Even Though REED is TERRIFIED of your "Hard as Fuck" Exterior, Mantra & Way of Life, REED has to Come to Brother BOB's Defense (Since he's the Poster MOST Responsible for REED's MMA Fandom)... REED Won't Mention Any Names, but when "Certain Guys" TROLL the Boxing Forum, it IRKS the Living Shit Out of REED...BOB's the Same Way...He Loooooooooves MMA & will Gladly Stand Up & Fight AGAINST Perceived Ignorance & Slights... REED:mj:
REED, you hit the nail on the head. I just hate the trolling. If Stevedave would notice I don't confront him in any of the other forums simply because it's the constant trolling that he does in the MMA forums that I disagree with. I have great conversations and debate with all of the other participants except for maybe TLC, although He has some decent arguments sometimes and at least he respects the sport. Simply put, Stevedave wouldn't hear a peep out of me if he just treated the MMA forum with the same amount of respect as he does the others. I don't have a problem with Steve or TLC, I have a problem with trolling.
Don't be fooled. Steve Dave LOVES MMA. He just hates himself for loving it, so he puts up a front like he hates it. TFK
TLC is no troll. He may get out of hand sometimes, but the kid loves MMA. There is no doubt in my mind he's a true fan of the sport. Now, I'm sorry to say it but Steve_Dave and Hanzy are trolls in this forum. They post simply to stir up shit.