to him just working on his game, has to be drugs...yada yada yada
Yep,..and I cant stand such flagrant forms of capitalism like this, dirty, filthy, slimey decieving pieces of shit getting together and 'living the American dream' via the route of sheer and proud corruption... But others can,... and that's why I'm beginning to annoy people.
Kauk, I can only speak about the United States of America when I say this. But it's the American way. Lie, Cheat, and Steal. That's the way you become successful in the US! I'll Holla 5000
:: Yep, HGH and EPO turn you into superman! That's why there are so many Pacquiao's in boxing, doing what he is doing! All you need to do is take EPO and HGH! Retard.
Hopefully hulk roid and 50 cents nob slobber will fight. I love how none of the roid fans here can give any logical reason why roidman would refuse random testing and turn down the biggest payday of his life. Would any roidman fan here turn down millions of dollars over random drug tests if they weren't on any kind of drugs? I don't do drugs, I just turn down the biggest payday of my career over drug testing being random. Nope, no drugs at all. :mj:
Hut Hut, you're an intelligent guy. You're saying the idea that you think Manny is on EPO or HGH or both sours the performance. You say that as if HGH and EPO are what are responsible for Pacquiao's incredible performance. It's stupid. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If EPO or HGH are that powerful, and they are the main factors of Manny's brilliance, THERE WOULD BE MORE FUCKING PACMANS IN BOXING. Did Mosley look like superman in the second Oscar fight? The fight where he took EPO? No, far from it, I actually thought he looked pretty crap in that fight. If EPO and HGH sour Manny's performances, then Xylocaine sour all of Floyd's performances since the Hernandez fight, as without Xylocaine, he would be even less offensive than usual, due to the pain in his fragile hands.
Well said man, I only see one Pacman in boxing today, no one else comes close. People are buying into these unsubstantiated rumours like women reading rumours about Jennifer Anistons latest relationship shite in gossip magazines. It's sad.
We dont know specifically what special ingredients are being 'fed' to him Mex,..there's only one way to find out,.. the only reason I'd be confident to pick HGH as PART of his 'mixed diet'.. is because of the changes in his brow, cheeks, skin texture and the thickened folicles of his facial hair and ESPECIALLY his eyebrows,.. it's a remarkable 'natural' change in the course of 3 years that's for sure,..it's all very well alligned with the noted side effects of HGH useage,.. I personally dont believe it is ONLY HGH,.. but there's no way I could guess,.. only an advanced random drug test will give us all an answer.
There's a different between using xylocaine to numb the pain of chronic pain in the hands due to constant use and injuries, and inyecting chemicals into your body to alter your stamina/resistance/strenght to have an advantage over your opponent. Don't let your obvious hate for floyd and love for pacquiao blind your judgement, use common sense.
kauki's right. we need to get one of those insanely thickened follicles into the lab, do some serious testing. i can't even get to sleep because i know that somewhere, right now, pacman's bones are growing.
Sterocious Fernando Vargas had stamina, resistance and strength against Fishnets? How about James Toney when he fought Ruiz? In how many states is usage of Xylocaine legal?
Take noted abusers: Morrison, Toney, Vargas, Mosley, Evan Fields....did they display increased power, increased stamina, fine heads of hair?
They are that powerful. They make you better than you otherwise should be. They don't make a Beagle into a pitbull. You know your point is bullshit. Ben Johnson still would have been a great sprinter without steroids. But look what he was with them. A lot of sprinters have taken steroids over the years and very few have matched what Johnson did. Were they the 'main factors' of his record breaking speed? Probably, but we'll never know because he cheated everyone out of knowing. Much like it seems Pacquiao is cheating everyone of knowing how great he would be without them, too.
The FACT is, there's REASONABLE DOUBT as to Whether Pac is CLEAN or Not...Random Testing would REMOVE ALL Doubt, but Pac REFUSES It...Pac Sac Swingers Take the Stance they Do Because they're AFRAID of what they'll Find Out.... To the Sac Swingers, The RISK of Pac Being Exposed as a Cheater Outweighs the REWARD of KNOWING he's a CLEAN Fighter... REED:hammert:
carl lewis won the silver medal and he too tested positive for steroids but appealed it in court, keeping the results private. boxing is not sprinting, or jumping, or running. steroids obviously would make you a better boxer, but besides baseless accusations what reason does anyone have to believe pacquiao is on steroids? 90% of boxers you see on tv use steroids or PEDs...how many pacquiao's are there?
Burden of Proof: On Mayweather. Standard of Proof: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt. Case. Rested. Ya. Honour.
Cases R LOST on Circumstantial Evidence, Which there's PLENTY Of in the Pac Situation......So Go Ahead & "Rest" YOUR Case...You'll LOSE...& STOP Trolling, While U're @ It... REED:hammert:
Has anyone considered this: suppose Pacquiao agreed to drug testing that were more strict than any testing he'd been subjected to before. And suppose he then lost to PBF. There's no doubt the speculation would be that Pacquiao lost because he was without his PEDs. And so his previous wins would become tainted. You see? PBF put Pacquiao in a very bad situation. And it's why he and his people were so angry and vindictive towards PBF that he'd be arrogant enough to step far beyond his place and require such testing. It puts extreme pressure on Pacquiao, whether he agrees to the testing or not. And it's probably why Pacquiao, if he can help it, will never face PBF.
Because it doesn't tax the human imagination to believe that a black, American fighter could be just that good. On the other hand, the world is nowhere near as comfy with the notion of a midget from Manila doing likewise. Furthermore, take a brief look at the machine that is backing Mayweather...it is easily the slickest most pervasive media machines ever conceived in the sport of boxing.
All he had to do was agree right away. And if he was clean, we all know he would have. Not only would that have made him $40 million, it would have implied very strongly that he was clean all along no matter how he fared against Floyd. Now? Well, you are perhaps right, but that's all Pacquiao the Ducker's fault.
Do you agree the Pacquiao who fought Clottey last night, the Pacquiao who many without evidence believe is on PEDS, would beat PBF?
I am using nothing but common sense. They are BOTH performance enhancing drugs. Maybe Pacman used HGH to bulk up naturally, to enhance his smallness, and Floyd uses Xylocaine to enhance his ability to land punches without whincing in pain. They enhance performances in different ways, but make no mistake, they are both performance enhancing drugs. That is not even arguable.
I don't know. They are both great fighters. I'd pick Floyd, juice or not, but I won't be very surprised if Pacquiao beats Flod, juice or not.