That's cool. I am not sleeping on Sam Peter. I regard Wlad as a flawed and talented dude who can lose as easily as he can win. Hitherto he has won a lot more than he has lost. He has shown his chin is better than China and has also shown that he has plenty balls.
It's grey because the competition is subpar. This is one of the weakest HW era's ever and Wlad is ruling that era mostly because he's bigger and longer than everyone. Let's look at some of the guys I think would have beaten Wlad: Razor Ruddock, Morrison, Mercer, Holyfield. Toss up guys who had a chance Tucker and McCall. And a few guys who had a punchers chance in Tyson and Tua. Here's the biggest problem with Wlad. All 3 of the guys who beat him weren't expected to. They weren't considered hard matchups for him but just stepping stones until he earned his way to the hard matchups. So he lost to guys he was expected to beat. That happened to Lewis once with Rahman and even then it was obvious he'd hardly trained. THAT IS a grey area. We can interpret that a million different ways. It's why I wonder about him in this current fight.
I think one of the best things about Wlad is his vulnerability. It's what makes him fun to watch. Sure you can knock the guy out, but you have to go through hell to do it. Brewster is always mentioned, but like Purrity, the guy was just a punching bag that Wlad knocked holes into until he himself collapsed. The only guy I really credit to having truly beaten Wlad is Corrie Sanders, but everyone can have an off night. Who is to say that Wlad didn't underestimate Sanders just like Lewis underestimated Rahman? So with that said, sure guys like Tua and the Tyson that Lewis fought and Morrison could knock Wlad out if they caught him right, but do you really think that would have happened before they themselves were knocked out? If they had caught Lewis right they would have knocked him out too, but they couldn't catch him and I don't think they would've caught Wlad either. I completely disagree with your views on old ass Holyfield and Mercer though. I don't think a prime Holyfield would've beaten Wlad, much less the shot to hell one that Lewis fought. Mercer had holes punched into him late in his career by Wlad and I don't think he would've fared a whole lot better in his earlier years. He is just too small. Comparable as in their resumes are not all that different, their size and styles are not all that different, and head-to-head I think it's a pick-em fight. Personally I would have put my money on Wlad, but I also put money on Rahman to beat Maskaev so take that for what it's worth.
@Damien: Ironically, everything that is said of Wlad was said of Lewis, and then some. Lewis really didn't get any credit off the Americans until he retired and left them with the Klitschkos. I think its what they hate him most for.
Since we have beaten this dead horse into the ground, back to the OP; I think Wlad knocks Peter out, but not before having to overcome some obstacles himself. I have a feeling that Wlad is getting a little full of himself and may be underestimating Peter. I see a short, exciting fight with Wlad winning in 4 or 5.
Well for one thing Wlad looked about as cut and ripped and in shape as I've ever seen him against Sanders, while Lewis looked about as heavy and fat as ever in the Rahman fight. I just think Wlad has always lacked the toughness of his big brother. Both Mercer and Holyfield had the kind of heart and toughness that made them the successes they were. Wlad IMO gets by on talent over anything else and I think that would be cause for him to come up short in both instances. Also Mercer was pretty close to Lewis' height so I'd imagine he wouldn't be too small for Wlad. Look: I've always felt Lewis would totally dominate Wlad. I feel no differently now than before.
I don't see any damage to Peter which could have really dented his chin that Wlad just takes the guy out. His chin is a good chin, if he has nothing else, he has a decent chin. For Wlad to force a stoppage he needs to land not his big right hand, but his big left hook.
That's the thing though. I tend to notice things as they happen. For instance I remember way back during the days I made a thread about Lewis' chin being underrated and gave a bunch of examples on it. Then later after Lewis retired I noticed other people making similar threads to the one I had made years before. So no, nothing will change with Wlad, and it's mostly not his fault. He's just fighting in such a shitty era that he'll never really get to prove himself like he should have. I think he UD's Peter.
Dude....physical prep is half the game. Half the game. I'll bounce that straight back at you........Mercer and Holyfield fought midgets. When they didn't, like Bowe, or Lewis, or Holmes... they came unstuck. He has showed some balls and has come off the floor to win. Mercer was 6'1" tops. I always felt it would have come down to who landed first.
Eitherways, if Wlad loses, you can bet that this division that nobody has any interest in will suddenly become more "Interesting".....:shit: and that people who didn't want to stay on topic suddenly discovered it was the ONLY topic. :shit:
The Heavyweight division will not become any more interesting.....Wladimir will just send his big brother to beat up Peter again....
Manny is apparently teaching/tutoring Wlad on how to throw an uppercut. Peter is an upper cut smorgasbord.
Rahman greater than both Klitschkos? Are you joking? His ONLY claim to fame was the Lewis KO. Other than that he lost to everyone good he ever fought. That and he got dominated and stopped by Wlad when they fought.
SAM PETER: 240.9lbs WLAD KLITSCHKO: 246lbs. ___________________________________ Just in from: First time they fought, Wlad was 244 and Sam Peter was 243. So........I actually thought Peter would be a few pounds lighter but he is really only 1.9lb lighter. Surprised at Wlad, I thought the slim side of 245 was more his range.
I hear he looks cut up for this one. Where did you get your pics? Apparently he is still a good 4lbs heavier than for the Nagy fight.
Could still stand to lose 10-15lb, but he isn't outright obese for this one like he was against Chambers, so the chance of a competitive performance hasn't been eliminated before the bell even rings.
Well, he was too heavy when he fought Wlad the first time, and he is only 1.9lbs lighter this time. He was grossly overweight when he fought Vitali, never mind Chambers. With Chambers he probably figured he would just overwhelm the smaller man, and it never happened. I wonder if Wlad is really plotting a KO, hence the extra weight. Okay it's only 2lbs, but usually when Wlad is planning a night of moving, he comes in under the 245 mark.
Maybe. Looking over his previous weights there seems there might be something to that. Wlad really fought the last fight on egg shells, I think he'll make sure he gives fat boy something to really chew on early to create some distance and time for himself this time. I expect Wlad to win pretty easily either way. I think Wlad is better now and Peter is worse....if only from a confidence perspective in both cases. Peter as a 220lber might have been quite a useful contender. I hope Wlad ends the fat fucks career. Hatred.
I never understood the Peter hate.....I mean he pisses people off but what a lot of people don't know is that by ANYONE's standards he comes from a comfortable background. He just comes across as a thick moron, and the accent and explosive motions don't help. He sounds like a "special" child getting rowdy on a school tour. You know when you are minding your own business and suddenly hear this barbaric yawp from down the back of the bus. He attended boarding school in Nigeria and figured himself for an upper crust kind of existence from an early age. His parents wanted him to be an engineer. Physiologically he is designed for punching, not boxing. He has a big ass and wide hips, like a woman almost. His protuberant belly means he cannot slip and slide without burning energy. Ballet would not be his thing.
BTW Irish - know what time does the fight starts tomorrow? I've got a rare saturday night, quite fancy watching it.
I am guessing 10'ish our time. No later than 11pm, GMT. Play it by ear on the MyP2P website...whatever time they have advertised just deduct one hour from it.
Losing 20lb would change allot of that, no? Put 25+lb of fat on a prime Tyson and he wouldn't look too graceful or co-ordinated either. In fact he frankly might not look much unlike like David Tua or Sam Peter.....
Yeah but he just has a big lower half, so to speak. He isn't streamlined. Like Danny Williams could weigh 225 and his legs would still be thicker than his chest.