Just for fun...lets compile a list.. Clottey/Pacquiao: Diarrhea Pacquiao/Morales I: My Socks ripped/poor quality DLH/Mosley: I ate bad Shellfish/oasters Tyson vs McBride: I broke my back Trinidad/Hopkins: 9/11 that's all I know...
Tyson's back comment was after beating Etienne. Pacquiao's socks excuse was after the Marquez draw. One of the worst ones ever was Foreman describing his loss to Ali. This was in his autobio which came out in the 90s, years after Foreman claimed he finally got over the loss to Ali and stopped making excuses. He said he hurt Ali, was about to knock him out, but got distracted by his friend in the auidence who betrayed him by cheering for Ali and it ruined his concentration and Ali recovered. Camacho got the decision over Rosario, but he later claimed his performance was hindered because his mother gave him a mean look in the dressing room and it scared him all night. Pazienza said that he came down too quick from his caffeine high against Jones. Duran has a zillion excuses for his losses. One of them was regarding the 3rd Leonard fight, saying "Leonard didn't beat me, the IRS beat me". Tarver implied that he lost to Hopkins because someone poisoned his steaks. Maybe he was joking, but Cintron said against Martinez that he was bothered by the chemicals from the hairspray that Martinez put on.
Ricardo Williams blamed losing a fight on his walk to the ring. That's the funniest excuse I have ever heard.
I always thought "my hemmoroids flaired up and it minimized my ability to cut off the ring" would be a good one.
De la hoya: "I gave him a boxing lesson". Guess which one. Al Certo on Buddy McGirt against Pernell Whitaker the first time: "Buddy was throwing great shots on the pads. In the ring, he flattened out". Angel Manfredy, after eating shot after unanswered shot from Mayweather: "It's politics. It's all politics". Bonecrusher Smith against Tyson (to a reporter): "Have you ever laced on the gloves? HE was holding ME!"
angel manfredy was full of excuses. so was jesse james leija, who according to himself, accounted all of his losses due to some hidden injury suffered in training.
Didn't Enzo Calzaghe say that Maccaranelli would have beaten Haye if he didn't get knocked out? Or something to that effect. Edit: Just found it - "If Enzo had gone 12 rounds with the guy he would have destroyed him"...well he didn't did he, fucking unbelievable
Wlads vaseline on the legs should be in there, the only thing is that his test results were destroyed so nobody knows if there really was anything in it. For sure, it was probably the worst excuse he could have come up with, even if there might have been something in it. Roy's recent excuse was lame....what was it, something about the gloves being loaded and being hit behind the head. Sam Peter..."he hold me"...lame.
Moral of the story all fighters come up with lame ass excuses as to why they did not win. I'll Holla 5000
True. Boxing is a sport where a guy needs to believe himself until the end. When a fighter admits that he is lesser than another guy, his career at the top is over. So when excuses are asked right after fights, damn right you will get them That's why I hate it when people try to rationalize what athletes say right after they have lost. Anybody will sound stupid in that situation
Foolish Fin... EVERY SPORT is like that, EVERY. track athletes have excuses, tennis players have excuses. Every Sport is one where the athlete needs to believe in himself until he retires in order to perform at his/her best.
No. In many other sports it is easier for an athlete to say "today he was better, next time I'll beat him". Fighting is different in that sense since every loss is tragic. You don't have to attack me everywhere even though I have been schooling you lately
I think it was Vinny paz who said "I didn't time my coffee right" with his Roy fight he claimed he had his normal pre-fight coffee.. then Roy stalled with putting on the gloves in the dressing room.. and Vinny said his cofffee wore off and he "crashed"
Viz. Angel Manfredy, one of the things he said was "it was all set up for him to win".........:: Yes, Angel, it was all set up. He set you up with the jab and then nailed you with a lighting right hand. You did El Funky Chicken while he blasted away. I think Manfredy was cynically trying to cash in on the fact that the previous fight between Haseem Rahman and Fatty Tua was stopped a little bit prematurely, in controversial circumstances, with Rock having been hit after the bell to end the 9th. That said, I cannot remember which fight came first so I will just STFU now. ::
Was that ESK? Or someone else? Hearns had some excuses, the pre-fight massage and the broken hand in the first round of the Hagler fight, but I think he was telling the truth, himself and Manny showed great tact by keeping it quiet and not souring the moment for Hagler David Tua said he had a hurt rib and that's why he plutzed vs Lewis.....Manny became upset by this and thats when he reiterated the story about the pre-fight leg massage.
Tua-Rahman 1 was first. Lampley said something about Manfredy being stopped on the ropes at the same spot where Rahman was.