What are your thoughts on this article down here? This is why some athletes should be denied Twitter -- because they don't use their brain-to-mouth filter for their fingers. @AndreBerto -- 9:51am 4/19/10 R.I.P to Edwin Valero after killing his wife yesturday he just killed himself in jail today. WOW women are a Motherf***er boy RIP E.V. The "women are a Motherf***er" statement, implying that Edwin Valero's wife, Jennifer Viera, should somehow be to blame or be considered the motivator for Valero's heinous actions, has the Twitterverse rapidly turning against the man that only a few months ago was considered a saint for going to Haiti to help the earthquake victims. UPDATE: Berto has responded with the following -- @AndreBerto -- 10:19am 4/19/10 YO YO relax people relax I don't know what happened with Edwin Valero and his wife I just feel its a sad day he was a great fighter @AndreBerto -- 10:19am 4/19/10 Its terrible he killed his wife and killed himself the situation was prolly a lot deeper behind closed doors but R.I.P. Edwin Valero This writer fails to see how even a situation that was "a lot deeper" could justify a message like the one he sent. Update #2 - Berto has offered up the following apology: @AndreBerto -- 12:52 pm 4/19/10 Everyone who knows me knows that I love and respect all women and to those who were offended earlier, I apologize. @AndreBerto -- 12: 53 pm 4/19/10 My thoughts and prayers are with the families of Edwin Valero and Jennifer Viera!!
Nobody knows what really happened Everybody is quick to blame Valero...is it not possible that she was in some way responsible? THe police said it appears she got stabbed during a fight, how do we know she didn't attack him first with a knife? She was only stabbed 3 times, not deep, it doesn't appear he was trying to kill her. We just have Gatti last year to see that most of these women are not that innocent, I'll wait to see what really happened before I judge. It could be she was the headcase here.
I read that she was stabbed 3 times to the neck, not deep at all. If that is the case, it very easily be that she attacked him and he grabbed her arm to protect himself and the movement up drove the knife into her neck. I'm not saying thats what happened, its very likely not, i'm just saying noone nows the whole story yet to be judging and comdemning Valero.
Well people judge and commend Valero because he as far as I know beat her up several times leading up to the murder. Don't you think if he was defending himself from her or something along those lines he would use that as his defense and try to get out of jail instead of killing himself? I still think Valero should have just left a purse at the crime scene. That way i have no doubt the south american police would somehow put the puzzle pieces together and have concluded that it was a suicide.
Berto just went down 2 spots in my P4P list. Let me tweet my updated P4P list. Then I'll open a thread about it if you all want to give your $0.02.
You know what, now that I've think about it I take it back. Asumming Valero's wife attacked good ol' Edwin, the wife must be to blame clearly. I mean, who can blame one of the hardest hitting boxers in the planet for defending himself with a knife instead of just grabbing her or throwing a punch against the terrible might of her 105 lbs, recently sent to the hospital little wife of his.
Valero's not exactly someone who gets the benefit of the doubt. He's been arrested numerous times for assaulting different female members of his family. He's also believed to have shot his wife a year ago. Sure, MAYBE his wife attacked him. MAYBE a 20-15 welterweight we've never heard of can pop out of nowhere and beat Pacquiao, Mayweather, and Mosley all in the first round. But it's pretty fucking unlikely.
ESK?? :::laughing::: He was a psychotic cuntbag who abused his wife and probably several other females in his life. The world is better off without him. :shit:
Last September Jennifer was shot in her leg when two suspects on a motorcycle rode in front of her house, the bullet got in her left thigh and got out on the inner part of her ankle, she also showed an injury on her peroneal muscle, laceration on her thorax and cut on her lips. maybe she was a drug dealer
Just reading a story today about how twitter has landed people in hot water. Here's another to add to the list. What an idiot....what must his own wife or girlfriend think to that?....perhaps they'd just had a domestic before he logged on to twitter.
'women are a muthafucka' is not exactly some bold, heinous statement. it can be interpreted several ways. he shouldve just said 'women AND alcohol' are a muthafucka. clearly the chap had demons
This is where I'm at. I thought it was a dumb thing for Berto to say at the time (and probably in general), but people read WAY too much into it, especially the dude who went as far as to "write" an article about his Twitter war with Berto over it.
I heard that she tried to have her pet scorpion sting him and he grabbed the pet cobra. Pretty soon one thing lead to another and she was coming at him with gila monster. At that point he said fuck it and stabbed her with a knife...dipped in poison. Women are a mothafucka, alright.
Valero was a complete cunt and so is anyone defending or attempting to justify what he did. If the killing was the first time he'd assaulted a woman I could understand but the prick beat on every woman in his immediate family it seems. Fuck him. It's just a shame he didn't top himself before he killed his wife. At least then his kids would still have a mother.
I wont be making my mind up on this one until the sobering words of Papi Chavez have been spoken. Vipers...Yankee Viper. Haarp machines.
I can see where Jake is coming from, it's just that the entirety of what Valero has done must surely be the predominating factor in any discussion on the matter. Not what his wife was like, or what ball-breakers women can be.