“This fight with me and (Kermit) Cintron will be a real classic fight,†said two-division world champion Paul “The Punisher†Williams. “I respect Cintron as a man, but when we get in that ring on Saturday night I’m gonna try my best to hurt him ‘cause I know he’s gonna try and hurt me. I’m gonna hit him with everything I got and he’s gonna have to fight me with everything he’s got because I’m gonna be on him. It’s real close to the fight. I don’t want to talk to no one. I just want to do my thing and get ready for Saturday night. “It’s gonna be a war and I’m preparing myself for a war. In my mind I’m gonna have no sympathy for him in the ring. After the fight is over, okay, I hope he’ll be all right. I wish him all the luck but, come Saturday night when it’s time to get in that ring I’m gonna try and break his ribs, his jaw and I’m gonna try and kill him to death. That’s how I really feel. All the time I spent in training camp away from my family and my friends, it’s in my mind I’m gonna go get him, hands down. And I’m not gonna say no more.†First off what an idiotic statement. Second of all what a fucking idiot. What if Cintron is seriously injured in the fight? This shit ain't chess people die why the fuck would you say something like that? Fucking piece of shit fag
Kermit Cintron has a window of opportunity within the first 6 rounds. If he dosent ko Williams within that time he's fucked.
China chinned Williams needs to STFU! He's the one who's liable to getting his world rocked with that pussy chin of his. F*cking skinny ass chicken legged bitch!
Actually he has a pretty good chin. Bein dropped in the first round doesn't mean you have a shit chin it means you were caught cold, it has happened to the absolute best. And I have seen Paul take some huge shots and not stumble...he has a decent enough chin buddy, don't overdue it.
I like Paul Williams but he needs to stop saying things that make him look stupid. And not just the whole "kill them to death" thing. BTW: that totally reminds me of that scene in the show "Sports Night" where dude met the guy who was dating the woman he liked, and started mocking him for losing a case for the DA's office against a mobster where they had all this mountain of evidence.
Says who? He was badly hurt and he was hardly caught cold. What do you think a good finisher would've done to him, somebody like a Trinidad or even Oscar?
There have been a lot of great fighters who have been KO'd in 1 round and had pretty sturdy beards...it happens.
Although this thread is lighthearted in nature, I think it actually goes to a relevant boxing point: Paul Williams is a really dumb guy. With his physical gifts, size, incredible ability to make weight, his outrageous stamina and punch output, there is no reason this guy should have a loss on his record, and there is no way that fights against guys like Margarito should have turned out so competitive. Paul Williams does not use his size to his advantage, and because he follows people around too closely he is constantly in range to get hit. And he gets hit, a lot. He also has no ring intelligence. He does not adapt. He cannot adapt. If what he does isn't working in round one, then what he does isn't working in round twelve. Watching the first Quintana fight was almost painful even though I wanted Quintana to win, because it was so obvious that Williams could have made a few changes and easily turned things around. Granted, he came back strong in the rematch, but I am not certain that if Quintana doesn't get caught cold that the fight wouldn't have gone just the same way as the first. What is really bad about this for Williams IMO is that he is getting chinny already. He used to have a seemingly solid chin, then later on it started becoming somewhat dubious but yet he was able to recover quickly when hurt. Well what's next? Usually when you keep getting hit (and I stress: unnecessarily in most cases for Paul) you end up not only chinny, but your recovery isn't so fast anymore. Age and wear will do this. I like watching Paul Williams, but I strongly believe his career is going to be very short considering his skills and potential. I think he will turn into sort of a middleweight Michael Grant, where guys end up going in and blowing him out.
Agreed. He sucks! Talks a big game but has the charisma of a door knob so he's trying to bring attention to himself going the route of James Toney and Floyd Mayweather with the sh*t talking. Some guys can pull it off but chicken legged chinless clown can't. Cintron knocks his ass out hopefully.
I used to like him. But now I realize he's trying to be like Floyd with the sh*t talking. Trying to hype himself up and sh*t. I ain't impressed. Cintron by KO! :cheer:
I agree on the part about the shit talking. I'm not a fan of that type of thing, and it's a big part of why I don't care for Floyd. I actually kinda lost a bit of respect with him going that route with this comment, and he'd better back it up by being a beast in the ring tomorrow night.
same here! :: but I think people read too much into this shit. It's just a little trash talk it's not like he ripped Cintron apart verbally. BAsically it's his way of saying he is ready for the fight. No big deal! :notallthere:
I agree. Paul isnt the brighest fighter around, and his defense sucks and his prime wont be very long. BUT he is willing to fight anyone, and he'll always make for entertaining fights. I like him as a fighter, I just dislike some of his delunsional fans that overhype him. There arent really any on here, but on the Eastside forum he has annoying groupies. Regardless, he'll fuck up Kerm tomorrow night.