At tonight's press conference prior to UFC 116, Dana White spoke about his interest in Fedor Emelianenko. Some highlights: On signing Fedor: "Now that he loses, now they want to say, 'OK, now we'll come over,' because he lost? I'm done playing the games." On his reaction to Fedor's loss: "Honestly, when he lost, you guys know there's been times when I have animosity with guys and you lose, and I'm like, 'Ha. Alright, there you go.' But to be honest with you, I didn't have any of that for Fedor. In my opinion, the media pumped him up more than anything. When he did the fight, they were far from selling out. They did under a million-dollar gate. They had 400,000 people watch it on Showtime . It's not like anybody is really clamoring for [him to come to the UFC ]." On his opinion of Fedor: "To be honest with you, without joking around and no [expletive], I honestly and truly have not believed that Fedor is this great heavyweight that everybody thinks he is. Yes, back in the day in 2005 and before that, he was beating some great guys who were in their prime, and he was nasty. But to prove that you're the best in the world, you have to fight the best consistently. You have to consistently fight the best. It would be like calling the Lakers the world champions and they're playing some college team. It's not the same. I know that everybody can see the sense in that, but people just love to because he's not here they want to say, 'Oh, he could do this and that.' It's all mythology and [expletive]." On why Fedor should not be considered the best in the world: "Shane Carwin and Brock Lesnar, we know all their attributes. We know how good they both are. I have no idea what's going to happen on Saturday night. I have no clue. So to say that one guy could beat this guy, there's only one way to find out who can beat who, and that's fight, and [Emelianenko and his camp] aren't willing to do it. You don't get the honor of being called the best fighter in the world when you won't fight the best guys in the world. Now doesn't that make sense?" On Alistair Overeem: "I know it's fun because I don't have [Emelianenko] and he's not in the UFC, so it's fun to say, 'Oh, what will he do?' And I guarantee you, get ready: (Strikeforce heavyweight champion Alistair) Overeem will be the next guy now. 'Oh, Overeem would beat them all.' Overeem got knocked out by Chuck Liddell at light heavyweight."
white does bring up some good points, but just the fact that he's bringing up lidell vs. overeem from years ago is pathetic. how many seconds would lidell last against overeem now? white would love to have overeem in the ufc.
What's really funny is your lack of reading comprehension. When I read it, I clearly remember Dana indicating that it's impossible to guess who can beat who. He said you have to consistently fight the best to be the best. Again, I love for you to highlight the portion of Dana's comments wherein he says that Carwin and Lesnar are the two best heavies in the world. What a dolt.
It's true, I've been saying it all along, Overeem has been owned by every good LHW he's faced. Shogun owned him twice, I believe both in the first round.
You can read it anyway you want but it doesn't change what was ACTUALLY said. Dana said he doesn't know who beats who and that's why you need to fight the best. And that is the UFC. The winner of Carwin-Lesnar won't get an Arlovski or Brett Rogers type of fight. They'll get undefeated Cain Velasquez likely followed by the winner of Nelson-JDS. So at the end of the day you'll know who is the best HW in the UFC. Not through speculation or guess work, but because the top guys fight each other. And White's point is that Fedor had the opportunity to put himself in that mix and chose not to. And personally I don't think Dana would call Carwin or Lesnar the two best in the world with Cain and JDS waiting in the wings.
well its pretty evidential that dana seems to shit on any person, fedor or not, who fights outside of the ufc and is successful. he is pretty much a dick most of the time. he'd go out of his way to discredit fedor in anyway. apart from novices like lesnar, carwin, fedor has pretty much obliterated most of the ufc division. including former champs who left. fedor gets beat once, and white acts like an 'i told you so' school boy. where was i told you so after fedor bashed up his former champions? no need to get so mad in the future, bonny lamb.
A couple of things. First, it doesn't matter if you misspell Trplsec, but at least don't misspell it differently twice in the same sentence. Second, how am I supposed to 'breathe to' a red X?
I actually have 3 sisters and was kidding. You can say what you want about them. Hell, I would have sold them each into a Chinese prostitution ring years ago if not for my parents stepping in.
Not sure if I'm more offended by the idea that my parents were pimps or the insinuation that they were Chinese. Probably the Chinese part.
Why are you stuck onto Dana's nuts? Dana is insinuating that the best Heavys are either lesnar or carwin.
I'm stuck on reading comprehension. Dana's a dick, but he doesn't state or insinuate that Carwin and Lesnar are the two best. He did say (I said "say" not insinuate) this: " say that one guy could beat this guy, there's only one way to find out who can beat who, and that's fight...." Again, I realize english is my first language so this comes pretty easily for me, but it seems to me like Dana thinks the only way to determine who is the best is to fight. Call me crazy, but that seems like fairly sound logic....
Absolutely. I am defending him from those that apparently can't read. I'll be the first guy here to say Dana's a prick for calling Fedor overrated AFTER his first loss. When Dana was busting his ass trying sign Fedor, he was calling him the best HW on the planet. But, even with that said, there is nothing in this interview that indicates Dana is calling Carwin and Lesnar the two best in the world. Period.