Back in the day, when the printed media was all I could get my hands on, his name was always coming up in articles. Since Bernard beat Tito...I have heard less and less. I don't even know if the man is still alive. It's rare, especially in this day and age, that the one-time trainer of a man who pulled a 3-1 upset over a genuine superstar should be largely forgotten. So.....Bouie Fisher...WIHN?
Cheers. It is a good question.....he just basically....fell off the radar. You know Futch was doing interviews right up to the very end of his life. I know Fisher is no Futch but hey..... I heard of some reunion with Hopkins for the De La Hoya fight but that was years and years ago.
The first Taylor fight was his last with Hopkins. Hopkins said he was too old to handle the grind of a training camp, but Fisher said it was about money.
Sounds like Hatton and Preacher Graham. Hatton get's waxed by Floyd, struggles with Collazo, and it's Graham who gets old overnight and not Ricky.
Money issues. Brother Nazim was his assistant trainer, but at that point, because of age, Nazim was pretty much the trainer and Fisher was pretty much the "strategy" guy. Afterwards, Pat Burns was in the process of bringing on Fisher into Jermain Taylor's training team.