It is so one-sided that it is having form assuming a 2-D shape. Chambers needs a KO, simple as that. 10th is starting now.
It is much easier to do a couple of neat moves here and here than to win a round (which Chambers haven't done apart from the first where Wlad did nothing). I think Wlad has much to do with why Chambers (and everybody else) isn't doing more
Ahhh fuck off....I mean, I give a guy a chance, but Wlad hurt him with that right at the end of the 9th and now Eddie is having an extended tea break over a ripped glove. Please.....
True, but to make it one that actually works against a guy who has all the physical edges is whole different matter. If a guy had a working plan A and plan B, he'd never lose
Plan B appears to have involved a glove-change. It's boxing, not Formula 1. What a surprise, a re-energized Chambers is on his toes and moving. Bullshit. :shit:
Chambers people started to change his gloves at the end of the minute break. Chambers had been badly hurt by a big right at the end of the 9th. The glove change took a good while.
It's alright, you'll get your victory,.. it was going to be labelled a boring fight wether it went the distance or not anyway, you know that. :crafty:
Yep. I mean I cut him some slack with his trying to hit and hold, the wrassling and the cheap shots to the back of the noggin, as Wlad is cheating too with the extended left arm and the leandowns, but this glove horseshit was designed to bail his ass out when he got winded. Unacceptable.
since when can you change gloves in the middle of a fight? that is the most ridiculous sht ive ever heard
Yep. For sure. Another Yank who shows up to cheat and run. Don't any of them have any balls anymore? I know, I know, they are all playing Football.:boohoo:
I guess. I think what I am getting at is that Chambers is another in a long list of heavies who has a plethora of videotape to look at, and plenty of time to bring in a coach who is going to help him be more effective against Wlad, who is a known quantity. There are no surprises with Wlad, he is predictable. Everyone knows what you need to do to phase him and to be effective against him. But virtually no one does it. In fact, many times fighters come in with no plan at all (Chris Arreola). Why bother to take the fight if you aren't going to develop a good plan? I don't care if you're the angel Gabriel, you cannot stand in front of Wlad with you gloves (or wings) pinned to your head for 12 rounds and expect to counter punch now and then, and somehow win. I do agree, though, that Wlad's style and physical gifts make this very hard to do. I would just like to see someone like Chambers come in and do something different, even though you may get KO'd doing it. Basically a challenger to Wlad should spend all their training time working on specific tactics to be effective against HIM in specific. It's the only way for someone smaller like Chambers to have any chance at all.
That was some Gerry Cooney shit right there. Fuck me...full marks to Wlad. Patience paid off. BANG. can cut the gloves off now.....:::::: He also did the old Jersey Joe Walcott "Roll onto my head" routine.
PPPPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::
Wow, Wlad went for the finish and got a brutal one. If only he would do this in earlier rounds, he would have much more fans (it wouldn't make him a better fighter though). Brutal KO