I wanna order some dvds. Where can I get the original PPV broadcast versions? (not the ones with bob sheridan or top rank feed) I want the Lampley and Merchant HBO versions.
I've bought from http://www.boxingvideos.net/ and they were reliable. You'd get the discs in a jewel case with a generic printed cover with the logo of the site on it. The DVDR would just have the name of the fight(s) written on them. I'd like to find someone that has the complete (or near complete) Chris Byrd set personally.
That's Jose, right? Out of Nevada? I'll give my endorsement to this fella, too --- he always took care of me. Wound up purchasing a good hundred or so fights from him over a period. He's quick on-delivery (& all my orders needed shipping to Australia), offers a good-value, "Bundle Payment" system, & can be counted on. I'd recommend you start there.
I believe so, yes. I was on pound4pound for awhile and took part in their "fan fights" and everytime I won I'd get a free dvd. I ended up winning 5 losing none and getting 5 dvds (I think he threw in a few extra eventually). Then I bought some from him later on.
Yes, when I was buying from him regularly he'd get pretty generous with the extras, to his credit. Good lad.