I with ya REED, that shit has always drove me nuts. I can't stand it. Not to mention when they touch gloves between rounds on the way back to their corners. Fuck that. You have plenty of time to give props after the final bell. Worry about knocking your opponent out rather than making him like you. MWS, this season has been a huge disappointment. I really had big expectations at first and they have fallen short on all fronts.
Kid Quick should do himself a favor and just quit MMA now. He obviously has no heart whatsoever, and with all of those ridiculous flying knees and wild kicks he throws, he's gonna get himself decapitated one day. TFK
Yager really needs to tone it down on the video game kicks though. If he ever goes up against a good wrestler, he will get dumped on his ass every time he tries one of those super turbo flying kick maneuvers.
I don't like to get on the nick ring homophobe bandwagon....but the guy took it a step too far with that YMCA tash he was sporting this week! It's not a vintage crop but the guys left are pretty solid, though none are outstanding...should make for entertaining semis and final
The kicks arent the issue. Tyler Dillishaw does kicks just like Yager, but he cant also wrestler. This tyler kid is fucking insane
agREED... Even when they DIDN'T Land, Yager's Kicks Kept the Other Guy DEFENSIVE for the Most Part...The Fact that Yager was 100% CLUELESSS when On the Ground was a BIGGER Issue... Yager Looked about as INEPT as Kimdo Did vs. Roy Nelson, on the Ground... REED:mj:
Indeed. Whoever wins this fight I think will take the championship match EASY. On that note.. why the hell did they do those matchups ? Why have Kris and Josh been matched up AGAIN ? It just seems stupid that when you have such limited matchups to have a rematch of a fight that was mediocre to begin with.
Josh easily won the 2nd round. He bashed his head a few times hard. Yager landed nothing CLEAN, only a few body shots or leg shots. Josh slipped EVERYTHING to the head, as the replays clearly showed. Yagers biggest problem is that his column is so stiff, that when he gets hit he absorbs full impact.
On that note, Josh could even conceivably have won the first round. Sure Yager controlled the action with his kicks.. but the only real damage in the round was done by Josh who knocked him down HARD near the end of the round. Doesn't anyone remember Tito asking Yager "Are you ok ??" after the end of the FIRST round ??
I think it's great Yager turned out to be a punk. When Tito, who just backed out of the Liddell fight, is calling you a pussy, you really might want take it into consideration. Chuck Liddell: "Ah ha ha, he quit just like Tito."
Tito had HIGH Hopes for Yager & DIDN'T Even Try to HIDE his Disappointment...They NEVER Showed Tito Addressing Yager Either, when he Came to Say Goodbye to his Fighters... REED:hammert:
Yep, I think Tito understood that with Ring gone, Yager was his best remaining guy. I like Savage, but he isn't winning this. Seriously though, how funny was it that Yager left the fight in an ambulance with a neck brace on and then had to walk back into the house and admit that there wasn't anything wrong with him?
Yeah, it just COMPOUNDED the Bitch Factor... Yager was Probably in the Hospital PRAYING the Dr. Found a LEGITIMATE Injury...REED Can See Yager PLEADING w/the Doc to Find SOMETHING Wrong w/him... REED::
And if the Doctor was a TUF fan can you see him walking into the exam room with a straight face and saying: "I'm not sure how to tell you this, but test results indicate you may have some form of upper vaginal yeast infection. Yes, in non medical terms, it's a pussy issue."
Tito SHOULDN'T have Regretted it... He Noticed Yager GIVING UP on Himself MINUTES Before he Actually Did...To Say Yager "Pussed Out" ISN'T Exactly INCORRECT... REED:hammert:
Tito wouldn't be a good coach if he just accepted him being a quitter. Good coaches tell it like it is, good or bad.
Yep... A Good Coach Shows LOVE when Warranted but Also Provides a Swift KICK in the ASS when Warranted...Yager DESERVED to Get Ragged On for Going Out Like That... He WASN'T Injured, the Fight was Still VERY MUCH WINNABLE & he Actually Appeared to B the BETTER Fighter for the Majority of the Action, if Only Slightly... Tito BEGGED Yager NOT to Give Up on Himself, Even Told Dude he'd REGRET it for the Rest of his Life...Nonetheless, Yager Bitched Out, THEN Went Thru the Whole Act of "Requiring" his Homey's to Help him Out of the Cage, Rocking the Neckbrace AND Going to the Hospital:shit:.... Again, Yager DESERVED to B Ridiculed by his Coach AND Teammates... REED:mj:
Hey i agree. Im just saying i think Tito might have regretted it. TIto didnt call him a pussy to his face. Yager im sure didnt know tito said that until wednesday when he saw the show with the rest of us.