Yes but he can't afford to get hurt like he did in the 2nd against Mosley. If this fight happens in 2011, I'd favor Manny.
If he fights Pacquiao the exact same way he fought Mosley: The agressor with tight defense, solid jab and fast accurate counters...Pacquao would likely lose every single round. NO Joke. Just look at Pacquiao Morales 1 and Pacquiao Marquez 1 and 2.
Could he? That's a given. Would he? Highly possible. Will he? IMO, he will enter the ring a narrow underdog, on account of several factors weighing in Pacquiao's favour. I don't think you'll find a person in the Universe who thinks Mayweather couldn't beat Pacquiao.
After watching the fight with Mosley.I think he's lost a step.His legs are not the same at all and I noticed this in the Marquez fight too
Floyd has all the tools to play around with Pac and make him look like the version of Pacquiao who fought Morales the first time. Floyd will have the reach advantage, Pacquiao have laughable defense which will be perfect for Floyd to land his sharp right hands. Pacquiao will be facing a bigger, faster, stronger, smarter version of Marquez.
the version of pacquiao from the first morales fight basically ruined the guy for all intents and purposes. it was an all out war and morales couldnt even take off his boxing gear in the locker room afterwards on his own.
Of course he could, you never know if he actually will til they get in the ring. Mosley talked a gang of shit about how Floyd used his size on JMM and that JMM fought Floyd's fight. Yet as soon as Mosley gets in there he does the same thing. So it's not what you can do it's will you do it. The key for Manny beating Floyd is to fight Floyd like he fought Cotto and Hatton, with constant movement and constant punching. Like I said before the Mosley fight, you can't let Floyd dictate the pace or you're simply going to lose.
Is this a serious question? Of course he could. He could use his jabs to offset everything Manny wanted to do and keep him off balance and from getting set just as he did so effectively against Shane. And potshot him with hard counters as he gambles coming in. Take advanatage of his agrresiveness and leaky defense in comparison to his own.
Morales had his successes in that fight by backing up Pac with herculean 5, 6, 7 punch sprees of pure aggression. I couldn't think of a template for beating Pac less applicable to Floyd.....Morales also had SIGNIFICANTLY faster feet at 130 than Floyd does now. Floyd is capable of beating Pac but not the way Erik did it.. Apart from those straight right leads of course.
Watch the footage! I capped it because it surprised me. Morales had much faster feet than I remember and much faster than Floyd has shown recently. Which allowed him to do things offensively against Pac in terms of following up after that first punch that I honestly think Floyd will struggle to.
also floyd has no where near the levels of toughness morales had. to beat manny i think you need to have a solid chin and be tough as nails. i dont think floyd has either (grammar - i know)
Well I do agree that Floyd will want to follow the JMM plan rather than the Morales plan, absolutely. I guess I'll have to pull out the Morales/Pac I tape. Shocking, shocking statement hut. That's a great fight though, no problems taking a look back.
I don't know what post were you reading, but I never said that Floyd would beat up Pacquiao the way Morales did. I said he would make Pacquiao look as elemental as that Pacquiao version that fought Morales. Also, no way Morales had faster feet than Floyd now. Just ask Mosley or watch this.