Would anyone be against him getting a little bucket and shitting in it durring the 1 minute breaks? I wouldnt. When you gotta go you gotta go.
A Fighter Took a TKO LOSS for this Very Reason...Six Heads Lewis, Phillip N'Dou or Somebody, if REED's Not Mistaken.... REED:hammert:
if I were a fighter and needed to shit...I'd simply say "no mas" and wave my hand...and exit the ring ASAP! I aint shitting on national TV seen by millions around the world, some of whom could be seriously hot women who I may hope to bang one day.....
Whoever it was DIDN'T Even Wait in the Ring to Take his Gloves Off OR Allow the Ring Announcer to FORMALLY Declare the Winner...Dude Told his Corner the Deal & IMMEDIATELY Left the Ring... REED Wishes he Could Recall WHO it was EXACTLY... REED:doh:
Fuck that. Im shitting right in my spit bucket. my trainers can wrap a towel around me and i will even give them a 5% raise to wipe my ass.
REED Always Figured he'd Take a NASTY Approach to Boxing, if he Ever had to Compete...REED WOULDN'T Shower, Wash his Face OR Brush his Teeth a Couple Days PRIOR to a Fight...Make Things as UNcomfortable as POSSIBLE for the Opponent... On that Note, REED would have NO Problems SHITTING DURING a Fight...& REED Suspects Brother LOK Wouldn't Either... REED::
I have no idea if it's true or not, but I read an article about it, apparently not only was that the reason Duran gave, but it was backed up by people who head him having an epic shit in the dressing room toilets.
Close, but incorrect. Boza peed on the ringside journalists and photogs on the ring apron after he lost control of his kidneys after the brutal rights to the body from Arguello.
This reminds me of what my brother told me happened at school. Two guys had beef and one guy spotted the other guy and ran up to start shit (not literally). He punched the other guy in the stomach. The guy who got hit was apparently on his way to take a shit and defecated when he got hit in the stomach. They were fighting while crap was running down his legs. The aggressor felt like shit afterward. True story.
Who knows why exactly Duran No Mas'd, but embarrassment? The fight has been blown out of proportion as the years go on. Duran looked pretty so so compared to the first fight, but it was still a close fight, Ray was up by 1 round. If Duran was just getting dominated, then maybe, but that wasn't the case, it was a pretty weird quit job. He wasn't getting dominated, he wasn't hurt, he wasn't about to get KO'd, he just suddenly stormed off.
Gordon wrote that he ran to the toilet stall and he heard a sound like a huge balloon with all of the air being let out of it, and Duran came out several minutes later all relaxed, ok, and with a big smile on his face. He had eaten several huge meals that day after weighing in, back when a fighter weighed in on the morning of a fight. Duran starved for two days to make the weight and the second he made it, someone threw him a grapefruit and he was so hungry he ate it with the skin on, and had three steak dinner meals, two in the morning and one in the afternoon. Gordon said he had a huge belly ache.
:: Leonard was Up by MORE than a Round, Mex...It was Leonard's SHOWBOATING that was Embarrassing Duran...Leonard WOULDN'T Fight on Duran's Terms (as he Did in the 1st Bout) & Duran COULDN'T Cope w/his Tactics... REED:hammert:
Haha, you've got a good memory, you just jogged mine, and I remember all that from the article. If I remember correctly he was also guzzling glasses of grapefruit juice with the steaks.
Well, it's possible, that he was annoyed with Leonard's tactics, but one thing is for sure - it was a close fight. It's one of the biggest myths in boxing that Duran was getting blown out in that fight. I saw the fight after hearing about the legendary "no mas" etc, and I was amazed at how close it was, and Duran's sudden storming off. I seriously don't think Leonard was up by more than a round, even though Duran looked comparatively crap, it was somehow a close fight. It's also a myth that Leonard just "brawled" with Duran in the first fight. There were a number of rounds were Leonard tried to box, and Duran was just a beast that night, was countering Leonard mid ring, rushing him to the ropes and landing hard body shots etc, even when Leonard did try to box.
Leonard NEVER 1nce Tried to Use the Ring in the 1st Fight, to the Degree that he Did in the RE...Duran CHALLENGED Leonard's Manhood (Pre-Fight) & What Ensued was Primarily a POCKET Fight that Duran Clearly Won... N the RE, Leonard Used MOBILITY & WOULDN'T Engage on Duran's Terms... REED:hammert:
Yes, he had to keep a tight asshole, as Norman Mailer put it. He made amends later on for that with his stoppage of Cuevas, and his underdog KO of Davey Moore and his brave stand vs.Hagler.
Colin Jones used to do that before a fight. Didn't shave, didn't bathe for a week. He said it made him feel barbaric and ready to fight. Then again he was Welsh, so there wasn't much difference for him. (Just kidding.)
Damn this is a shitty question. I'm a cat that don't believe in quitting under no circumstances! But that's just the competitor in me. But If I had to shit and I know how bad my guts are I would prolly bounce to the dressing room. I'm not shitting on myself in public. I'll Holla 5000