We haven't really seen Manny face a guy who was this rangy an had as good jab (shell of Hoya doesn't count). Reach and jab are the way to neutralize edge in speed, and if Forrest could time his right hand or uppercut, he could hurt Pac. However, Forrest's weak spot seemed to be constant aggressiveness. Even though he was a well-schooled boxer, Mayorga's relentless attack bothered him a lot. Manny attacks faster and throws much more. That's why I have to assume he would get the better of exchanges, unless Forrest could tie him up (nobody has tried that recently) I see Manny winning it 8-4 type of decision but Forrest does give him a trouble or two and a black eye
I pretty much agree 100%. Forrest's height and range (and good jab) would give manny fits for a while...but once Manny starts "smokin'" he'll take over the fight with his speed and agressiveness and win an 8-4 type decision.
Forrest was Mainly Troubled by the STRENGTH of Mayorga, Moreso than just his Sheer Aggression...Also, REED Thinks Mayorga ABSORBED Forrest's Shots BETTER than Manny Pac Would... If Pac had SLIGHT Issues w/the Left Jab & Right Hand of Clottey, he'd B in Deeeeeeeeeeep Trouble w/Vernon Forrest, in those Regards...Vernon Forrest ISN'T Anywhere Close to Being as GOOD as Manny Pac, but STYLISTICALLY, he'd have Been Amongst THE WORST Possible Matchups Out There... REED:hammert:
"Definitely", but then again Pac was not as easy to hit as Mayorga was either. Pac closes the gap quicker and moves his head better (who wouldn't) which would make it difficult for Forrest to time the jab. I do agree that styles favor Forrest, but the difference in speed and Forrest's somewhat simple defense would tip the scale for Manny. You have to remember: even though you could say that Clottey's right hand gave Manny slight issues, he still didn't lose a round, and Clottey was a top ranked contender too
I do think it's a little superficial to assume that Forrest is some sort of stylistic rosseta stone for every fast guy out there because he beat Mosley. I see this logic every time he's matched against a speedster. Mosley doesn't really fight a whole lot like Manny.
Well put. Mosley was a speedy slugger who got hit alot. Plus Mosley, although fast, is very predictable. manny is a completely different animal...
Id see Pac-man winning a close but clear decision, with vernon tying up a hell of a lot and trying to make it scrappy and ugly, scoring plenty with the jab and not a lot with the right hand, and manny catching the eye moreso with his flurries..not too pretty
not to say that forrest wins, but if vernon landed that same combo he laced on mosley in round 2, pacquiao would've gone down, possibly out.
Yeah but this statement ASSumes that Mosley has a better chin than Pacquiao. There's no clear evidence of this my friend...
I have to disagree with that. I'm no advocate of Mr. Mosley, but his chin is iron. Nothing wrong with Pacquiao's, but getting rocked at Feather & Jr. Light by Marquez would never be plausible for a fighter with Mosley's whiskers.
But Cotto seemed to bother Mosley with his punches far more than he bothered Pacquiao. He had Mosley running from him until the late rounds...Pacquiao took Cotto's punches and fired back immediately. And i didn't see Pacquiao truly "rocked" by Marquez in either fight. I think Pacquiao's chin is as good as Shane's until proven otherwise...
Manny has been rocked yes, but I don't remember seeing his knees really buckle. Also, it seems that at upper weights Pacquiao is taking shots very well. It seems that since his weight is healthier for him and since he can see all the punches coming now, he takes them really well. Mosley's chin is indeed supreme so the chances are that he takes a better punch but it has not been proven as of yet