Of course I know that, but it seems like a lot of people don't. They are attributing these performances to PEDs, as if any world class fighter could just take HGH or EPO and start fucking thrashing the shit out of people with ease. No, that's simply not the case. Another elite fighter of the last decade, Shane Mosley, took EPO against Oscar in the rematch and looked ordinary. There's no proof Pacquiao is on PEDs, and there isn't even any logical grounds to assume he is on PEDs, seeing as we don't have evidence of fighters performing above and beyond what they are normally capable of from PEDs. Case in point - Mosley.
That's part of my point too. Supposedly many fighters are on PEDs, given the incredibly slack testing in boxing - including Floyd with Xylocaine. And how many Pacquiao's are there? One. So whether you think he is on PEDs or not, attributing his success and insane performances mainly to PEDs is fucking retarded.
only difference is unlike pacquiao (who is a big weight lifter now as he has moved up) roy went from 154 LBS to 195 LBS gaining speed/power/and stamina. and dont forget he also tested positive for steroids in a fight. roy jones jr and sugar ray leonard were huge juicers, yet i never hear their names in threads like this.
It'd be a good point if the scenario's of Pacquiao and Roy Jones were identical, but they're far from it,.. for example,.. let's say Roy's first fight with Tarver was the last at his lower weight,.. not quite a good comparison to Marquez - Pacquiao but a fight he looked like absolute stunned shit in,..like as if he were at the end of the road,.. now within 3 years, he's wiping out heavyweights and throwing more punches than ever before,.. I think that,.. combined with him withdrawing from the richest pay day of his career at 5 minutes to midnight over advanced random drug tests,.. Roy would indeed be looked at with a 'WTF' kind've suspicion aswell.
I have to agree with that though. Despite the fact that the glorious commission, has made it 'legal' for him to do it, .....so with that in mind,.. how much hope is there really for the commissions to crack down on performance enhancing drugs?
The only people who have changed sides on the debate are people reluctantly jumping to the Floyd/anti roid/common sense side. Your arguments have been made by you (and a few others) already a thousand times and they don't get any stronger. BANG!
It's not common sense at all, it's a knee jerk reaction founded on nothing, and based on the ramblings of a retard. I concede that it's very possible Pacquiao is on PEDs, but until there's more evidence than him thrashing people left right and center, shut the fuck up.
Until you acknowledge that turning down $40million dollars IS evidence, I think you should do the same.
Xylocaine is not illegal according to the World Anti-Doping agency. And if Floyd is legally using it in Nevada, what's the big deal?
Im not entirely sure, haven't done any research on it,.. but doesn't it numb the pain of the hands crashing against an opponents skull?.. If that were true,.. I'd have thought that would give you an edge,.. maybe it wont increase your stamina, speed, strength and red blood cell count,.. but technically it should fall under having an extra advantage.
The Pac Sac Swingers HAVE to Cling to SOMETHING...Instead of ADDRESSING what Pac May or MAY NOT (2 B Fair) B Doing, it's EASIER to DEFLECT & Throw Floyd Under the Bus.... REED:hammert: ps. Were U @ the Fight Last Night?
It's Basically like Taking ASPIRIN to Alleviate a Headache...As we ALL Know, Floyd has CHRONIC Hand Problems...The Only OFFICIAL Knockdown of Floyd's Career Resulted from HIS OWN Hand Problems... The Injections DO NOT IMPROVE Floyd in Any Way, it just LESSENS the Pain....They Do NATHAN to Lessen the DAMAGE Floyd Does to his Hands Though...MASKING the Pain Doesn't Prevent a Fighter from Fuuuuurther DAMAGING his Hands... REED:kidcool:
Still and all,.. a drug that alleviates pain in any way, in a sport like boxing,..where should it stop?.. ..from the hands,..down the arms...to the body, and head,..? ..,..that's a bit of a slippery slope,..
I don't really agree with that comparison. When has Pac ever looked THAT bad before an all time great performance? Marquez fight is the closest, but that was due to styles. Marquez is a counterpuncher that throws a lot of punches in return and doesn't overcommit. That gave Pac problems. Second of all. Pac is exponentially more skilled than he used to be and is currently in his physical prime just like Jones was when he was dominating super middle and light heavy weight. Pac is physically at his peak (just like Jones was at his age). I've thought this way for a long time. Roy actually looked faster and his power was more impressive at higher weights than he did at the lower weights. I remember watching one of Roy's fights when he was 24 (I forget against who), and he didn't look nearly as fast and as he did in his prime. Think about it. Roy's best performances came as he moved up in weight and matured physically and experience wise. His most devastating KO's (including one punch KO's against Griffen, Hill) came two divisions up from where he started from. Ironically, Roy was a comparitively small light heavy compared to the main contenders, just like Pac is. Its happened before man. Pac isn't the only one. I honestly just think Pac is a once in a generation athlete just like Roy is.
REED has NO Problem w/Floyd's Injections Being Labeled as "Cheating"...Just DON'T Tell REED that Getting Hand Injections is ON PAR w/PED Use...& DON'T Tell REED that PED Use is ON PAR w/LOADING your Handwraps... This WASN'T Directed @ YOU Necessarily, Kauki, but Rather @ those that Act as if there AREN'T Degrees of "Cheating"... REED:kidcool:
1st of All, as Much as it PAINS REED to Admit it, he's Pretty CERTAIN that Roy was Juicing Too...The DRAMATIC, OVERNIGHT Fall from Grace is HARD to Ignore... "However", Roy Jones' Power DECREASED as he Moved Up in Weight...Roy was a MURDEROUS Puncher @ 154-160...A VERY GOOD Puncher @ 168 & a GOOD Puncher @ 175... REED:kidcool:
I dont have a problem with Roy Juicing. I don't, really. I think he paid a price for it and I think he knows that. And it's not as if any truly brilliant fighter was deprived of a legacy because of it. John Ruiz was always going to be a laughing stock. He didn't fight DM..so....who lost out? Nobody really.
That's a fucking retarded argument too. That's no more evidence than anything else. Jerry Seinfeld turned down 100 million, over twice what Pacquiao would make, to do an extra season of Seinfeld. Why would anyone do that?? Why why why, I don't understand, people would do anything for that amount of money unless they had something to hide right? Surely Jerry must be hiding something, maybe Jerry had a twin brother that used to do the acting for him, but was kidnapped, and that's why Jerry turned down the 100 mil? Pacquiao stands to make more than enough money fighting just about anybody, if he continues to deliver the same blistering performances of late. And seeing as turning down 40 mil seems like an impossible scenario to you, why did Floyd do it? If Pacquiao should have agreed to whatever for the 40 mil, then surely by the same logic, Floyd should have just agreed to whatever too, like say, no drug test at all, not even a post fight piss test.
They enhance his performance, that's why he takes them. If he didn't take them, he would be less effective as a fighter, because his hands would hurt. Fighters with hurt hands don't generally fight as well as fighters whose hands feel absolutely fine. Therefore for Floyd, it's 100% a performance enhancing drug, and also why he always fights in Nevada, because it's illegal everywher else.
So U're HONESTLY EQUATING Injecting BRITTLE Hands to Using Steroids, HGH or Other PED's???...Do U ALSO Equate PED Usage to LOADING your Handwraps???... Again, REED has NO Problems w/People Labeling Floyd a "Cheater", Just DON'T Tell REED that there Aren't VARYING DEGREES of "Cheating".... REED:kidcool: