I may not be the sharpest tack on the bulletin board, but I don't get the analogy.:dunno: TFK makes a great point about getting choked out in his first year. Thats pretty weak to hold against him.
litzau is not a betetr boxer than hardy is an mma'er. I thought the argument was that Hamed was better than Hardy, how did Litzau even come into this conversation?
Actually I was the one who made the Hamed comparison: cocky Brit showman with punching power. No comparison on their relative abilities---just their auras and their tendencies to stir the pot for showmanship's sake.
Who do you consider the Top 5 WW or LW fighters in the UFC? Personally I think Hardy and Edgar are both in the top 5 UFC fighters in their respective classes. And both are deserving of title shots. I mean, sure, neither is as heralded as Albert Sonsowski, but hey, who is? ****Please forgive the subtle boxing slam and do not ban me****
WW in UFC 1. GSP 2. Fitch 3. Thiago Alves 4. Paulo Thiago 5. Josh Koscheck (However Hardy is right there at 6 or 7 with Anthony Johnson) LW in UFC 1. Penn 2. Florian 3. Sanchez 4. Maynard 5. Edgar These are obviously my opinions. Hardy and Thiago were the most likely choices for the next title shot beings GSP straight ran the gauntlet on all the others. Hardy got the nod cuz he's british and marketable. Edgar got the edge over Maynard because he is more exciting. I kind of call bs on that on since Maynard beat Edgar, but I love Frankie Edgar, so I don't care::
Edgar is certainly, without question a top 5 lightweight in the UFC. The UFC LW division is weak though.... Hardy may be number 5 behind Fitch, Alves, and Thiago.
As far as I know he was booked to be fighting an Englishman by the name of Halladay. Tough fight for him, the guy appears to be as strong as an ox, will be looking at the odds for that fight for sure..
:doh: well then bump Sanchez out at LW, bump everyone else up one and add probably Tyson Griffin at the 5 spot. Sanchez would be around 7-5 at WW possibly a bit lower have to see him there again.