With the benefit of hindsight.....I would have to say that if he had traded bombs he would have perhaps made Dirrell fight in a different fashion. Considering Dirrell won, albeit in unsatisfactory fashion, I think he deserves some attention. I still feel he is a nervous runner....who is not at all sure of his own powers of longevity, but who has enough skill to get to that stage of a fight where he can run down the clock and claim a win. In the era of 12 round fights, he has enough to win enough. It is telling that he was trapped in a corner when he slipped and was nailed. He should never have been there in the first place. I dont think he can do a lot with Green, who poses stylistic issues of his own. I dont know about how well he can do with Ward, as Ward has that bad knee and got away with a lot of his own dirty tricks vs Kessler, where he butted like a motherfucker. Dirrell and Ward cannot both win hometown decisions when they fight each other. It will be Apnea vs Hippity-Hoppity, may the best scumbag prevail.
I'm not saying the ol' .. "Arabham woulda won if he only fought like dis" ... what I'm saying is,.. he couldn't have faired any worse fighting aggressively,.. it's like Wlad's opponents,.. trying the old ''Wait and decapitate'' style on for size,.. it aint gunna work against a cautious fighter with the much superior range,.. I know you wont admit it,.. but he's got to be more aggressive,.. he's proven to be tough as nails, and a hard puncher, but the only chance he had verses Dirrell was to let it all fly,..instead, he fought like he was back in his house against another mandatory,.. Ward will defeat Green with relative ease,.. but just say Green flukes it,.. and there is a good possibility Kessler may outpoint Froch,.. if those scenarios occurr.. they'd all have 1 a piece.
Dirrell was easily frustrating AA. I think Ward would beat him even worse. Anyone with a little speed and movement can outpoint AA. I don't think that Dirrell was faking at all. The dude was hit with a monster shot right on the chin. If he was faking, he deserves an Academy Award.
Pure bullshit. Dirrell faked it like a fucking little bitch he is there is no disputing that unless you let your bias take hold. There is NO WAY he was not faking it. Not only that but was he even DOWN ?!? He was squatting pretty hard from FEAR, nothing else, I don't know if his knees or gloves were even touching the canvas!?!? Abraham should have won by KO.
I dont think Dirrell was hit that hard but the rules are clear. A point would have been appropriate, after a 5 minute break. But Dirrell had decided he wanted out and, for all his good work to that point {which included Abraham coming on late} I think that stains not just his performance, but the occasion and the tournament in general. When you get right down to it......the entire affair stank badly from day one. It started badly with the attempt by that fat dwarf to load the deck, and it ended badly with Abrahams misdemeanour and Dirrells own Camacho Jr moment. In between, Dirrell fought well and hard and cleverly, with Abraham staying game and fighting back late on, before one moment of misbehaviour was followed by another. It's ironic that Dirrell has basically done what Michelzweski did against Rocchigianni...and not a peep out of the {american} press.
Both knees were down because he was running again into the corner. Abraham was coming on strong and I think his discipline let him down. But Dirrell should be ashamed too.
this is definitely true. i was rather annoyed at the showtime crew for not showing a slo-mo replay of it inbetween rounds... i thought that was a clear KD. Both missed KD's were clear imo. Cole is a terrible referee.
rather than going this overboard - what do people think about my earlier notion that a fighter that loses by DQ should get a point taken away in their overall standings in the tournament?
no, the fact is that AA was getting his ass kicked and was coming on then blatantly fouled a guy when he was down and deservedly lost. i actually agree that AA had an excellent chance to comeback and win, but we will never know now what would have happened and that is all AA's fault.
Very accurate:bears: That's exactly what happened.Dirrell was not the same fighter when Abraham dropped him.Its a shame AA lost his composure ,because it looked like Dirrell was folding bad.
The ref immediately DQ'd Abraham while Dirrell was doing his best impersonation of a catfish out of water.
Another primitive 'window shutter' defensive style fighter takes their inevitable schooling. Teach you to not bother learning how to move your head or parry, sonny.:crafty: Seriously though, Dirrel has 3 big slobbering dogs in him, but correct decision, regardless. Both suck.
AA was shit! Dirrell fully deserved the win. Was going to clearly win by UD. Frustrated AA all night! I only gave AA two rounds max. No way was dirrell faking! Clearly slips and as he's down clearly takes a cheap shot! AA deserved the DQ!
Xplosive, I don't know if you've noticed, but I've fucking HATED Arabham for years, and called him one of the most overrated fighters in boxing. But Dirrell was faking it, as clearly as Griffin was against Jones. Arabham should have been DQ'd either way though.
Of course he was faking it. It was fucking clear as day. Evidently, Dirrell is a pretty good actor as well as runner, and has half the people here fooled.
It was actually quite funny, early in the fight I ALMOST wrote a post saying "Credit to Dirrell, he's being far less of a bitch here than in the Frock fight" but then I thought no, I won't write this now, still plenty of time for Dirrell to turn bitch :: Low and behold, he pulled a Griffin. And Arabham is a fucking retard too. After Dirrell got knocked down in the 10th, he was folding badly, AA would have had a great chance of taking him out in rounds 11 or 12. Like I said, I seriously think he is used to being baby'd in Germany. If he had done that in Doitchland, he would have won by KO.
One thing about faking though: the pain or unconsciousness doesn't necessarily hit right away. For example in Griffin case it is quite possibly that he had the time to realize that he got hit unfair before he lost his senses in two seconds (could be playacting too). The same happens if you hit your finger with a hammer: you have a moment to realize it, then the pain arrives. In here the KO didn't look suspicious to me, it was a solid shot, but Dirrell shaking like there was something seriously wrong and then getting up quickly was indeed weird. I find it very possible that he exaggerated the effects. Even so, the decision was a correct one
I thionk thaT Direll was probably faking it. But, I don't think the uncalled kd in the 10th (wich was clearly a kd) was corrupted refereeing by cole, it was bad refereeing. If Cole wanted to protect Direll, he would have gave him a long count, or at least, tried to wait as long as possible before restarting the action. He restarted it immediatelly, while direll didn't had the time to clear his head. That was a good 10th round by AA, but he was back to his ineffective self in the 11th. There's nothing that indicates that he was coming back
Ugo, there is a big difference between hitting your thumb with a hammer, where your thumb goes numb, then starts to hurt, and getting neurons shut down in your brain. Generally, a KO is instantaneous. Well, 1 punch KO's at least. Look at Pacquiao - Hatton, that's a textbook 1 punch KO. Hatton was out before he hit the ground. Being hurt CAN be delayed, I agree, but we're not talking about being hurt, we're talking about being KTFO. Vargas doing his telephone dance = delayed reaction to being hurt. Hatton asleep in the air = KTFO. Dirrell = supposedly KTFO. I am so surprised at some of you, he took a couple of seconds to think about what he was doing, purposefully rolled onto his back, and started twitching. The guy is pure bitch. And like Azazel posted, he didn't even have a fucking concussion, he was released from hospital no problem. And you think he was KTFO so severely, that he was twitching? Really?? Come the fuck on. But to reiterate, AA should have been DQ'd regardless, that's obvious.
It's fatty Shaw bullshit. They are so desperate they are reduced to loading the deck before, during and after. opcorn:
yo Abraham is a little bitch, why did he block Dirells punches for 7 rounds. If he was aggressive from round one he would of won that fight easily. He tried the same tactics against direll as he did against Taylor, accept direll doesnt run out of steam, its obvious. Direll's going to get battered now by Ward.
Yeah, it's hard to like Abraham at this point. He was clearly so used to getting referee help that it actually has become a habit, and part of his boxing style. That's saying something when a guy is so used to complaining to the ref and getting a break that he actually is unable to stop even when it isn't working. I loved how after 4-5 complaints by Abraham, Dirrell finally just ignored the complaining and ran after Abraham throwing bombs when he started his "low blow" routine. That is, of course, the downside of fighting in Deutschland your whole life. Once you leave, things change. As far as Dirrell faking or not, it is hard to say for certain, but I will say that I have never seen a fighter fake a fight-ending injury when they were ahead on all the cards and beating the shit out of the opposition. Also, what is the point of telling Jim Grey ten minutes after the incident "I got dropped"? Why would you continue to "fake" being disoriented way past the necessary time, after the fight was already decided? Just to look stupid on national TV? Food for thought. And finally, can we all agree that Abraham took a free shot at a guy that he knew was down? The replay shows Abraham looking right at Dirrell, hesitating, and then basically saying "fuck it" and socking him in the head. After the DQ, Abraham didn't even complain, and there was no vehement protest from anybody that I could see except Dirrell's people who were livid. To make matters worse, when they talked to Abraham after the fight and showed him the replay he actually stopped talking for a second as he saw how clearly foul the punch was, and then his interpreter said with just the right B-movie German accent "He ist goot achtor", which then had Abraham repeating in relieved fashion "Ya.. he ist goot achtor", referring of course to Dirrell. Abraham was cut up, beat up, and pretty much schooled the whole night. He was clearly frustrated and angry, even snapping at his corner men. He has faaaar too much ego, and I hope this deflates it some. Probably not.
I hate to retract what I said, but it is HIGHLY fishy that Dirrell's test results came back negative. As disoriented as he was acting in the interview, one would almost be SURE he had suffered a concussion. Looks like BOTH thier stocks plummet after last night. AA got schooled, faked low blows, and took a cheap shot. Dirrell is the new Sean Penn, and Lawrence Cole missed TWO knockdowns, and should never ref another big fight again. Lets HOPE theres no controversy in Kessler-Froch, cause it seems this tournement is cursed with controversy, and injuries.