I think Floyd is mentally tough, and showed this by not panicking and surviving when being hurt. But I think this incident sheds some light on why Mayweather has been so careful in his matchmaking for some time. It looks like he is relatively easily hurt. But since he virtually never gets caught cleanly (much like RJJ for a long stretch), we couldn't really know up until now how good or bad his chin was. So although Floyd showed he can recover from being hurt relatively well, I think he is another classic case of a guy who SHOULD retire soon. As his skills slip, especially the speed, he will not be as evasive (hard to believe 38 year old Shane clocked him so flush). And it looks like just enough slippage to allow your typical "good fighter" to land a few punches means Floyd will probably end up flat on his back. I don't think Floyd should retire from a fan's point of view. On the contrary. But from his perspective, with his precious undefeated record and his general disregard for legacy, I am not sure I would push it. If Floyd had a great chin, he could certainly press on in his career even when the speed is slipping. But as it stands, he probably should avoid larger, durable guys. Still a great fighter, but he is definitely vulnerable at this stage. Manny has an excellent chance to hurt Mayweather. His punches come at far less predictable angles than Shane, who is extremely predictable. Floyd could not make a simple adjustment and shut down Pac. That fight has to be made.
Floyd came out in round three with a more polished gameplan and it threw Shane off. That's what happened. Floyd beat the confidence out of Shane.
Yeah, I was hoping Shane would've shown more though. It's almost like he was planning on landing another big right overhand. Like he fell in love with his power after seeing Floyd hurt. Seemed like he was just biding his time but never did much after. Props to Floyd though.
hopefully, unlike jones, floyd will know when to call it quits. he will go out like jones if gets caught clean early from a big puncher. shane has never been a one-punch KO artist, fortunate for floyd.
Floyd is 33 now I believe. He's got about 3-4 years to get his work done. He only fights maybe once a year though.
It showed Floyd has a good chin and is a tough fucker. Mosley is not Julian Jackson but hits hard and is the kind of guy that if he hits you hard you will be hard. That was a fucking flush power punch, the way Floyd took it, recovered and went to dominate was impressive. Buuuuuuuut... At the same time, it showed Floyd is not and has not been in his prime for a while now. Prime Floyd would never get hit like that.
Floyd has better then a mediocre chin. Berto has a mediocre chin, and if Mosley caught Berto with that same right hand... Andre would still be out today. Floyd has a good, solid chin and great recoup powers.
whenever mayweather jr has fought a black guy he has come forward and pressed the fight. except corrales
It shows pac would fish-hook him, give him a moneyshot, and leave him assfucked on the frathouse porch.
If that's TRUELY the Case, Pac Should have NO Problems Whatsoever w/Random Drug Testing.... REED:hammert:
I've had this theory for quite a while. Still I don't agree Floyd should be thinking of retirement. Quite the contrary, I think he should be fighting 3 times a year and maximizing his bank account numbers. The only person I think will beat him around his division is Pacquiao.
floyd might not have a granite chin (we don't really know since he hardly ever gets clipped clean), but he's taken hard shots from both mosley and judah, who are known to be devastating punchers. what we do know is that he knows how to react and recuperate immediately and also turns things around right away. it's like what whitaker once said about himself that he never gets hit w/ the same punch again. i'm sure there's going to be similar moments against pacquiao in the early going. the question is, what's pacquiao going to do once mayweather quickly adapts? i can certainly see pacquiao outworking mayweather over 12 rounds, but i can't envision mayweather getting cold cocked or beat up. could i envision mayweather beating manny down and stopping him late? that's the more likely and not-so-surprising scenario imo.
Mosley and Judah are good punchers but they're really not 1 punch power type punchers. They need to considerably break the opponent down to knock them out. When did Mosley ever knock out somebody with 1 punch? Or Judah for that matter? It took them many rounds of hard work to ultimately get the KOs.
Actually Mosley has 1 punch KO'd a few people. Adrien Stone, Vargas, and Mayorga just off the top of my head. Still I wouldn't classify him as a 1 punch kind of guy although he has shown that potential more toward the end of his career than the early and middle stages. It shows how much he lost that he had to rely on winging big shots to get guys out of there.
But didn't he break down Mayorga for the duration of the fight before the one punch KO in the final second of the 12th?
Not really, although he did land some bombs earlier on Mayorga, I think it was the 6th round. But the rounds preceding the 12th were pretty uneventful. I think Mayorga was tired too, which added to his inability to take those big shots in the 12th.
If Floyd was scared of big punchers he would have never fought: Corrales Judah De La Hoya So this stuff about "I can see now why he avoided big punchers" is just silly. What round 2 tells us also is that brother Nazim read Floyd's mentality correctly...he said, paraphrasing "Shane's going to hit Floyd in the mouth and you'll see the dragon come out in Floyd and the young man's going to rumble"
I agree. Floyd proved me wrong a few times Saturday night. First off He was on the offensive from round 1. I was sure PBF would run for his life if he would get hurt and in this case it was the complete opposite. This kid can fight!
I was addressing OUTLANDER'S post not yours. Look at his post and you'll see that it's clear that he's alluding to Floyd avoiding punchers. Read it...understand it and then come back and offer your sincere apology. I'll graciously accept it. :kidcool:
Agreed. As much as I don't like Mayweather, there is no denying he is a great fighter. I was very impressed with how he handled being badly hurt. He was already turning the tide by the end of the round. Floys manned up in my eyes. He showed more heart than he's ever had to and fought back when hurt instead of running like most though he would do. Props to Floyd, excellent victory. I don't care who says what about Mosley, the guy is at worst currently a top 3 welterweight and Floyd dominated him.