Great first round for Chambers. If only he could continue this.... LOL at Chambers lifting Wlad up and carrying him to the turnbuckle! Psyche!
OK, Eddie going a bit too far and now throwing Wlad to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Better be careful. But I like his attitude.
Well in round 2 Wald pretty much got his range (already) and won the round easily. He hit Eddie with a FLUSH TO THE GRILL right hand and someone Chambers recovered. Amazing. Should have been unconscious. But if Chambers doesn't adapt immediately he will get KO'd early. Come on chubby.
Wlad's Got a FAT, Blown-Up LIGHTHEAVY in the Ring w/Him...No Way in HELL Should Wlad ALLOW Chambers to Get Away w/Outward Displays of AGGRESSION.... Apparently, Chambers Aims to UNNERVE Wlad...Hopefully it Brings Forth Some Genuine AGGRESSION from Wlad, for a Change... REED:kidcool:
Chambers needs to move his damn head! He is an excellent counter puncher, and in the first round he showed the ability to catch Wlad with some good shots. His problem now is very simple - he is standing in front of Wlad with his earmuffs on just WAITING. Yeah, you'll find a few openings, but in the meantime you are getting Wladhammered constantly. Chambers has got to move his head/torso to get in. When in range, he is a sharp puncher. I can't believe he's going to go more rounds just standing in front of Wlad. It's suicide.
Chambers' problem is that he has to reach with every shot from that distance. That's why his shots have had no effect so far. 3-1 Wlad
But do you agree that he will never get in range just standing in front of Wlad with his hand pinned to his immobile noggin? What is he waiting for?
Wlad is tiring, but so is Chambers, This is a familiar routine. Who fades the most, and first? Chambers is a tough man, and smart, but....
Probably the same thing that happens with most of Wlad's opponents,.. when the jab feels like a quick and constant left cross to the head,.. the anxiety begins to seap into the skull.
I agree. It is just that Chambers is a natural counter puncher who waits for his opponent to move in and then uses his quick hooks. However Wlad never attacks so Chambers is without his best weapon, just like Byrd was. Styles again
Oooooo,.. this could be interesting,.. the last time you sounded this nervous was for your classic round by round,... Calzaghe vs Bika,.. :crafty: of which one poster came in later and replied,.. "Who the fuck did this round by round???... Frank Warren??" ... ::::
As I said in the other thread, this is another Wlad-Chagaev. Chambers just can't find a way in and Wlad controls behind his jab. Chambers tries an attack here and there, usually missing by a foot
Get ready for it....Samuel L Jackson abseils into the ring, interrupts the fight and confronts Wladimir...."Uppercut motherfucker!! Do you have one"??
Chambers turned so passive that Wlad actually started launching his right cross some. BANG BANG BANG BANG
Fights like this make me question "conventional knowledge" about how great Wlad is. When Chambers moves his head, ducks, then moves to the side around Wlad a bit, he has success counterpunching. He gets offense going when he moves and then slices in with the jab. But despite this, he is still spending most of his time covering up and keeping his upper body stationary. His footwork is pretty good, though. Well who knows, maybe he will stick around until Wlad slows down. Doubt it though.
Chambers keeping his hands up and showing some guts taking shots but he simply doesn't have a clue how to change his fortune now.
That must break Chambers heart, if not his head. He was winning that round then one big right and the momentum shifts.