Its now very apparent that Loew, and Arum's plan is to have Kelly feast on smaller fighters forever. I'm PRAYING Martinez does the boxing world a favor and whups his ass!
How else can you interpret it? He's fighting Martinez on Saturday, a junior middle. They CLAIM they they're still interested in fighting Tall Paul after that(but somehow I doubt it) and Williams also a smaller man. Although it WOULD be enjoyable watching Pav beat up that cheating cunt Marg, Phony is a fuckin WELTERWEIGHT! All the while, Pavlik is a HUGE middleweight, and 168 just happens to be the deepest division in boxing. Coincidence that Pav isnt moving up? No. And please dont gimme that "he's too small for 168" bullshit. Cause he's NOT! Hopkins ripped out this dude's balls.
Arum just wants to use only fighters he promotes himself. He can make more money that way. And since he doesn't have anyone at 160 or 168, he'd rather cheat fans than allow another promoter in. No wonder I'm growing sick of boxing these days. And why do you think Cotto is fighting Yuri Foreman of all people? Fuck Arum.
This as well. But the bottom line.... Pavlik has blown ALL the momentum he had from beating Taylor, and lost fans(me included). I think its gonna backfire on him Sat anyway.
What he said is that Pavlik gets demands to fight at higher weights and gives an example that such demands can be made both ways. Also, Paul Williams is NOT a small man for a middleweight, and he is clearly the more credible opponent than anybody middleweight can offer (or would you rather see Sturm or Sylvester in the ring?) If Pavlik can make 160 lbs and feels most comfortable there, then that's his weight division and it is not his problem if somebody would like him to get higher at weight. He tried at 175 and noticed that it wasn't the place for him. And btw. losing you as a fan isn't exactly the most difficult thing to do..
There's no one, NO ONE, other than Williams that you can name that's a better middleweight fight than Martinez. And Williams and Martinez fought on pretty much even terms last year. Also, 168 is deep? I agree, but other than Bute, everyone is tied up with the tournament. Obviously Margarito would be unacceptable.
Agreed. If I were Pavlik I'd sit on the MW title until I couldn't make weight any more. Move up for Lucian Bute? That makes little sense. Besides, Kelly hasn't looked too hot the two recent times he fought above 160.
Boxing is a business. Boxers risk their lives to get paid. Can you really blame a guy if he fights say Margarito over Bute if the Margarito fight makes him a lot more money? A lot of people forget that professional boxer is a job just like whatever it is that you do for a living is a job.
HBO is obviously angling for a Pavlik/Bute fight. Looks like Pavlik's camp is trying to preempt the fight. He'd be in tough against Bute.
Agreed. It's a fight that might happen, but it depends on how Pavlik looks against Martinez. If he barely scrapes by they obviously aren't going to go straight to Bute.
How is it, that this Spaniard, Sergio Martinez, goes from being a journeyman, to a formidable fighter all of a sudden?... I wouldn't mind him being tested either, he's suddenly come from out of nowhere, and he's been around for a good while.
Martinez always has had good skills, just hasn't always had the opportunities. Hell the British knew about him being good before most Americans.
Williams started real well in the first fight and then faded badly from what I recall, and it was blamed on an illness, and then in the rematch Martinez just beat the shit out of him. Poor lil Richard was never in that kind of class though.
I wouldn't care to see Pavlik/margarito. But there is no way anyone can knock Martinez as not a worthy oponent for Pavlik. Martinez just fought at 160 against Williams. In a fight that I thought was a toss up. I think we will see more fights involving those 3 guys in the near future.