yes, i do. tony hanshaw and stevens are HORRIBLE. i never thought dirrell had looked impressive prior to the tournament.
This the fact that many are forgetting. Dirrell made Abe look totally inept for 9 rounds! Cant say I was surprised. I said back in October that Dirrell was tough style wise for AA. I fully expect Abraham to crush the no defense having Froch.
I think Dirrell deserves credit for the majority of his performance. But the punctuation mark is there. Golota looked the shiznit vs Bowe and Grant for large parts of their fights. But a loose screw is a loose screw.....Dirrell seems to me that if you push his buttons, he will unravel, in his own special way.
Nope. Froch will tough it out. It will be closer than Dirrell-Abraham due to styles but Froch will get the win.
For starters... Froch aint beating Kessler. And even if he DOES... I'll still pick AA to knock him senseless. Anybody who stands in front of AA, and is hittable is fucked. Taylor and Dirrell had both proven that Froch's chin aint iron. Abraham will lay him out for the count. Froch's only hope is that AA hits him while he's out cold on the canvas and gets DQ'd again.
You're right in that Froch SHOULDN'T beat Kessler. However Kessler seems to be a guy who finds a way to lose, where as Froch is the guy who finds a way to win. The mentality factor will be huge in that fight, I have a feeling Froch is going to drag Kessler into a battle and will out-tough him. Regarding Abraham, I thought Froch would beat Abraham before the tournament started, I never really got the hype with AA, maybe you see something in him I don't, but he isn't beating Froch.
You could be right about Froch-Kessler, but Kessler hasnt necessarily "found a way" to lose. He's simply been beaten. Kessler's weakness is speed. Calz, and Ward were too fast for him, and even Mundine gave him trouble with speed. With Froch he's facing a guy w/o speed, who'll be right in front of him, and who will give Kess the countering oppertunities he wants. And the fact that they're fighting in Denmark will CERTAINLY motivate Kessler to fight at his best. Froch is live, but I'm liking Kessler by either UD, or possibly a late TKO... depending on how well Froch takes the many right crosses he'll be hit with. As for Froch-AA, its a terrible matchup for Froch. AA is one dimensional, and highly vunerable to boxers, but his power is NOT overrated. Froch is there to be hit, and he'll be trading with AA. Abe is a bigger puncher then Froch, he has a better D, and he has a better chin. He'll catch Froch w/one too many power shots, and Carl will go to sleep. The ONLY fighter in the tourney I think Froch can beat is Green. Dirrell already beat him, Kessler will beat him, AA will knock him out, and Ward would embarass him.
Totally agree. Kessler is a good, fairly talented, skilled, albeit basic fighter - that loses to top tier fighters. He doesn't have the determination and the intangibles requires to win fights against top tier fighters. Not only that, but he has no second gear, no plan B, no adaptability. He's too basic and robotic. As shit and sloppy as the fighting farmer looks, he DOES have those intangibles, and that's why I'm picking him to beat Kessler and Arabham. The farmer shall simply outwork Arabham, it's not hard, and even if he gets hurt once or twice, he'll fight through it.
, Dirrell didn't beat him. Frock won that fight fair and square, that was one of the most disgraceful performances I've seen in a boxing ring by Dirrell. Frock simply outworked Dirrell, Dirrell landed the odd nice counter, but you don't win a fight by running and flopping every single round, especially to beat a champion. Come the fuck on.
Dirrell-Froch was 50/50. No fighter definitively won that fight, I wouldn't have had a problem with either fighter getting the decision or a draw in that one. Dirrell had the tools to make it very easy but he didn't read the manual. I agree AA is a big puncher, but I also think you're greatly underestimating Frochs toughness, I really can't see AA winning it. No way, no how.
Yep, Froch isn't the type to get sparked like Taylor with one punch. If you're going to stop Carl it would be via accumulation, which Abraham doesn't have the workrate to pull off.
I never said Froch wasnt tough... but his chin aint Jake Lamotta, and AA for all his flaws is a devestating puncher. I cant see anybody at 168 winning a slugfest with AA. To beat him you have to box him. Froch THINKS he can box due to his enormous ego, but really he has zero techncial skills. He might outwork AA for awhile, but eventually he's gonna get caught with a big shot that hurts him, and Froch isnt the type of guy who holds when he's hurt. And when Froch gets hurt by AA, he's not gonna be let off the hook like he was w/Taylor and Dirrell.
Furthermore..... the Ward-Dirrell matchup reminds me ALOT of Mayweather-Judah. Dirrell has more raw talent than Ward, and has more power, just as was the case in May-Judah, but Ward is better techncially and mentally tougher then Dirrell and should win.
Ok you're right one and probably both knees were clearly down, but he basically slipped/squatted himself purposefully to that position, and did so very quickly. From AA's point of view, you're just watching the guys chest, you're not out there trying to figure out whether or not the guys knees are touching the ground to see if you can throw shots, THIS ISN'T THE UFC!! If dude is facing you and ref isn't between you then you are allowed (supposed) to throw shots! Long night and he already had Dirrell HURT, late in the fight, so why not throw ? Just because he's sitting low/fighting like a bitch, you as a fighter still have to go for it and told otherwise! That's what the sport is about. Not about analysing knee positions. BS decision. Should have been NC, or really Abe by TKO after a 5 minute break, that acting what atrocious.
Whether Cole was intentional or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that the German sanctioning bodies over there will see it as corrupt officiating and probably in their opinions laughably bad corrupt officiating. Just wait until the next fight in Germany, those stinky Krauts are going to show us how corrupt officiating is done. You watch, they can't wait to get even.
The same way they robbed Eddie Chambers when he fought Dimitrenko, or Moorer when he fought Schultz, or Hill when he fought Maske, or Haye when he fought Valuev or Gonzo when he fought Michelczweski?
with an exception of hill vs. maske, none of those were close fights yet somehow resulted in split/majority decisions. gonzalez battered a shot d-mich and had him out on his feet on a few occasions. that should've been an easy UD.
:: Sure. It was close enough, have seen worse decisions in Germany and the USA, but Dariusz had an progressive contract, that called for a pay-raise with each title defense, and we were at 25 and counting. He would have gotten the decision, but Kohl wanted Dariusz to lose. How could Haye vs. Valuev not have been close, when Haye didn´t land more than 3 punches pre round. I have counted during some middle rounds, because I became so bored and Haye didn´t throw more than ten punches as the challenger.
Really? I swear Taylor dropped and hurt Froch badly with a right hand in the 4th round, but given how dumb and passive Abraham fought against Dirrell he might just look at a hurt Froch for the rest of the round like Taylor did. :doh: