Monte knocked Tua the fuck down in the 12th. :::: Don´t know whether he won it, but that was a 10-7 round for Monte with a knockdown and deduction. Monte also hurt him in the 10th. On the other hand Tua landed numerous bombs and couldn´t even drop Monte. ::::
Forgetaboutit... Even if Tua is shot to shit... so is Monte and today is not a good day to support my view of things... ah fuck it prime for prime: Tua shorter straighter punches, not as open while he threw them. More textbook style also and variety. Much tighter defense although you could give Galento a higher rating on upperbody movement. Obviously more power on TUas side also, chin about equal. All in all Tua looks like he actually attended a boxing school and didn't learn everything from barroom brawls. If you watch videos from there prime it's pretty obvious what i mean and i really have a hard time understanding how anyone could think these guys would have a close fight. But your Carnera-Vitali comparison was equally mind-boggling for me but i know some people have this oldtimer syndrome that just seems to effect vision or something... Cuz with today's fighters you seem like a reasonable guy.
Thanks, but I was actually referring to the gulf in class between fighters from the past & today. Obviously, "class" is a broad time, & I don't see any major new techniques between the 1930's & today which make these fights mismatches --- leaving Tua-Galento aside for a moment.
Ramonza Ramonza dug yourself into this hole. You said Joe Louis did so well against guys like Galento because Galento was ultra-durable. Then you come along and say that all Vitali has is "toughness". I mean....give it up, Vitali wipes out most of that era and that most likely includes Louis. Unless Buddy Baer has the edge on Vitali too...
For christsake - why the fuck are both of them posing with belts after the fight? Champions of fucking what? David Tualand and Monte Barrett island? God I hate boxing.
And not a Klitschko in sight. It's what pisses me off about Haye. If he had any balls, he could have fought Tua, found out then Tua had nothing left, lit the guy up and had himself a great rep.
Not if a Tua mitten landed in the right region,.. one way or the other we'd have had an overhyped victor, thankfully Tua was exposed sooner rather than later. What are you talkng about Haye for anyway, you Irish milk-bottle,.. is he worthy of mention,.. shouldn't he be HBO'd from messageboards for being a cowardly bitch?
I didn't say Klitschko only has toughness, but I will say, emphatically, someone like Klitschko (either one, take your pick) is not in Louis' class & would not beat him. The fact that you took such offence to that in the original Louis vs. Klitschko thread is not something I can do much about, in fairness. Everyone has an opinion.
It's difficult to swallow, yes. Either Klitschko would doubtless crush them. IMO, these guys couldn't beat either of the brothers in their pomp, let alone now.
Vitali KLitschko is a smart fighter who get's hit very little- even by opponents who throw caution to the wind and wail away with impunity. He is tough, smart, has great composure and good power. Throw in his size and it is a tough fight for anyone, anywhere, anytime. If Billy Conn can have you reeling with a left hook, if Galento can have you down, then I fear for Joe Louis vs Vitali. As a simple, general rule, Louis would get hit more and land less. A bad blend, you will agree.
Wlad already destroyed Barrett back when Barrett was much better. I seem to remember Wlad hitting him so hard that there was blood squirting out of the side of Barrett's head. With that said, I was always pretty high on Barrett. He knocked the Tye Fields hype train off of it's tracks and he was also the first to expose Lance Whittaker. The guy has usually been outsized, but always showed good heart.
I don't think anyone would disagree that the Klits are not in the same class as Jou Louis, but I can't see Louis beating either one. The talent disparity is not great enough to make up for the difference in size.
Didn't Tua get knocked down by Byrd or Rahman right at the end of a fight? They keep saying this is the first time he's been to the canvas. I thought he got popped when squared up and went down?
It was the last Rahman fight, but it happened either right at the final bell or right after it, but I don't think it was ruled a knockdown.
Again we got to see how being slim automatically improves a fighter. If Tua keeps getting down in weight (not to mention finds his head movement back and hires Kevin Rooney) he can be the champion of the world
Tua wasted years away not fighting anyone noteworthy while the division plummeted. One of these days he is gonna regret not taking advantage of thelost moola he coulda earned............dumbass.