If Rashad gets brave and goes toe to toe with Rampage he goes to sleep. However, I definately can see Rashad going back his roots and grinding out a boring lay and pray victory.
Nobody has been able to hold page down so i don't expect shitty Rashad to be able to do it. Rashad will either be hugging page or fighting way outside with alot of bullshit feinting and upperbody movements.
No way Rampage has more techinique than Machida. Machida's accuracy and quick strikes is what got Rashad. Rampage isnt as fast or accurate.
I have never seen anything in their body language or otherwise that suggests anything other than adoration for each other. Seriously.
Machida has Good KARATE Punching Technique...Rampage has Superior BOXING Punching Technique... REED has Heard Joe Rogan Equate Machida's Style of Punching to that of a FENCER, which is Spot On...but A Guy w/a More Traditional BOXING Style will hit Harder & MAINTAIN his Power on a Wider Variety of Shots than a Guy w/a Karate Style of Punching... REED'll Give Machida the Edge in Accuracy & QUICKER Strikes, but Rampage has a BIG Edge in POWERFUL Strikes, in REED's Opinion... REED:mj:
I hope Rampage has his leg checks down. Rashad is going to be kicking the crap out of his legs. That's his only hope. I personally think if Rampage can keep his legs under him Rashad goes to sleep in the 2nd.
If Rampage fights like he did against Forrest, he'll lose. If Rampage fights like he did against Wanderlei, he'll KTFO Rashad. This fight is pretty much about what RAMPAGE will do more than what Rashad can do.
Exactly. And I know I'll get slammed for this, but Rampage is one of the most natural punchers I've seen in MMA. His balance and leverage are great when he throws even in 2-3 punch combinations. No one go ballastic, I'm not saying he could step in the ring with the Klits. I am simply talking from an MMA fighting style perspective.
NOBODY Should Slam U for it, Because it's TRUE...Your TYPICAL "Streetfight" is Basically a Dirty BOXING Match...Guys Start Standing & Look to Do Damage w/their HANDS 1st... Obviously, Rampage has a Background in "Streetfighting" & Thus is QUITE Familiar w/a RUDIMENTARY Boxing Approach...REED Doesn't Know Rampage but he's Confident in Saying that's THE FIRST Way Rampage EVER Fought or LEARNED to Fight...So Like U Said, it's NATURAL to him... That Shot that Rampage KO'ed Liddell w/(N his UFC Debut) was NATURAL... No, Rampage COULDN'T Step in the Ring w/the Klits, but he'd Need Alot LESS Schooling than Most Other MMAists, if he were to Make the Transition to Boxing... REED:hammert:
unkonwn to most, Rampage beat a decent muay thai fighter in Cyrel Abidi in a k-1 match twice. Once by ko and once by decision. That's a very impressive result especially since it was early in his MMA career. Rampage boxing is very good, MMA wise, when he's motivated.
Rampage looks mad as hell in every interview i have seen with him this week. I hope he KTFO's this punk come Saturday.
by excellent movement you mean running around? i think someone who has excellent movement is someone who uses his footwork to gain advantage, not just running hoping to win in the few exchanges in a round because 90% of the time you are running
why do you assume rampage has a background in street fighting? because thats what he wants people to think, i agree with some of the things shad said about rampage being a little bit of a coon. i like rampage more than shad because of fighting styles and hes an old pride fighter. but i don't put much into him being some tuff street guy. not saying he doesn't have some roots to the street, but doubt it was that many fights, no one really fist fights anymore from his generation. and people who have to keep saying they are something, alot of times aren't.
Over the phone its clown, but face to face, Rashad cant take a joke and fucks with Page. Sometimes makes him look stupid. Page doesnt like it, it gets real real quick.
I don't watch as much UFC as i used to, but I will certainly be watching this fight. The new Mr T to win
Well, I don't know one way or the other, but if you've watch PrimeTime leading up to this fight they've pegged Rampage as being involved in multiple street clashes before getting involved in wrestling. In the interview with his sister she talked about him gaining a reputation as a serious bad ass in their neighborhood.
yeah thats for tv, im not saying it is either way, but how is that different than any other rapper who claims they shot 40 guys and made millions of coke
Do U Think Rampage is LYING when he Says it???...If that were the Case, SOMEBODY that Grew Up w/Him Would've CALLED HIM OUT on it, by this Point... The Name "Rampage Jackson" is MAINSTREAM These Days & Everytime he Fights, there's TONS of Camera's Shooting Footage of his Old Stomping Grounds...SOMEBODY Would've Stepped Up & Called BULLSHIT by Now, if Rampage's Story was LESS than Genuine... Memphis is 1 of the POORER, More UNeducated Cities in the Country...As Such, Rampage ISN'T as Well Spoken as the Michigan State University Educated Rashad Evans is...Rampage Gets his Point Across, but in more of a "Hoodrat" Fashion... If Anything, this Reminds REED of the Ali-Frazier Thing, where the Lighter Skinned, Better Educated, Middle Class Ali Called Frazier an "Uncle Tom", Even Though Frazier's Existence was CLOSER to the "Black Experience"...Rampage IS who he Is; your Stereotypical Hood Brother...There's an Underlying HONESTY to the WAY he Talks & WHAT he's Saying...When he Speaks of his Background, it's Usually More Matter of Fact than Bragging... Dudes that CAN Fistfight STILL Fistfight...Sure, there's FEWER Guys Doing it, but it STILL Happens To this Very Day...Shit, REED Knows Dallas Area Boxers that STILL have th Occasional Streetfight...To Say that "No One" Does it Anymore ISN'T True... Rampage IS NOT a Technically Sound MMAist...Pretty Much EVERYTHING he Does is what U'd See in your Typical Streetfight...Dirty Boxing, Slams, etc...MOST Guys that Fight Professionally EARNED Their "Stripes" Fighting in Everyday Life...WHY would Rampage B Any Different???... REED:mj:
U're just Naturally SKEPTICAL of People, Dude... A Rapper Sitting in a T.V. Studio & SAYING he was This or That ISN'T the Same as Actually Going INTO a Neighborhood a Dude Says he was From... UNLIKE the Psuedo Toughguy, Studio Gangsta Rapper, Rampage is an ACTUAL FIGHTER...@ This Point, if he REALLY Grew Up in Beverly Hills & Was "B.F.F.'s" w/Carlton from the Fresh Prince, NOBODY Would Hold it Against him... WHY, Because he's ALREADY PROVEN he Can Fight... REED:hammert:
I don't know how much Rampage did or didn't do in the streets as a kid, but he certainly isn't a middle class black kid that is trying to act like he came from the hood. Again, all street legends get hyperbolized, but Rampage has roots in a tough neighboorhood and fights like a guy that hit some people before.
All you have to do is look at where Rampage is from, his attitude, and HOW he fights and it's not hard to determine that he's probably not a pretender.
this i will not argue or deny honestly i actually think he used to get into street fights, but i also enjoy arguing opinions i might not even share. i am not well spoken either, but i dont find a need to bring more attention to it, or overplay it as rampage sometimes does. did you see when shad called him on it, on the special after the show last night, i dont like shad, but agree with him 100%
Yes, I saw the part where Shad called him out on it. I laughed my ass off when Rampage clowned on him for "pinchin' yo titties"