Haye the bit bigger and faster guy, Moorer with the better stamina. Both with brittle chins, Haye has the bigger punch while Moorer was technically better. Moorer the more proven guy at heavyweight while Haye hasn't lost in a while. Who takes this one?
I think Moorer deserves the benefit of the doubt, at least for now. Moorer has always been, to me, a guy who won't ever be rated as well as he should've been at Heavyweight. He's under-rated there, IMO. His biggest problems were drying out, as a drinker, & getting his head screwed on straight. In the ring, the men who usually gave him problems were significantly bigger men. That isn't an issue here. Haye is quite a good fighter, & his move to Heavyweight is most welcomed, from where I stand. He has done nothing wrong, but probably needs a successful step-up or two in opposition before I would feel comfortable with him in this fight. Not going to be easy --- the competition isn't really there. He will probably have to find another way of proving himself, unless he beats a Klitschko, which I currently think unlikely.
AgREED. Despite his beltholder status, Haye remains fairly unproven at HW and cannot yet be picked here. MTF
Moorer had very good power actually. He was an excellent compact puncher who threw fluid combo's. Maybe Haye has a more powerful STR8 RH, but I think Moore has at least as much power overall.
Moorer lost power with the move to Heavy, but he most definitely could still punch there. It would be a mistake for Haye to disrespect Moorer's punch.
He had a good K.O percentage. Remember Foreman saying how powerful Moorer's punches were? I think he had decent power and he threw punches in bunches.
I like haye and the excitment he brings.. but I have to go with Moorer here, he'd stretch Haye IMO. The Ruiz fight, while IMpressive for sure... what was telling was how much Ruiz hit Haye as well,
I agreed with you. Only stating Moorer didn't hit with quite the same crack at Heavy as he had done at 175. Still could bang you around at any weight. As can Haye, to be fair.
Very interesting fight. I think I trust Moorer's durability and ability to weather punishment and come back (which either would have to do to win in this one) a little more than Haye. Moorer would pressure here an I think in the end he'd bring a little more Haye's way, in terms of accuracy, power & the speed he'd come at than he'd be able to handle. Stick on TV classic, Moorer gets off the deck in the 2nd, weathers another storm in the fourth before wilting Haye in the 7th.
Haye's still unproven. Difficult to say how good his chin is at Heavyweight. Moorer was a good boxer and he had decent power. Gotta go with Moorer at this point. If Haye proves he can take a punch a heavy and shows that he can stop decent prime Heavyweights...then I'd promptly switch my pick to him becaue of Moorer's chinny chin chin...