REED Figured this would Happen when Bob Arum Announced that he was Inviting White to the Pac Fight...That's White Sitting a Couple Rows Behind Cotto... REED:mj:
It's Gonna Take 2 Title Fights MINIMUM, to Insure that they Get the Type of Crowd that Pac Generated...Maybe Even 3 Title Fights OR 2 Titles Fights + Anderson Silva vs. a High Profile Lightheavy... REED:hammert:
I'm not sure what the MMA scene is like in Dallas, but I would think if they throw a solid card out there and keep the prices reasonable, they should do well. TFK
REED would Loooooooooove to Go, but UFC Shut Out MOST of the Local "Combative Sports Media" when they Did their Show in Dallas...If U Didn't Write for a MAJOR Publication or Worked for a MAJOR Network, U DIDN'T Get Credentialed... Luckily for REED, Mayweather-Marquez was the SAME Night the UFC Came to Dallas... REED:shit:
It's GROWING by Leaps & Bounds...There's as Many as 3 DIFFERENT Local "MMA Companies" that FREQUENTLY Put On Shows....No Fewer than 15-20 Shows in a Calendar Year, TOTAL...& Everytime U Look Up, Another MMA/BJJ School is Opening in the Suburbs... w/Out Question, there's an AUDIENCE for MMA in Dallas, but the Problem is the Stadium ITSELF...For the Pac-Clottey Fight, CHEAP Parking was $35 PER Vehicle...For that Price, U're WALKING More than a Mile to the Stadium...Your Other Options R $50 & $100 just for PARKING...Even the MEDIA had to PAY for Parking... Programs were $25, T-Shirts $35, Beers $8.50, Nachos $8.50...Hell, Bottled WATER was $5.00...The UFC's Gonna have to Make it a MOUTH WATERING Card for the Fans to JUSTIFY the Ridiculous Prices they'll B Paying...Especially Since the NOVELTY of UFC Coming to Dallas was EXPLOITED Late Last Year... But Dana White's a SMART Guy...REED Expects him to Do JUST That...2 Title Fights + Anderson Silva @ 201 OR GSP @ 185...Fans would IGNORE the Absurd Prices to See Something like that... REED:mj:
Althought this card would never happen This shit would sell out. Brock vs. Carwin Anderson Silva Vs. GSP Valasquez vs. JDS Roy Nelson vs. James Toney.
Great card, but all of them are PPV Main Events by themselves. Although Nelson-Toney would be for the circus factor.