Even though I expect GSP to win this with his experience, wrestling and ground game, I am really excited about this fight. You have to admit, Hardy knows how to sell a fight. He's actively taking the "bad boy" roll and creating some intrigue to this match up. Hardy is having a bit of a "love to hate him" effect on me. Hardy does have some good striking and is pretty tough. If he is able to stay on his feet for a bit "which is unlikely I think", this fight could get pretty exciting. After all, we all know what one well placed shot cab do with 4 oz gloves. Any one else amped for this?
I am looking forward to it. Hardy doesn't have a third of GSP's all around skill, but the dude is a tough scrapper and will make it a fight. Unfortunately I see this going a lot like the Fitch fight wherein GSP will be dominant in brutal fashion simply because of how game his opponent is.
GSP has better striker and his chin isn't as bad as it is made out to be. Serra can crack, and after watching again, GSP actually got hurt by a shot to the back of the skull, then got overwhelmed. Same happened to Bonnar in the Jones fight, although he recovered. GSP by destruction.
GSP should and probably will win, but I have to believe Hardy is gonna try and go out there and bang, which is the only way to beat GSP. As we've seen, no matter how good of a wrestler you are (Hughes, Koshcheck, Fitch) you're not gonna outwrestle him. To beat him, you're gonna have to knock him out. I don't think Hardy has the talent to beat GSP, but he should have the right game plan. TFK
gsp is everything that is wrong with mma. boring lay and pray wrestler. zzzzzzzZZZZzzz without doubt the most boring guy in mma. that said he is effective at lying on top of other guys. i expect him to kick hardys legs repeatedly to soften up his punches and then take him down repeatedly to lie on top of him. normal gsp tactic then i guess in order to secure the boring decision win.
GSP is one of the most well rounded guys out there. He mixed strikes with wrestling and submisions beautifully. To think he is a boring lay and pray wrestler just because he is one of the best wrestlers is just ridiculous.
Since, the final title fight with Hughes. GSP has one submission, two TKOs, and two decisions. Including a decision battering of Fitch. Whom he battered in the striking game. Lay and pray wrestler my ass.
sorry to upset you but you know with gsp what you will get is take down, rinse and repeat. and although i do not dispute he is very good and effective at what he does, he is boring as hell. take down, rinse and repeat.
I don't really care for him but he is far from most boring guy in mma. Some of his fights have been spectacular, like his wins over Hughes, Trigg, that other guy, but his last couple were kind of boring from what I have heard.
Maybe against Alves and Penn. However he stopped Penn, so if you don't like it, I think you need to find another sport. Maybe watch backyard wrestling or something to that effect. Kung fu movies also sound like a good choice for you.
That was not an insult. Just a suggestion. If you think ground and pound = lay and pray, and find it boring, go watch something that will stimulate you better, like Kimbo's street fights. You also haven't at all given valid reasons that GSP is a lay and prayer, nor have you addressed the counter-examples. You = troll.
I don't think you're completely wrong about GSP. You just don't understand the term "Lay and Pray". GSP isn't a wrestler that takes you down and just holds you there essentially "praying". GSP is a wrestler that takes you down and looks to inflict maximum damage as was absolutely clear in Penn 2, Serra 2, and the Alves fight. GSP repeatedly took each guy down and beat the shit out of them. He made Penn quit on his stool. He submitted Serra with crushing knees to the body. And he made the tough as nails Alves look like ground beef after 5 rounds. GSP's method of using takedowns is not 'lay and pray'. You are on the right track, you just don't understand the term you're using. I am glad to see that you have an opinion however.
Not to mention he barely used wrestling in the Fitch fight. Most of the ground and pound was the result of knockdowns from punches. 3 knockdowns in that fight.
GSP has turned out to be a bore. Most of his recent match are boring, as he's only doing takedowns and doesn't attempt to finish, he only smother people. Lay and pray is a good term to describe his style. And don't give me the bullshit about how he finish a lot of his fight, most of his finish are unconclusive stoppage as in the penn and serra fight. It's been years since he stopped conclusively an opponent not named matt huges. He's the wlad klithcko of mma
How the hell is that unconclusive? Like I said, if you don't like it, you should probably be watching another sport.
If People R 'Bored' by GSP it's Because his Last Several Fights HAVEN'T Been Competitive...Some People AREN'T Entertained by Dominance...REED ISN'T 1 of them.... REED:kidcool:
whatever kiddo, like youre an authority on anything. You might like seeing GSP fight cause you have a mancrush on him, but a lot of people find him boring
I was thinking the same thing Reed. The only thing boring about GSP is that there ain't no one in his league at 170. And I'm with you, I love dominant champions that own their shit. He has 170 on lock down and if you don't like the way he does it, stop him. If he wants to take you down, your ass is on the mat. If he doesn't want you to take him down, you're staying on your feet. Personally I appreciate that.
I agree to an extent. Fitch was tough for me to watch because I was really pulling for him and he just got drilled. But I give him high marks for never stopping his forward push. Alves against GSP was alot like Penn versus Sanchez to me. Both Penn and GSP were facing guys that just look amazing leading up to their title shots. And in both cases, the champs said "Bitch, get back in line, this is my belt." Impressive on both counts.