regardless of the outcome, abraham was exposed tonight. he didn't look to be all that powerful at 168 and let's face it, he got his ass kicked thoroughly.
Abraham is a disgusting cheater. The only reason he was still around was the corrupt stopping the round when he was getting tagged and giving him 5 minutes to recover while they tended to his cut mid-round. Dirrell was faking? Are you guys fucking retarded? I hope he doesn't die, that was a sickening twitch and sound coming out of him after the fight.
yea dirrell was all fucked up afterwards and didnt even know what was going on. i dont know what it's like to be hit while i'm on my knees unable to defend myself, but i'm assuming that it hurts like hell.
I have to agree,.. it was Hopkinsesque,.. if he was hurt from it, fine,.. just lay down,.. but the twitching was revealing that he really wanted no more, he wanted the premature victory. There was no need to act, it did make him look a bit 'bitchy', he could have fooled everyone with the delayed reaction/slump to the canvas,.. but the twitching, exposed himself as putting his hand out for the cheque early.
AA was always destined to have style problems with Dirrell. Myself and many others predicted that from the jump. Its not that hard with AA... if you give him angles and have speed he's gonna be lost, but if you stand in front of him and trade its suicide. :ucky for him he has Froch in the next round. Froch will be in front of him trading with him, and that heavily favors AA. I like AA to brutally stop Froch, even IF Froch beats Kessler(which I doubt). Whats pretty clear at this point is that Ward has gotta become the big favorite to win it all. Ward would white wash Abraham w/little trouble.
The odds that Dirrell would have survived would be higher than the rare last round KO scenario.. it doesn't happen more times than it does.
The scores were 97-92, 98-91, 97-92 so it would have taken three KDs by Abraham to get back in the fight, which seemed unlikely even though Arhur had he momentum and Cole had missed one KD already
He missed occurred earlier when Dirrell clearly caught Abraham coming in then Abraham fell into the ropes...the ropes kept Abraham from going down. he's lucky it was at the tail end of the round. It wasn't that much different than how Floyd caught Hatton when Hatton went face first into the corner.
Dirrell fought a MASTERPIECE tonight. No potshotting, no running. MASTERFUL boxing. Abraham might have walked into something, the more desperate he was becoming.
I thought that was more off-balance. Ruling a KD would not have been wrong but it was more Abraham's own movement that staggered him. In the 4th round KD Dirrell clearly pushed Abraham with his right hand and landed a good left that toppled him. That was a KD but not a clean move
Dirrell was fucking convulsing and people say he was faking? Damn! I admit I thought that he was when he went down but when they showed him twitching, I was disgusted. What a horrible incident for him. Wins the fight via DQ and suffers a KO. His chin will never be the same.
Agreed. Do you think a fighter that commits such a disgraceful foul should be banned from the sport forever, even if his opponent was playacting just a bit?:mj:
In this case, it would hurt the Super 6 tournament, so no and I don't think he should be suspended either. First and foremost, Dirrell should be monetarily compensated directly by Abraham. Fuck fines that go to the commission or sanctioning body. Dirrell got hurt and screwed over, not them, not the network, not even the fans. $$$ would help Dirrell and would take away from Abraham and hopefully deter fighters from fouling.
i think froch actually beats abraham. abaraham is a small super middleweight and froch seems like he can adapt to different styles and make it awkard.
Dirrell faked, I wasn't sure before but now, doctors says he didn't suffered from a concussion. No way you react like he did unless you have one
I thought Hopkins was the guy who refused a possible DQ victory and chose to continue fighting with a dislocated shoulder after getting body slammed by Echols. I must be thinking of somebody else.
I remember you openly laughing at people who thought Calzaghe HAD A CHANCE against Jeff Lacy. :atu: That worked out well. Keep laughing, mofo! :mj:
Whether it was actually dislocated or not the fact remains it was injured badly and the foul was extremely flagrant and warranted a DQ. Hopkins would have none of it though.
No Lib four Lib, it definitely wasn't dislocated ::, and no it wasn't badly injured,..'badly injured' constitutes surgery,.. he just hurt it a little bit at the time, within one round he was using it again. He did however deliberately roll out of the ring and faked an injury of some description against Rock Allen,.. he also faked low blows against Calzaghe,.. he does indeed have the rightful reputation as a faking bitch, if anybody does. Can't understand how you can be a fan of this fiend.
This is funny. First off, congratulations to Dirrell, he showed the stylistic twists many thought he had and put them to good use. Congratulations also to Abraham, who did his utmost to overcome the differences and was coming on strong. Congratulations finally to the USA which has made a name for bashing other countries, and now it seems cannot host a proper event itself. Wanted home town this and home town that and now it seems DQ's a guy who refuses to give up. Nice.
No...the fact is that he had been kicking Abrahams ass. But Abraham got back into it. Referee missed a knockdown and then AA had that good 10th. A lot like Jones-Griffin 1 where Jones had had the worst of it, but was coming back into it more and more. Griffin looked like he had been shot when Jones hit him. Same here.
No internet problems for you sonny,..:bears: ,.. nevertheless,.. you and Arabham 'got some' in the end,.. even if it weren't very legal,.. :crafty: Think you'd better stop being such a groupie and start accepting the fact that Arabham has got to come out of his shell for a fucking fight now,.. I predict he'll be a better fighter after this result,.. he's been a spoilt, pampered Kraut-Arab, his entire career,.. hopefully this experience will have 'unlocked the gate' (so to speak) on Arabham's potential.
I dont think the man was ever spoiled. He has a Ferrari in his garage which he refuses to touch until Super 6 is over. I genuinely feel he has earned what he has. a way the DQ may help him, he can always convince himself that, like millions of Auslanders that made the trip to Germany/England {all the same you see, all the same} he never really lost in the first place. I would have stayed here last night....I just felt Apnea Shaw and friends had enough of advantages , with out ruining my sleep pattern into the bargain. Still...thats 2 Americans Arthur has sent to hospital, so its all good.
I meant spoilt as in,.. being safely conservative in Germany, landing one punch,.. and running the last 30 seconds of the round out,.. he's had it all his way from the beginning, and he brought the same pampered style to the ring with him,.. only to find out that Wilfried wasn't going to sort him out like usual,.. .. 'Wait and decapitate' .. is not good enough, especially against a quick rangey runner,.. I knew that Dirrell would be the safe pick,... tell me,.. what if Arabham came busting out of the gate from round 1.. looking to kill him?.. think he'd have faired better or........ 'wait and decapitate' , 'wait and decapitate' ... stand firm, stand firm?