“I love what I do,” said Jones. “So what not keep doing it?” Because you will end up a vegetable Roy ??
Roy is charismatic and will get a nice payday and a percentage of the gross profits worldwide, so why not? Karl
Gross worldwide??? Nobody outside of the USA knows who Roy Jones is, let alone will pay for seeing him...
Yeah, a % of the 100 PPV Buys that this Fight will Generate, "Worldwide"...As BIG an RJ Fan as REED is, he HASN'T Ordered a Roy Jones PPV Since the Calzaghe Fight, Brother Karl... SAD!... REED:shit:
EXTREMELY... 1 of the COOLEST Things about a PRIME Roy Jones was that he was DEVOID of Gimmicks...NO Costumes, Nicknames or Press Conference Histrionics...NOW, it's as if Roy's Trying to COMPENSATE for what he KNOWS He Lacks.... This is like Jordan w/the Washington Wizards, Only WORSE....Not to Mention the LUGGAGE Under Roy's Eye's & the "Old Man" LINES Permeating his Face.... REED:shit:
... and played a pickup basketball game hours before a fight (Eric Lucas) ... and held an in-ring press conference an hour before a fight (Bryant Brannon) ... and was wired for sound (Mike McCallum) TWIN's point still stands for the most part, but one thing Roy never shied from, was gimmicks, although none of that is as silly as the crap he's doing for dough these days
That was when he HEADLINED a 1nce in a Lifetime Show @ Radio City Music Hall Though, C-Dogg... Ok, IN GENERAL, a Prime Roy Jones was DEVOID of "Gimmicks", Per Se...Yes, he was FLASHY as Hell but he was RARELY if Ever as CORNY or DESPERATE as this "Captain Hook" Shit is... REED:shit:
I am and will always be a Roy Jones Jr nut hugger but dammit I got to put my foot down. This shit here is fucking crazy! Still might order the damn fight. I know I'm a sad sad sorry ass but damn I gots to see my boy. I'll Holla 5000
FFS I thought that was Roy posing with BOSS or a random fan, for real. I thought that was from the Lacy press conference.
Harmless opponent. He looks like he's trying to line up with the IBF. I'm fine with that as long as he has to go through me. Between him and Jeff Lacy they owe me "Beaucoup" $$$$$$; and that's french for a whole let of sh^t!!!!:jaw:
It looks like he's trying to do Dave Chappelle trying to do Rick James. Who's sponsoring him? Euro Disney? Red Lobster?
I remember the McCallum fight because I'd swear he farted into the microphone at one point and I was still laughing at the start of the next round.
Pathetic...Why are people so damn vain that they can't exit a bad situation gracefully? All it will take for a guy like Roy is one good shot and he'll be like his friend Gerald Mclellan.
the sad thing is not him doing the captain Hook thing, the sad thing is he's doing it AGAIN and nobody seemed to be able to convince him of how ridiculous it was the first time... :doh:
That's why I have so much respect for Lennox Lewis and Marvin Hagler...they retired on top and never looked back.
true, it is extremely rare you have those two and you have Ricardo Lopez, Marciano and Gene Tunney ... but that is just about it