Several years afterward? False. When he made 130 several years after, was he suiting up for prison? I think Corrales was paid off to lose to PBF - to throw the fight. He had nothing to lose by doing so - he was headed to prison.
Who's disputing that? The question is not whether Corrales could make 130 or not - indeed he could - he did !!! The question is, what state was he in when he faced PBF.
If you meant to say what mental or physical state Corrales was in when he faced PBF, then that is what you should have said. If you believe he threw the fight against Floyd because he was going to prison, then that is what you should have said. Starting your posts with open ended questions and hoping someone nails your way off base theories isn't working. For the record, Corrales was reported to be having trouble making the 130 lb limit when he faced Floyd and yes he was definitely going through some tough mental problems too with his arrest and what not. However I don't think he got paid to throw the fight. How do you even negotiate something like that without the possible threat of it getting leaked if the asked party finds it insulting?
note to self: LB for LB cannot read context How do you even negotiate something like that without the possible threat of it getting leaked if the asked party finds it insulting? Ah. Nice to see such innocence.
And note to self: Double L likes to beat around the bush, use double talk, or ask open ended questions when making threads rather than just coming out and making his point.
:: Maybe I'm hesitant to presume that my point is correct - and I'd rather have an open-ended discussion. You make it seem like this is wrong. I have opinions as a poster. Sometimes I need to create a topic in order to explore them. What's the problem?
Probably less than 80%, but not dramatically less. He had problems, no question, but the nature of Mayweather's victory left little doubt in my mind who would win at their best. That was one of those rare fights where you can truly say, without doubting yourself, one guy did not put a foot wrong --- not a one --- in outclassing a world-class opponent.
He threw a pregnant woman, his wife, down a flight of stairs, was facing divorce, prison time immediately after the fight, had trouble making weight probably due to the lack of focus. Balooned to 146 fight night right before he was going to face a speedster.
why not start a thread about guys like cotto, oscar, morales, barrera, hatton, and clottey when they fought pacquiao? cotto - shot by margarito's plaster oscar - old and weight drained morales - washed up and also got beat up by raheem prior to barrera - his training camp got caught on fire and was going through a divorce clottey - had diarrhea due to some ghanian food he ate hatton - his chin and confidence got ruined by floyd
His weight issues were well documented before he even fought Floyd. On one occasion he stepped in as a substitute to fight John Brown out in Lincoln City Nebraska, and put on 17lbs between the weigh in and the fight. Psychologically, Floyd did the right thing before the fight by pestering Corralles non-stop and making the most of the impending weight and prison issues that Corrales was trying to deal with. I don't know why Floyd bothered, because I am sure he barely knew who the fuck Corrales was. Furthermore, I am not sure Corrales was this "Beast" people say he was. He really didn't do any better a job with Justin Juuko or Angel Manfredy than Floyd did. A lot of people bought into this bullshit about how Diego was the next Tommy Hearns. Not forgetting of course that handsome Olympic medallist Floyd was, obviously, Sugar Ray Leonard. I am not sure Floyd appreciated it, because Floyd barely knows who the fuck Ray Leonard is. It's real Maxboxing horseshit...every tall fighter with some pop is the "next Tommy Hearns"....Vernon Forrest is Tommy Hearns. Paul Williams is Southpaw Tommy Hearns. Diego Corralles was Tommy Hearns. What did that make Hearns? The next Sandy Saddler? Corralles didn't even throw a decent jab, for crying-out-loud.
Everlast told us at the time that Corrales was having women up to his room and drinking the night before the fight. Reportedly he had a hangover when he made it into the ring. Maybe he thought Mayweather was a light puncher and underrated his power, but whatever his rationale, he plodded around in the ring after Floyd come fight night.
i saw corrales the day of the fight and he didnt look hungover. makes a lot of sense for the guy to be fucking and drinking the night before the biggest fight of his career. or was he doing this before every fight?
Does it really matter? I was a huge Corrales fan. Even for a wifebeater, he was somehow likable. :notallthere: I thought he had a chance against Floyd. I was dead wrong. He would have never, ever, ever, never, ever had a chance against Floyd. Not even on Floyd's worst day. Just a horrible style matchup for Chico.
I think he had big problems making the weight. I don't think he was @ 100%. I have the fight on tape and my understanding is he had to come back down in weight after he went up in weight.
What's funny is anyone's claim he was 100%. We know that's not true. It's further evidence of the extent to which PBF groupies are willing to turn a blind-eye to facts in order to preserve the myth of PBF.